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Washington Secretary of State - Elections Division

2008 Washington Congressional and Statewide Primary Results
Presidential Primary Filing Deadline: 12/21/07, Republican Presidential Primary: 2/19/08, Democratic Presidential Caucus: 2/9/08, Independent Filing Deadline: 5/17/08, Primary Filing Deadline: 6/6/08, 3rd Party Filing Deadline: 7/26/08, Primary: 8/19/08, General Election: 11/4/08,
Last Updated: July 26, 2007
Predictions, Notes, List of State Parties,
President, 52.8% in '04 for Kerry, Polls
D.C.'s Political Report's Rating: Democratic,
Caucus Results

U.S. Sen. Barack H. Obama (D-IL) 67.51%,
U.S. Sen. Hillary R. Clinton (D-NY) 31.2%, uncommitted 1.1%, other 0.16%,

Primary Results

U.S. Sen. Barack H. Obama (D-IL) 50.84%,
U.S. Sen. Hillary R. Clinton (D-NY) 45.74%, ex-U.S. Sen. John R. Edwards 1.7%, U.S. Sen. Joseph R. "Joe" Biden, Jr. 0.62%, U.S. Rep. Dennis J. Kucinich 0.57%, Gov. William B. "Bill" Richardson 0.29%, ex-U.S. Sen. Maurice "Mike" Gravel 0.15%, U.S. Sen. Christopher J. "Chris" Dodd 0.09%,
Caucus Results

U.S. Sen. John S. McCain, III (R-AZ) 25.3%,
ex-Gov. Mike Huckabee (R-AR) 23.2%, U.S. Rep. Ronald E. "Ron" Paul (R-TX) 21.5%, ex-Gov. W. Mitt Romney (R-MA) 15.5%, uncommitted 13.5%, other 1.1%,

Primary Results

U.S. Sen. John S. McCain, III (R-AZ) 49.15%,
ex-Gov. Mike Huckabee (R-AR) 23.53%, ex-Gov. W. Mitt Romney (R-MA) 16.92%, U.S. Rep. Ronald E. "Ron" Paul (R-TX) 7.52%, ex-New York City Mayor Rudolph W. "Rudy" Giuliani (R-NY) 1.39%, ex-U.S. Sen. Fred D. Thompson (R-TN) 0.88%, ex-Amb. Alan L. Keyes (R-MD) 0.41%, U.S. Rep. Duncan L. Hunter (R-CA) 0.19%,
Minister Charles O. "Chuck" Baldwin (C-FL),
ex-U.S. Rep. Robert L. "Bob" Barr (L-GA),
James Harris (SW-NY),
Gloria E. LaRiva (PSL-CA),
ex-U.S. Rep. Cynthia A. McKinney (G-GA),
consumer activist Ralph Nader (I-CT),
Governor, 48.8731% in '04, 1st term, Polls
D.C.'s Political Report's Rating: Democratic, Chris Cillizza: 3rd Most Likely Governor to Switch Parties, Congressional Quarterly's Scorecard: Leans Democrat, Cook Political Report: Toss Up, Louis Jacobson's Rundown: Vulnerable, Rothenberg Political Report: Clear Advantage Democrat, Larry Sabato's Crystal Ball: Toss Up,
Christine O. Gregoire (D) 49.2%,

