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2008 Presidential Races

365 Electoral Votes
Link to White House 46%

173 Electoral Votes
Presidential Races
Alabama (9 EV): McCain (R) 60% - Obama (D) 39% Alaska (3 EV): McCain (R) 60% - Obama (D) 38% - Nader (I) 1% Arizona (10 EV): McCain (R) 54% - Obama (D) 45% Arkansas (6 EV): McCain (R) 59% - Obama (D) 39% - Nader (I) 1% California (55 EV): Obama (D) 61% - McCain (R) 37% - Nader (I) 1% Colorado (9 EV): Obama (D) 54% - McCain (R) 45% - Nader (I) 1% Connecticut (7 EV): Obama (D) 61% - McCain (R) 38% - Nader (Ind) 1.2%, Delaware (3 EV): Obama (D) 62% - McCain (R) 37% - Nader (Ind) 1%, District of Columbia (3 EV): Obama (D) 93% - McCain (R) 7% Florida (27 EV): Obama (D) 51% - McCain (R) 48%, Georgia (15 EV): McCain (R) 52% - Obama (D) 47% - Barr (L) 1%, Hawaii (4 EV): Obama (D) 72% - McCain (R) 26% - Nader (Ind) 1%, Idaho (4 EV): McCain (R) 62% - Obama (D) 36% - Nader (I) 1% - Baldwin (C) 1% - Barr (L) 1% Illinois (21 EV): Obama (D) 62% - McCain (R) 37% - Nader (I) 1%, Indiana (11 EV): Obama (D) 50% - McCain (R) 49% - Barr (L) 1%, Iowa (7 EV): Obama (D) 54% - McCain 45% - Nader (PF) 1%, Kansas (6 EV): McCain (R) 57% - Obama (D) 41% - Nader (I) 1% - Barr (L) 1%, Kentucky (8 EV): McCain (R) 57% - Obama (D) 41% - Nader (I) 1%, Louisiana (9 EV): McCain (R) 59% - Obama (D) 40% - Paul (T) 1%, Maine (4 EV): Obama (D) 58% - McCain (R) 40% - Nader (I) 2%, Maryland (10 EV): Obama (D) 62% - McCain 37% - Nader (I) 1% Massachusetts (12 EV): Obama (D) 62% - McCain (R) 36% - Nader (I) 1%, Michigan (17 EV): Obama (D) 57% - McCain (R) 41% - Nader (NL) 1%, Barr (L) 1% Minnesota (10 EV): Obama (D) 54% - McCain (R) 44% - Nader (I) 1%, Mississippi (6 EV): McCain (R) 56% - Obama (D) 43%, Missouri (11 EV): McCain (R) 49% - Obama (D) 49% - Nader (I) 1%, Montana (3 EV): McCain (R) 50% - Obama (D) 47% - Paul (C) 2% - Nader (I) 1%, Nebraska (5 EV): McCain (R) 57% - Obama (D) 42% - Nader (I) 1%, Nevada (5 EV): Obama (D) 55% - McCain (R) 43% - Nader (I) 1%, New Hampshire (4 EV): Obama (D) 54% - McCain (R) 45%, New Jersey (15 EV): Obama (D) 57% - McCain (R) 42% - Nader (I) 1%, New Mexico (5 EV): Obama (D) 57% - McCain (R) 42% - Nader (I) 1%, New York (31 EV): Obama (D) 62% - McCain (R) 37% - Nader (Popular) 1%, North Carolina (15 EV): Obama (D) 50% - McCain (R) 49% - Barr (L) 1%, North Dakota (3 EV): McCain (R) 53% - Obama (D) 45% - Nader (I) 1%, Ohio (20 EV): Obama (D) 51% - McCain (R) 47% - Nader (I) 1%, Oklahoma (7 EV): McCain (R) 66% - Obama (D) 34%, Oregon (7 EV): Obama (D) 57% - McCain (R) 40% - Nader (Peace) 1%, Pennsylvania (21 EV): Obama (D) 55% - McCain 44% - Nader (I) 1%, Rhode Island (4 EV): Obama (D) 63% - McCain (R) 35% - Nader (I) 1%, South Carolina (8 EV): McCain (R) 54% - Obama (D) 45%, South Dakota (3 EV): McCain (R) 53% - Obama (D) 45% - Nader (I) 1%, Tennessee (11 EV): McCain (R) 57% - Obama (D) 42%, Texas (34 EV): McCain (R) 55% - Obama (D) 44% - Barr (L) 1%, Utah (5 EV): McCain (R) 63% - Obama (D) 34% - Baldwin (C) 1% - Nader (PF) 1% - Barr (L) 1%, Vermont (3 EV): Obama (D) 67% - McCain (R) 30% - Nader (I) 1%, Virginia (13 EV): Obama (D) 53% - McCain (R) 46%, Washington (11 EV): Obama (D) 58% - McCain (R) 41% - Nader (I) 1%, West Virginia (5 EV): McCain (R) 57% - Obama (D) 43% - Nader (I) 1%, Wisconsin (10 EV): Obama (D) 56% - McCain (R) 42% - Nader (I) 1%, Wyoming (3 EV): McCain (R) 65% - Obama 32% - Nader (I) 1% - Barr (L) 1% - Baldwin (I) 1%,
2008 Governor Races
Democratic Take Over
Democrats Retention
Republican Retention
Republican Take Over
No Election
No Governor Race in Gray States
Alabama: Riley (R) not up for re-election in 2008 Alaska: Palin (R) not up for re-election in 2008 Arizona: Napolitano (D) not up for re-election in 2008 Arkansas: Beebe (D) not up for re-election in 2008 California: Schwarzenegger (R) not up for re-election in 2008 Colorado: Ritter (D) not up for re-election in 2008 Connecticut: Rell (R) Not up for re-election in 2008 Delaware: Markell (D) 68% - Lee (R) 32% District of Columbia: Fenty (D) not up for re-election in 2008 Florida: Crist (R) not up for re-election in 2008 Georgia: Perdue (R) not up for re-election in 2008 Hawaii: Lingle (R) not up for re-election in 2008, Idaho: Otter (R) not up for re-election in 2008, Illinois: Blagojevich (D) not up for re-election in 2008 Indiana: Daniels (R) 58% - Thompson (D) 40% - Horning (L) 2%, Iowa: Culver (D) not up for re-election in 2008 Kansas: Sebelius (D) not up for re-election in 2008 Kentucky: Beshear (D) not up for re-election in 2008 Louisiana: Jindal (R) not up for re-election in 2008 Maine: Baldacci (D) not up for re-election in 2008 Maryland: O'Malley (D) not up for re-election in 2008 Massachusetts: Patrick (D) not up for re-election in 2008 Michigan: Granholm (D) not up for re-election in 2008 Minnesota: Pawlenty (R) not up for re-election in 2008 Mississippi: Barbour (R) not up for re-election in 2008 Missouri: Nixon (D) 58% - Hulshof 40% - Finkenstadlt (L) 1% - Thompson (C) 1%, Montana: Schweitzer (D) 65% - Brown (R) 33% - Jones (L) 2%, Nebraska: Heineman (R) not up for re-election in 2008 Nevada: Gibbons (R) not up for re-election in 2008 New Hampshire: Lynch (D) 70% - Kennedy (R) 28% - Newell (L) 2%, New Jersey: Corzine (D) not up for re-election in 2008 New Mexico: Richardson (D) not up for re-election in 2008 New York: Paterson (D) not up for re-election in 2008 North Carolina: Perdue (D) 50% - McCrory (R) 47% - Munger (L) 3%, North Dakota: Hoeven (R) 74% - Mathern (D) 24% - Hendrickson (I) 2%, Ohio: Strickland (D) not up for re-election in 2008 Oklahoma: Henry (D) not up for re-election in 2008 Oregon: Kulongoski (D) not up for re-election in 2008 