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March 31, 2010 - Happy Passover

     Arkansas Senate - Name Calling and Momentum Claiming: Arkansas Lieutenant Governor William A. "Bill" Halter (D-AR) says that U.S. Senator Blanche Lambert Lincoln (D-AR) reference to him as "Dollar Bill Halter" is proof that Halter's primary challenge is picking up momentum.

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     California Senate - Producer of a Senate Campaign: Brian Quintana (D-CA), the producer of such movies as "Superman: Man of Steel," has filed paperwork to challenge U.S. Senator Barbara Boxer (D-CA) in the Democratic primary.

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     Florida Senate - Tearing It Up on Television: Republican Senate candidates Charlie Crist (R-FL) and Marco Rubio (R-FL) took the opportunity to tear into each other's reputation during their first nationally televised debate.

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     Kentucky Senate - Keeping on Message: Say what you will about Republican Senate candidate Rand Paul (R-KY), but the ophthalmologist kept on his message about the evils of budgetary earmarks even as he was visiting an impoverished region of Kentucky that relies upon congressional funds to pay for a variety of initiatives.

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     Nevada Senate - Alternative Party News: Senate candidate Jon Ashjian (Tea-NV) said the Tea Party rally in U.S. Senator Harry M. Reid's (D-NV) hometown felt more like a Republican convention. Meanwhile his candidacy under the banner of Tea Party of Nevada is in jeopardy after the conservative businessman failed to appear at a district court hearing challenging his right to be on the ballot. The Independent American Party alleges that Ashjian filed as a Tea Party candidate before he switched his registration from Republican to Tea Party.

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     North Carolina Senate - Sorry for the Delay: U.S. Senator Richard M. Burr (R-NC) apologized for his role in postpone a meeting of the Senate Armed Services Committee with three four-star military commanders. Burr was caught up in the effort by Republican to disrupt Senate business following the passage of health care reform legislation.

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     North Dakota Senate - Nomination By Default: State Senator Tracy Potter (D-ND) was unanimously endorsed as the Democratic Party's nominee for the U.S. Senate after no other Democrats came forward to challenge Governor John Hoeven (R-ND). Incumbent U.S. Senator Byron L. Dorgan (D-ND) is retiring.

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     Maine Governor - On the Air: Republican gubernatorial candidate Bruce L. Poliquin (R-ME) has begun airing televisions commercials promising to focus on the economy and his intention to bring better management to Maine's government.

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     California Governor - Playing Catch Up: Democrats are worried about "Meg-mentum." Republican gubernatorial candidate Meg Whitman's (R-CA) free spending habits early in the race have some Democratic concerned that likely Democratic nominee Edmond G. "Jerry" Brown, Jr. (D-CA) will not be able to catch up after the primary.

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     Michigan Governor - Missing It: U.S. Representative Peter Hoekstra's (R-MI) voting attendance has dropped while he has been running for governor of Michigan. Hoekstra has missed 71% of votes this congressional session.

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     Nevada Governor - Missing Plan: The absence of a policy position statement on the projected state revenue shortage has Democratic gubernatorial candidate Rory Reid's (D-NV) opponents claiming that the Clark County Commissioner has a secret plan to raise taxes.

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     Ohio Governor - Vote Early, Vote Often: Early voting started yesterday in Ohio's primary.

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     Arkansas 1st District - The New Boss: Retiring U.S. Representative Marion Berry (D-AR) has endorsed his former chief of staff Chad Causey's (D-AR) bid for Congress.

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     Pennsylvania 12th District - Ignoring the Primary: Republican congressional candidate Tim Burns (R-PA) says he is focusing on the special election contest against Democrat Mark S. Critz (D-PA) and not the same-day primary challenge from Bill Russell (R-PA).

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     Virginia 2nd District - Plagarize: Republican congressional candidate E. Scott Rigell (R-VA) accused two of his primary opponents, Scott W. Taylor (R-VA) and Ben Loyola (R-VA) of plagiarizing their congressional reform platform.