attorney Christian Pierre Joubert (D) 1.2%,
'04 nominee / ex-St. Sen. Dino Rossi (R) 45.2%,
'04 candidate / lead inspector John W. Aiken, Jr. (R) 1.6%, retiree Javier O. Lopez (R) 0.4%,
airplane inspector James White (Ind) 0.8%,
dirty hippie environmentalist Duff Badgley (G) .65%,
Will Baker (Rfm) 0.4%,
businessman Christopher A. Tudor (I) 0.4%,
Dr. Mohammad Hasan Said (I) 0.2%,
Lt. Governor, 54.4% in '04,
D.C.'s Political Report's Rating: Democratic,
Brad Owen (D) 52.6%,
Randel Bell (D) 4.6%,
Attorney Marcia McCraw (R) 25.1%,
'04 nominee Jim Wiest (R) 14.2%,
retiree Arlene A. Peck (C) 3.4%,
Secretary of State, 51.5% in '04, 2nd term,
D.C.'s Political Report's Rating: Republican,
product developer Jason Osgood (D) 33.5%, Sam Reed (R) 58.4% city clerk Marilyn Montgomery (C) 6.4%,
paralegal / '00 & '02 Alaska Democratic Congressional nominee / '04 GOP Congressional candidate / 06 GOP Senate candidate C. Mark Greene (Party of Commons) 1.7%,
Attorney General, 53.0% in '04, 1st term,
D.C.'s Political Report's Rating: Republican,
Co. Exec. John Ladenburg (D) 44.1%, Rob McKenna (R) 55.9%,
Treasurer, 60.3% in '04, Michael J. "Mike" Murphy (D) retiring
D.C.'s Political Report's Rating: Democratic,
St. Rep. Jim McIntire (D) 40.3%,
economist ChangMook Sohn (D) 15.2%,
ass't. St. Treas. Allan Martin (R) 44.5%,
Auditor, 63.9% in '04,
D.C.'s Political Report's Rating: Democratic,
Brian Sonntag (D) 59.9%, businessman J. Richard "Dick" McEntee (R) 33.4%, quality assurance specialist Glenn Freeman (C) 6.7%,
Insurance Commissioner, 54.5% in '04, 2nd term,
D.C.'s Political Report's Rating: Democratic,
Mike Kreidler (D) 54.6%, '04 nominee / insurance agency owner John R. Adams (R) 35.7%, '00 & '04 candidate insurance agent Curtis Fackler (I) 9.7%,
Public Lands Commissioner, 49.96% in '04, 2nd term,
D.C.'s Political Report's Rating: Republican
'06 congressional nominee / rancher Peter J. Goldmark (D) 49.5%, Doug Sutherland (R) 50.5%,
School Superintendent, 55.5% in '04,
Dr. Teresa "Terry" Bergeson (D) 40.9%, exec. dir. of the Public School Employees Randy Dorn 31.7%,
'04 Gov. candidate / retired teacher Don Hansler 9.2%, '04 candidate / ex-school board member / teacher John Patterson Blair 7.9%, businesswoman Enid Duncan 6.4%, educator David Blomstrom 3.9%,
1st Congressional District, 67.7% in '06, 5th term, Polls
D.C.'s Political Report's Rating: Democratic, Congressional Quarterly's Scorecard: Safe Democratic, Roll Call's Outlook: Safe Democratic,
Jay Inslee (D) 67.4%, '06 nominee / businessman Larry W. Ishmael (R) 32.6%,
2nd Congressional District, 64.2% in '06, 4th term, Polls
D.C.'s Political Report's Rating: Democratic, Congressional Quarterly's Scorecard: Safe Democratic, Roll Call's Outlook: Safe Democratic,
Richard Ray "Rick" Larsen (D) 55.6%,
management consultant Doug Schaffer (D) 4.9%, farmer / author Glen S. Johnson (D) 3.1%,
ex-sheriff Rick Bart (R) 36.4%,
3rd Congressional District, 63.1% in '06, 5th term, Polls
D.C.'s Political Report's Rating: Democratic, Congressional Quarterly's Scorecard: Safe Democratic, Roll Call's Outlook: Safe Democratic,
Brian Baird (D) 51.4%,
'04 candidate Cheryl A. Crist (D) 13.2%,
pilot Michael Delavar (R) 19.1%,
dir. of Econ. Dev. Christine Webb (R) 16.3%,
4th Congressional District, 59.9% in '06, 7th term, Polls
D.C.'s Political Report's Rating: Republican, Congressional Quarterly's Scorecard: Safe Republican, Roll Call's Outlook: Safe Republican,