Pennsylvania: Rendell (D) not up for re-election in 2008 Rhode Island: Carcieri (R) not up for re-election in 2008 South Carolina: Sanford (R) not up for re-election in 2008 South Dakota: Rounds (R) not up for re-election in 2008 Tennessee: Bredesen (D) not up for re-election in 2008 Texas: Perry (R) not up for re-election in 2008 Utah: Huntsman (R) 78% - Springmeyer (D) 20% - Schanze (L) 3%, Vermont: Douglas (R) 53% - Pollina (I) 22% - Symington (D) 22% - O'Connor (I) 1% - Young (I) 1%, Virginia: Kaine (D) not up for re-election in 2008 Washington: Gregoire (D) 53% - Rossi (R) 47%, West Virginia: Manchin (D) 70% - Weeks (R) 26% - Johnson 4%, Wisconsin: Doyle (D) not up for re-election in 2008 Wyoming: Freudenthal (D) not up for re-election in 2008

American Samoa
New Hampshire
North Carolina
North Dakota
Puerto Rico
West Virginia

2008 U.S. Senate Races
Democratic Take Over
Democrats Retention
Republican Retention
Republican Take Over
Dark Green
No Election
No Senate Race in Gray States
Alabama: Sessons (R) 63.5% - Figures (D) 36.5% Alaska: Begich (D) 47% - Stevens (R) 47% - Bird (Ind) 4% - Haase (L) 1% Arizona: No Senate Election in 2008 Arkansas: Pryor (D) 79% - Kennedy (G) 21% California: No Senate Election in 2008 Colorado: Udall (D) 53% - Schaffer (R) 43% - Campbell (C) 3% - Kinsey (G) 2% Connecticut: No Senate Election in 2008 Delaware: Biden (D) 65% - O'Donnell (R) 35% District of Columbia: Strauss (D) 81% - Reimensnyder (R) 8% - Ware (DC) 8% - Ober (L) 3%, Florida: No Senate Election ion 2008 Georgia: Chambliss (R) 49.8% - Martin (D) 46.8% - Buckley (L) 3.4% Hawaii: No Senate Election in 2008 Idaho: Risch (R) 58% - LaRocco (D) 34% - Rammell (I) 5% - Marmon (L) 2% - Pro-Life (I) 1%, Illinois: Durbin (D) 63% - Sauerberg (R) 33% - Cummings (G) 3% - Stafford (L) 1%, Indiana: No Senate Election in 2008 Iowa: Harkin (D) 63% - Reed (R) 37%, Kansas: Roberts (R) 60% - Slattery (D) 37% - Hodgkinson (L) 2% - Martin (Rfm) 1% Kentucky: McConnell (R) 53% - Lunsford (D) 47%, Louisiana: Landrieu (D) 52% - Kennedy (R) 46% - Fontanesi (L) 1% - Patel (I) 1%, Maine: Collins (R) 62% - Allen (D) 38%, Maryland: No Senate Election in 2008 Massachusetts: Kerry (D) 66% - Beatty (R) 31% - Underwood (L) 3%, Michigan: Levin (D) 63% - Hoogendyk (R) 34% - Mikkelson (G) 1% - Nikitin (T) 1%, Minnesota: Coleman (R) 42% - Franken (D) 42% - Barkley (Ind) 15% Mississippi: Cochran (R) 61% - Fleming (D) 38%, Wicker (R) 55% - Musgrove (D) 45%, Missouri: No Senate Election in 2008 Montana: Baucus (D) 73% - Kelleher (R) 27%, Nebraska: Johanns (R) 58% - Kleeb (D) 40% - Larrick (G) 1%, Nevada: No Senate Election in 2008 New Hampshire: Shaneen (D) 52% - Sununu (R) 45% - Blevens (L) 3%, New Jersey: Lautenberg (D) 56% - Zimmer (R) 43% - Scheurer (L) 1%, New Mexico: Udall (D) 61% - Pearce (R) 39%, New York: No Senate Election in 2008 North