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     Poll Updates: Updated poll information has been posted. New polls were posted in the following races: Alabama Governor, Kansas Senate, Michigan Governor, Missouri Senate, North Dakota Governor, Ohio Senate.

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March 30, 2010 - Happy Passover

     Poll Updates: Updated poll information has been posted. New polls were posted in the following races: New Mexico Governor, Rhode Island Governor, South Dakota House and Wisconsin Senate.

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March 29, 2010

     California Senate - The Right Horse for the Race: Conservative activists and organizations are skipping over Tom Campbell (R-CA) and Carly Fiorina (R-CA) and pinning their hopes of defeating U.S. Senator Barbara Boxer (D-CA) on the conservative credentials of state Assembly member Chuck Devore (R-CA).

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     Colorado Senate - Personal Encouragement: When rumors began circulating that he was dropping out the U.S. Senate race, businessman Cleve Tidwell (R-CO) received hundreds of emails from supporter encouraging him to continue his campaign.

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     Indiana Senate - Help From Washington: Former U.S. Senator Daniel R. Coats (R-IN) claims to be unconcerned about his primary opponents' attempts to label him as the "Washington" candidate. "I proudly served this state as a Hoosier and this country as a Hoosier for a number of years," said Coats.

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     Missouri Senate - Alternative Candidate News: Robin Carnahan (D-MO) and Roy Blunt (R-MO) has received most of the media attention in the Missouri Senate contest. But more than a dozen lesser known candidates are also competing for the seat being vacated by U.S. Senator Christopher Bond (R-MO). Many of them express similar anti-Washington themes. Hector Maldonado (R-MO) wants to shut down the Environmental Protection Agency. Kristi Nichols (R-MO) would close the Department of Education. James H. Schmdit (R-MO) would eliminate the Department of Agriculture. At a recent forum, nearly all of the participants said they would get rid of the Internal Revenue Service.

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     Nevada Senate - Name Calling: Republican Senate candidate Danny Tarkanian (R-NV) now admits that he was wrong when he denied using the word "Socialism" in a robocall against primary opponent Sue Lowden (R-NV), but insists that his use of the word was describing the Wall Street bailouts that Lowden supported, not the candidate herself.

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     New York Senate - Seriously: Comedian Randy Credico (D-NY) is serious in his criticism of U.S. Senator Charles E. "Chuck" Schumer (D-NY), whom he describes as a "Blue Dog Democrat."

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     California Governor - No More Blowing Smoke: The three major candidates in California's gubernatorial contest, Jerry Brown (D-CA), Meg Whitman (R-CA) and Steve Poizner (R-CA), opposed a November ballot measure which would legalize the regulated sale of marijuana in the state.

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     Tennessee Governor - Baseless: With his fundraising opportunities disappearing, Shelby County District Attorney William L. "Bill" Gibbons (R-TN) announced that he was dropping out of the contest for the Republican gubernatorial nomination.

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     California 45th District - History in the Making: If elected, Palm Springs Mayor Steve Pougnet (D-CA) would be the first gay member of Congress married to a same-sex partner.

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     Indiana 9th District - One Time Only: Former U.S. Representative Michael E. "Mike" Sodrel (R-IN), developer Travis Hankins (R-IN), former prosecutor Todd Young (R-IN) and Rick Warren (R-IN) have agreed to participate in a debate on April 10. It will likely be the only debate among the Republican candidates before the May 4 primary.

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     Kansas 3rd District - Family Affair: Stephene Moore (D-KS), the wife of retiring U.S. Representative Dennis Moore (D-KS), has agreed to run for her husband's congressional seat. Although Moore has never held elective office, her entry into the race would give Democrats this first five-star candidate in the race.

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     Minnesota 6th District - Bachmann's Back: Two years ago U.S. Representative Michele M. Bachmann (R-MN) repudiated her own comments made on MSNBC's Hardball that then U.S. Senator Barack H. Obama (D-IL) was "anti-American." But last week, Bachmann reiterated the same statement. "I said I had very serious concerns that Barack Obama had anti-American views. And now I look like Nostradamus," said Republican Congresswoman.