attorney George Fearing (D) 34.6%, Richard "Doc" Hastings (R) 60.7%,
'06 Senate candidate Gordon Allen Pross (R) 4.7%,
5th Congressional District, 55.4% in '06, 2nd term, Polls
D.C.'s Political Report's Rating: Republican, Congressional Quarterly's Scorecard: Safe Republican, Roll Call's Outlook: Safe Republican,
psychologist / attorney Mark Mays (D) 20.2%,
retiree Barbara Lampert (D) 12.5%,
Cathy McMorris Rodgers (R) 54.9%,
contractor Kurt Erickson (R) 7.2%,
construction worker Randall Yearout (C) 3.0%,
econ. prof. John H. Beck (L) 2.2%,
6th Congressional District, 70.6% in '06, 16th term, Polls
D.C.'s Political Report's Rating: Democratic, Congressional Quarterly's Scorecard: Safe Democratic, Roll Call's Outlook: Safe Democratic,
Norman D. Dicks (D) 58.4%,
attorney Paul Richmond (D) 9.1%,
'04 & '06 nominee / attorney Doug Cloud (R) 29.1%, prof. Gary Murrell (G) 3.4%,
7th Congressional District, 79.4% in '06, 10th term, Polls
D.C.'s Political Report's Rating: Democratic, Congressional Quarterly's Scorecard: Safe Democratic, Roll Call's Outlook: Safe Democratic,
Jim McDermott (D) 73.3%,
'06 candidate / Bishop Donovan Rivers (D) 5.1%, '06 Senate candidate Michael "Goodspaceguy" Nelson (D) 2.7%,
'06 nominee Steve Beren (R) 15.1%, financial advisor Mark A. Goldman (I) 2.8%,
writer Al Schaefer (I) 1.0%,
Mary Martin (SW/WI),
8th Congressional District, 51.5% in '06, 2nd term, Polls
D.C.'s Political Report's Rating: Republican, Chris Cillizza: 17th Most Likely Seat to Switch Parties, Congressional Quarterly's Scorecard: No Clear Favorite, Cook Political Report: Toss Up, Roll Call's Outlook: Tossup, Rothenberg Political Report: Toss Up / Tilt Republican, DCCC Target,
ex-Microsoft exec. / '06 nominee Darcy Burner (D) 44.7%,
Ret. Army Major James E. "Jim" Vaughn (D) 3.6%, licensing services rep. Keith Arnold (D) 1.4%,
Dave Reichert (R) 47.8%, author Richard Todd (I) 1.5%,
social worker Boleslaw "John" Orlinski (I) 1.0%,
9th Congressional District, 65.7% in '06, 6th term, Polls
D.C.'s Political Report's Rating: Democratic, Congressional Quarterly's Scorecard: Safe Democratic, Roll Call's Outlook: Safe Democratic,
Adam Smith (D) 65.8%, businessman / software engineer James Postma (R) 34.2%,

1. Link to Predictions:
D.C.'s Political Report,
Washington Post's Chris Cillizza,
Campaign & Elections: Political Oddsmaker,
Congressional Quarterly's Scorecard,
Cook Political Report,
National Journal's Rankings,
Roll Call's Outlook,
Rothenberg Political Report,
Larry Sabato's Crystal Ball,

2. D.C.'s Political Report's stars indicate the rating of the race from 1 star to 5 stars depending on its entertainment value.
The color indicates D.C.'s Political Report's prediction of the winning party.
= Democrat retain control, = Democrats take over control,
= Republican retain control, = Republicans take over control,
= Independent / 3rd Party retains control, = Independent / 3rd Party take over control
Bold indicates incumbent. Yellow district indicates open races.
Light Blue boxes indicates Democrats maintained control. Light Red boxes indicates Republicans maintained control.
Blue boxes indicates Democrats took control. Red boxes indicates Republicans took control.

3. Key to Washington Political Parties:
(C) = Constitution Party
(D) = Democratic Party
(G) = Green Party
(I) = independent candidates
(L) = Libertarian Party
(R) = Republican Party
(WI) = Write-in candidates

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