Carolina: Hagan (D) 53% - Dole (R) 44% - Cole (L) 3%, North Dakota: No Senate Election in 2008 Ohio: No Senate Election in 2008 Oklahoma: Inhofe (R) 57% - Rice 39% - Wallace (I) 4%, Oregon: Merkley (D) 49% - Smith 46% - Brownlow (C) 5%, Pennsylvania: No Senate Election in 2008 Rhode Island: Reed (D) 73% - Tingle (R) 27%, South Carolina: Graham (R) 58% - Conley (D) 42%, South Dakota: Johnson (D) 63% - Dykstra (D) 37%, Tennessee: Alexander (R) 65% - Tuke (D) 32% - Buck (L) 1%, Fenner (I) 1%, Texas: Cornyn (R) 55% - Noriega (D) 43% - Schick (L) 2%, Utah: No Senate Election in 2008 Vermont: No Senate Election in 2008 Virginia: Warner (D) 65% - Gilmore (R) 34% - Parker (IG) 1% - Redpath (L) 1%, Washington: No Senate Election in 2008 West Virginia: Rockefeller (D) 64% - Wolfe (R) 36%, Wisconsin: No Senate Election in 2008 Wyoming: Enzi (R) 76% - Rothfuss (D) 24%, Barrasso (R) 73% - Carter (D) 27%,

District of Columbia
Mississippi Special
New Hampshire
New Mexico
North Carolina
Rhode Island
South Carolina
South Dakota
West Virginia
Wyoming Special

2008 House Races
Democratic Take Over
Democrat Retention
Republican Retention
Republican Takeover
Runoff Needed
House Races
Alabama: +1 Democrat, 1st Bonner (R), 2nd Bright (D), 3rd Rogers (R), 4th Aderholt (R), 5th Griffith (D), 6th Bachus (R) 7th Davis (D) Alaska: Young (R) Arizona: +1 Democrat, 1st Kirkpatrick (D), 2nd Franks (R), 3rd Shadegg (R), 4th Paster (D), 5th Mitchell (D), 6th Flake (R), 7th Rrijalva (D), 8th Giffords (D) Arkansas: 1st Berry (D), 2nd Snyder (D), 3rd Boozman (R), 4th Ross (D) California: 1st Thompson (D), 2nd Herger (R), 3rd Lungren (R), 4th McClintock (R), 5th Matsui (D), 6th Woolsey (D), 7th Miller (D), 8th Pelosi (D), 9th Lee (D), 10th Tauscher (D), 11th McNerney (D), 12th Speier (D), 13th Stark (D), 14th Eshoo (D), 15th Honda (D), 16th Lofgren (D), 17th Farr (D), 18th Cardoza (D), 19th Radanovich (R), 20th Costa (D), 21st Nunes (R), 22nd McCarthy (R), 23rd Capps (D), 24th Gallegly (R), 25th McKeon (R), 26th Dreier (R), 27th Sherman (D), 28th Berman (D), 29th Schiff (D), 30th Waxman (D), 31st Becerra (D) 32nd Solis (D), 33rd Watson (D), 34th Roybal-Allard (D), 35th Waeters (D), 36th Harman (D), 37th Richardson (D), 38th Napolitano (D), 39th Sanchez (D), 40th Royce (R), 41st Lewis (R), 42nd Miller (R), 43rd Baca (D), 44th Calvert (R), 45th Mack (R), 46th Rohrabacher (R), 47th Sanchez (D), 48th Campbell (R), 49th Issa (R), 50th Bilbray (R), 51st Filner (D), 52nd Duncan (R), 53rd Davis (D), Colorado: +1 Democrat, 1st DeGette (D), 2nd Polis (D), 3rd Salazar (D), 4th Markey (D), 5th Lamborn (R), 6th Coffman (R), 7th Perlmutter (D), Connecticut: +1 Democrat, 1st Larson (D), 2nd Courtney (D), 3rd DeLauro (D), 4th Himes (D), 5th Murphy (D), Delaware: Castle (R), District of Columbia: Norton (D), Florida: +2 Democrats, +1 Republican, 1st