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     New York 29th District - Something Special This Way Comes: Ever since U.S. Representative Eric Massa's (R-NY) resignation, Republican congressional candidate Tom Reed (R-NY) has been the only person running for the congressional seat from New York's 29th District. But that is likely to change once Governor David Paterson (D-NY), as expected, announces the date for a special election this week.

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     North Carolina 7th District - Will The Real Republican Please Stand Up: Republican congressional candidate Will Breazeale (R-NC) called his primary opponents political opportunists. New Hanover Deputy Sheriff Ilario G. Pantano (R-NC) changed party affiliation to Republican in 2009 and Randy Crow (R-NC) ran for the Democratic presidential nomination several times and unsuccessfully challenged incumbent Mike McIntyre (D-NC) in the 1998 Democratic primary.

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     Pennsylvania 6th District - Unendorsed: Saying that he only belatedly realized the policy differences between himself and Israel-American policy group J Street, Democratic congressional candidate Doug Pike (D-PA) asked to have his name removed from the organization's list of endorsed candidates. The move came after some Jews in the congressional district questioned Pike's policies toward the Jewish state.

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     Virginia 7th District - False Claims of Victimhood: Police have contradicted House Minority Whip Eric I. Cantor's (R-VA) claims that he has also been the victim of angry demonstrations toward members of Congress. Richmond police said that the bullet that struck a window of his office appears to have been fired randomly into the air, noting that there is nothing on the outdoors of the building to indicate that Cantor or any other Republican was associated with it. Meanwhile, the growing accounts of vandalism against Democratic legislators is being to backlash against Republicans.

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     Poll Updates: Updated poll information has been posted. New polls were posted in the following races: Florida Senate, Hawaii Governor, Hawaii Senate, North Dakota Senate.

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     Illinois Lieutenant Governor - Son Daughter of Simon: In a last minute surprise, Governor Pat Quinn announced that former state prosecutor Sheila Simon (D-IL), the daughter of former U.S. Senator Paul M. Simon (D-IL) would be his lieutenant governor running mate.

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March 26, 2010

     Arkansas Senate - A Birther is Born: Republican Senate candidate Curtis Coleman (R-AR) said that didn't know whether President Barack H. Obama is a natural-born citizen. "I'm not aware that his birth certificate has ever been published or seen, which I think should be a concern to every American. If his citizenship is based on his place of birth, and we've never seen his birth certificate, then how could we know?" After being asked about the documentation that Obama and the state of Hawaii have already produced Coleman said, "I have not seen that."

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     Nevada Senate - Not Your Cup of Tea: The Tea Party Express plans to launch a media campaign denouncing Senate candidate businessman Jon Ashjian (Tea-NV) for running his campaign under the Tea Party of Nevada banner without backing from local and national members of the movement.

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     Arkansas 3rd District - Sit-in At Your Doctor's Waiting Room: Republican congressional candidate Gunner DeLay (R-AR) says he supports "acts of civil disobedience" to block implementation of the health care law signed by President Barack H. Obama (D-IL). Delay's comments prompted Democratic adviser Gabe Holmstrom to respond, "It certainly seems a little ridiculous for a former prosecutor to be encouraging folks to break the law."

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     Florida 17th District - Listen Up, Buckwheat: Republican congressional candidate Corey B. Poitier (R-FL) claims that his use of name "Buckwheat" when discussing President Barack Obama's health care reform legislation was not demeaning and offensive as some African-Americans have contended. Poitier, who is himself black, says he and his brother have called each other "Buckwheat" as a way to gently chide the other for being foolish and that he was trying to call the legislation, and not Obama, dumb and silly.

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     Maryland 1st District - Why Let the Truth Stay In the Way: Several Republican congressional challengers across the country plan to campaign against incumbent Democratic congressmen on the issue of the recent passed health insurance reform legislation. But what do you do when you are running against one the 34 Democrats who voted against final passage. If you are state Senator Andy Harris (R-MD), you campaign on the issue anyway.
     U.S. Representative Frank M. Kratovil Jr. (D-MD) voted against the health care bill. But Harris says that he helped "pave the way" to passage by endorsing House Speaker Nancy Pelosi (D-CA) to lead the chamber. "This is Nancy Pelosi's bill. Her fingerprints are all over it, and Frank Kratovil enabled Nancy Pelosi to be in the position where she is now," said Harris.

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     Pennsylvania 11th District - Another Paige Turned: Hedge fund manager Christopher "Chris" Paige (R-PA) has withdrawn from the Republican primary in Pennsylvania's 11th Congressional District, providing Hazleton Mayor Lou Barletta (R-PA) a clear path to the renomination. Barletta is hoping for a rematch against U.S. Representative Paul E. Kanjorski (D-PA).

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     Virginia 5th District - Collateral Damage: The uncivil behavior demonstrated by opponents of health care reform, including several members of Congress, has not ended with the passage of the legislation. If anything, it has gotten worse. In fact there have been reports of threats of violence against Democratic House members. And in one recent report, the brother of U.S. Representative Tom S. P. Perriello (D-VA) has been targeted. A Tea party activist mistakenly posted the address of Perriello's brother on several web sites, thinking it was the Congressman's home. The house has not been vandalized. Danville Tea Party leader Nigel Coleman said the incident was merely "collateral damage."

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     Poll Updates: Updated poll information has been posted. New polls were posted in the following races: Arkansas Senate, California Governor, California Senate, Florida Governor, North Dakota House, Ohio Senate, Washington Senate and Wisconsin Governor.

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March 25, 2010

     Delaware Senate - Calling Financial Problems as Asset, Part I: Republican Senate candidate Christine O'Donnell (R-DE) says that her personal financial problems, which include an IRS lien and the need to sell her Wilmington home to a campaign staffer to avoid a sheriff's sale, is an asset rather than a liability. "I think the fact that I have struggled financially is what makes me so sympathetic," says O'Donnell.

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     Illinois 8th District - Calling Financial Problems as Asset, Part II: Republican congressional nominee Joe Walsh (R-IL) acknowledges that he overextended himself financially and should have disclosed during the GOP primary the fact that property he owned had been disclosed. But he does not believe that his personal problems disqualify him for public office.

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     California Senate - The Good Money is on the Money: Even though former U.S. Representative Tom Campbell (R-CA) is leading in opinion surveys, many political observers consider former Hewlett-Packard CEO Carly Fiorina (R-CA) the most likely Republican Senate nominee because of the financial advantage she holds over Campbell and state Assembly member Chuck Devore (R-CA).

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     Connecticut Senate - 90 Days or Your Money Back: Democratic Senate candidate Warren Mosler (D-CT) says his experience as a financial analyst has helped him develop a plan that would fix the U.S. economy in ninety days.

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     Connecticut Senate - Let's See If You Last That Long: Democratic Senate candidate Merrick Alpert (D-CT) sent reporters a yellow rubber chicken named "Chicken Dick" with a note explaining why Attorney General Richard "Dick" Blumenthal (D-CT) was afraid to debate Alpert again. Blunenthal has refused to debate Alpert again, but his campaign said that it will entertain the idea of another debate after the state Democratic convention in May.

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     Florida Senate - Lifestyles of the Nearly Rich and Famous: According to a complaint filed with the Florida Commission on Ethics, former state House Speaker Marco Rubio (R-FL) misspent donations to the Florida Republican Party and his political action committee to subsidize his personal lifestyle.