Miller (R), 2nd Boyd (D), 3rd Brown (D), 4th Crenshaw (R), 5th Brown-Waite (R), 6th Stearns (R), 7th Mica (R), 8th Grayson (D), 9th Bilirakis (R), 10th Young (R), 11th Castor (D), 12th Putnam (R), 13th Buchanan (R), 14th Mack (R), 15th Posey (R), 16th Rooney (R), 17th Meek (D), 18th Ros-Lehtinen (R), 19th Wexler (D), 20th Wasserman-Schultz (D), 21st Diaz-Balart (R), 22nd Klein (D), 23rd Hastings (D), 24th Kosmas (D), 25th Diaz-Balart (R), Georgia: 1st Kingston (R), 2nd Bishop (D), 3rd Westmoreland (R), 4th Johnson (D), 5th Lewis (D), 6th Price (R), 7th Linder (R), 8th Marshall (D), 9th Deal (R), 10th Broun (R), 11th Gingrey (R), 12th Barrow (D), 13th Scott (D), Hawaii: 1st Abercrombie (D), 2nd Hirono (D), Idaho: +1 Democrat, 1st Minnick (D), 2nd Simpson (R), Illinois: +1 Democrat, 1st Rush (D), 2nd Jackson (D), 3rd Lipinski (D), 4th Gutierrez (D), 5th Emanuel (D), 6th Roskam (R), 7th Davis (D), 8th Bean (D), 9th Schakowsky (D), 10th Kirk (R), 11th Halvorson (D), 12th Costello (D), 13th Biggert (R), 14th Foster (D), 15th Johnson (R), 16th Manzullo (R), 17th Hare (D) 18th Schock (R), 19th Shimkus (R), Indiana: 1st Visclosky (D), 2nd Donnelly (D), 3rd Souder (R), 4th Buyer (R), 5th Burton (R), 6th Pence (R), 7th Carson (D), 8th Ellsworth (D), 9th Hill (D), Iowa: 1st Braley (D), 2nd Loebsack (D), 3rd Boswell (D), 4th Latham (R), 5th King (R), Kansas: +1 Republican, 1st Moran (R), 2nd Jenkins (R), 3rd Moore (D), 4th Tiahrt (R), Kentucky: 1st Whithield (R), 2nd Guthrie (R), 3rd Yarmuth (D), 4th Davis (R), 5th Rogers (R), 6th Chandler (D), Louisiana: +2 Republicans, 1st Scalise (R), 2nd Cao (R), 3rd Melancon (D), 4th Fleming (R), 5th Alexander (R), 6th Cassidy (R), 7th Boustany (R), Maine: 1st Pingree (D), 2nd Michaud (D), Maryland: +1 Democrat, 1st Kratovil (D), 2nd Ruppersberger (D), 3rd Sarbanes (D), 4th Edwards (D), 6th Bartlett (R), 7th Cummings (D), 8th Van Hollen (D), Massachusetts: 1st Olver (D), 2nd Neal (D), 3rd McGovern (D), 4th Frank (D), 5th Tsongas (D), 6th Tierney (D), 7th Markey (D), 8th Capuano (D), 9th Lynch (D), 10th Delahunt (D), Michigan: +2 Democrats, 1st Stupak (D), 2nd Hoekstra (R), 3rd Ehlers (R), 4th Camp (R), 5th Kildee (D), 6th Upton (R), 7th Schauer (D), 8th Rogers (R), 9th Peters (D), 10th Miller (R), 11th McCotter (R), 12th Levin (D), 13th Kilpatrick (D), 14th Conyers (D), 15th Dingell (D), Minnesota: 1st Walz (D), 2nd Kline (R), 3rd Paulsen (R), 4th McCollum (D), 5th Ellison (D), 6th Bachmann (R), 7th Peterson (D), 8th Oberstar (D), Mississippi: 1st Childers (D), 2nd Thompson (D), 3rd Harper (R), 4th Taylor (D), Missouri: 1st Clay (D), 2nd Akin (R), 3rd Carnahan (D), 4th Skelton (D), 5th Cleaver (D), 6th Graves (R), 7th Blunt (R), 8th Emerson (R), 9th Luetkemeyer (R), Montana: Rehberg (R), Nebraska: 1st Fortenberry (R), 2nd Terry (R), 3rd Smith (R), Nevada: +1 Democrat, 1st Berkley (D), 2nd Heller (R), 3rd Titus (D), New Hampshire: 1st Shea-Porter (D), 2nd Hodes (D), New Jersey: +1 Democrat, 1st Andrews (D), 2nd LoBiondo (R), 3rd Adler (D), 4th Smith (D), 5th Garrett (R), 6th Pallone (D), 7th Ferguson (R), 8th Pascrell (D), 9th Rothman (D), 10th Payne (D), 11th Frelinghuysen (R), 12th Holt (D), 13th Sires (D), New Mexico: +2 Democrats, 1st Heinrich (D), 2nd Teague (D), 3rd Lujan (D), New York: +3 Democrats, 1st Bishop (D), 2nd Israel (D), 3rd King (R), 4th McCarthy (D), 5th Ackerman (D), 6th Meeks (D), 7th Crowley (D), 8th Nadler (D), 9th Weiner (D), 10th Towns (D), 11th Clarke (D), 12th Velazquez (D), 13th McMahon (D), 14th Maloney (D), 15th Rangel (D), 16th Serrano (D) 17th Engel (D), 18th Lowey (D), 19th Hall (D), 20th Gillibrand (D), 21st Tonko (D), 22nd Hinchey (D), 23rd McHugh (R), 24th Arcuri (D), 25th Maffei (D), 26th Lee (R), 27th Higgins (D), 28th Slaughter (D), 29th Massa (D), North Carolina: +1 Democrat, 1st Butterfield (D), 2nd Etheridge (D), 3rd Jones (R), 4th Price (D), 5th Foxx (R), 6th Coble (R), 7th McIntyre (D), 8th Kissell (D), 9th Myrick (R), 10th McHenry (R), 11th Shuler (D), 12th Watt (D), 13th Miller (D), North Dakota: Pomeroy (D), Ohio: +3 Democrats, 1st Driehaus (D), 2nd Schmidt (R), 3rd Turner (R), 4th Jordon (R), 5th Latta (R), 6th Wilson (D), 7th Austria (D), 8th Boehner (R), 9th Kaptur (D), 10th Kucinich (D), 11th Fudge (D), 12th Tiberi (R), 13th Sutton (D), 14th LaTourette (R), 15th Kilroy (D), 16th Boccieri (D), 17th Ryan (D), 18th Space (D), Oklahoma: 1st Sullivan (R), 2nd Boren (D), 3rd Lucas (R), 4th Cole (R), 5th Fallin (R), Oregon: 1st Wu (D), 2nd Walden (R), 3rd Blumenauer (D), 4th DeFazio (D), 5th Schrader (D), Pennsylvania: +1 Democrat, 1st Brady (D), 2nd Fattah (D), 3rd Dahlkemper (D), 4th Altmire (D), 5th Thompson (R), 6th Gerlach (R), 7th Sestak (D), 8th Murphy (D), 9th Shuster (R), 10th Carney (D), 11th Kanjorski (D), 12th Murtha (D), 13th Schwartz (D), 14th Doyle (D), 15th Dent (R), 16th Pitts (R), 17th Holden (D), 18th Murphy (D), 19th Platts (R), Rhode Island: 1st Kennedy (D), 2nd Langevin (D), South Carolina: 1st Brown (R), 2nd Wilson (R), 3rd Barrett (R), 4th Inglis (R), 5th Spratt (D), 6th Clyburn (D), South Dakota: Herseth-Sandlin (D), Tennessee: 1st Roe (R), 2nd Duncan (R), 3rd Wamp (R) 4th Davis (D), 5th Cooper (D), 6th Gordon (D), 7th Blackburn (R), 8th Tanner (D), 9th Cohen (D), Texas: +1 Republican, 1st Gohmert (R), 2nd Poe (R), 3rd Johnson (R), 4th Hall (R), 5th Hensarling (R), 6th Barton (R), 7th Culberson (R), 8th Brady (R), 9th Green (D), 10th McCaul (R), 11th Conaway (R), 12th Granger (R), 13th Thornberry (R), 14th Paul (R), 15th Hinojosa (D), 16th Reyes (D), 17th Edwards (D), 18th Lee (D), 19th Neugebauer (R), 20th Gonzalez (D), 21st Smith (D), 22nd Olson (R), 23rd Rodriguez (D), 24th Marchant (R), 25th Doggett (D), 26th Burgess (R), 27th Ortiz (D), 28th Cuellar (D), 29th Green (D), 30th Johnson (D), 31st Carter (R), 32nd Sessions (R), Utah: 1st Bishop (R), 2nd Matheson (D), 3rd Chaffetz (R), Vermont: Welch (D), Virginia: +3 Democrats, 1st Whittman (R), 2nd Nye (D), 3rd Scott (D), 4th Forbes (R), 5th Perriello (D), 6th Gooodlatte (R), 7th Cantor (R), 8th Moran (D), 9th Boucher (D), 10th Wolf (R), 11th Connolly (D), Washington: 1st Inslee (D), 2nd Larsen (D), 3rd Baird (D), 4th Hastings (R), 5th Rodgers (R), 6th Dicks (D), 7th McDermott (D), 8th Reichert (R), 9th Smith (D), West Virginia: 1st Mollohan (D), 2nd Capito (R), 3rd Rahall (D), Wisconsin: 1st Ryan (R), 2nd Baldwin (D), 3rd Kind (D), 4th Moore (D), 5th Sensebrenner (R), 6th Petri (R), 7th Obey (D), 8th Kagen (D), Wyoming: Lummis (R),
Key House Contests

Alabama 2nd
Alabama 3rd
Alabama 5th
Arizona 1st
Arizona 5th
Arizona 8th
California 3rd
California 4th
California 11th
California 44th
California 46th
California 50th
Colorado 2nd
Colorado 4th
Colorado 6th
Connecticut 4th
Florida 8th
Florida 13th
Florida 15th
Florida 16th
Florida 22nd
Florida 24th
Florida 25th
Idaho 1st
Illinois 11th
Illinois 13th
Illinois 18th
Indiana 9th
Kansas 2nd
Kansas 3rd
Kentucky 2nd
Louisiana 1st
Louisiana 2nd
Louisiana 4th
Louisiana 6th
Maine 1st
Maryland 1st
Maryland 4th
Michigan 7th
Michigan 9th
Michigan 11th
Minnesota 3rd
Minnesota 6th
Mississippi 1st
Mississippi 3rd
Missouri 6th
Missouri 9th
Nebraska 2nd
Nevada 2nd
Nevada 3rd
New Hampshire 1st
New Jersey 3rd
New Jersey 5th
New Jersey 7th
New Mexico 1st
New Mexico 2nd
New Mexico 3rd
New York 13th
New York 21st
New York 24th
New York 25th
New York 26th
New York 29th
North Carolina 8th
Ohio 1st
Ohio 2nd
Ohio 7th
Ohio 11th
Ohio 15th
Ohio 16th
Oregon 5th
Pennsylvania 3rd
Pennsylvania 6th
Pennsylvania 11th
Pennsylvania 12th
Pennsylvania 16th
South Carolina 1st
South Carolina 2nd
Tennessee 1st
Texas 7th
Texas 10th
Texas 17th
Texas 22nd
Utah 3rd
Virginia 2nd
Virginia 5th
Virginia 11th
Washington 8th
West Virginia 2nd
Wisconsin 8th

2008 Results
Special Thanks to Jeffrey Sachs for Mapping Coordinates Alabama Alaska Arizona Arkansas California Colorado Connecticut Delaware District of Columbia Florida Georgia Hawaii Idaho Illinois Indiana Iowa Kansas Kentucky Louisiana Maine Maryland Massachusetts Michigan Minnesota Mississippi Missouri Montana Nebraska Nevada New Hampshire New Jersey New Mexico New York North Carolina North Dakota Ohio Oklahoma Oregon Pennsylvania Rhode Island South Carolina South Dakota Tennessee Texas Utah Vermont Virginia Washington West Virginia Wisconsin Wyoming
2006 Primary / Caucus / Convention Results
District of Columbia
New Hampshire
New Jersey
New Mexico
New York
North Carolina
North Dakota
Puerto Rico
Rhode Island
South Carolina
South Dakota
West Virginia

Copyright © 1998-2008 D.C. Finegold-Sachs.