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     New York Senate - Neither Schumer nor Gillibrand: State Republican party official were trying to persuade former White House foreign policy adviser Dan Senor (R-NY) to run against U.S. Senator Chuck Schumer (D-NY) rather than the Empire State's junior Senator Kirsten E. Gillibrand (D-NY). Instead Senor announced that he would not be a candidate at all. Three Republicans are currently in the race: former Port Authority Commissioner Bruce A. Blakeman (R-NY), former U.S. Representative Joseph J. DioGuardi (R-NY) and economist David Malpass (R-NY).

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     Utah Senate - Why Keep a Good Thing: Despite a new poll suggesting that 54% of the electorate approve of U.S. Senator Robert F. "Bob" Bennett (R-UT), the senior Republican bay be denied the Republican Party endorsement at the GOP's state convention on May 8. In fact, some question whether Bennett will get the 40% of the delegates needed to force a primary.

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     Washington Senate - What About a Meeting with Cornyn: Speculation that former gubernatorial nominee Dino Rossi (R-WA) will run for the U.S. Senate continues, with the latest news being that Rossi met with Republican National Committee chair Michael Steele (R-MD) this week about the possibility of challenging U.S. Senator Patty Murray (D-WA).

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     Georgia Governor - Never Read the Conclusion: Less than an hour after voting "no" on the health care reform legislation, U.S. Representative Nathan Deal (R-GA) followed through on an earlier pledge to resign from the House of Representative to concentrate on his gubernatorial campaign. Deal originally intended to resign earlier this month but stayed in order to cast a vote on the health bill. Deal's resignation ends a Congressional ethics investigation into a state-funded program that benefits his family's auto-salvage business. The committee reported had finished its review but had not issued a report.

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     Maryland Governor - Without Confirmation: A spokersperson for Robert L. Ehrlich, Jr. (R-MD) will neither confirm nor deny reports that the former Maryland Governor challenge Governor Martin O'Malley (D-MD) to a rematch this fall.

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     Massachusetts Governor - Unpaid Services: Republican gubernatorial candidate Christy Mihos (R-MA) is being sued by his former campaign manager who alleges that he is owed tens of thousands of dollars for unpaid services. Mihos, whose campaign has been having some financial problems, says he was unaware of the lawsuit. Mihos says that he paid the former staffer more than $60,000 and hopes to settle the dispute "amicably."

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     Massachusetts Governor - Alternative No More: Grace Ross (D-MA), who was the Green-Rainbow Party nominee's gubernatorial nominee four years ago, is promising to collect the backing of enough delegates at the party's state convention to secure her name on the Democratic primary ballot. Ross will need 15 percent of the delegates to back her candidacy over incumbent Deval L. Patrick (D-MA). Jill Stein (G-MA) will be the Rainbow-Green Party's nominee this year. Also running are Republicans Charles D. Baker (R-MA) and Christy Mihos (R-MA) and independent Timothy P. Cahill (I-MA), the state's current elected Treasurer.

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     Rhode Island Governor - Three of Eight: The largest municipal employees' union in Rhode Island decided to invite only three of the eight announced gubernatorial candidates to address its convention: state Treasurer Frank T. Caprio (D-RI), state Attorney General Patrick C. Lynch (D-RI) and former U.S. Senator Lincoln D. "Linc" Chafee (I-RI). Neither announced Republicans, Victor G. Moffitt (R-RI) and John F. Robitaille (R-RI) were invited, nor three candidates representing alternative political parties.

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     Texas Governor - It is a Matter of How, Not When: The Texas Republican Party has filed an ethics complaint with the state Ethics Commission alleging that Democratic gubernatorial candidate Bill White failed to report more than $83,000 in income. A spokesperson for the former Houston Mayor said that the money did not have to be reported as occupational income because it was deferred compensation paid out through a trust of stocks and mutual funds, which was properly disclosed on White's financial statements.

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     South Dakota Governor - Spot the Difference: Republican gubernatorial candidates Dennis M. Daugaard (R-SD), Gordon Howie (R-SD), Dave Knudson (R-SD), Scott Munsterman (R-SD) and Ken Knuppe (R-SD) tried to differentiate themselves during a candidates' forum earlier this week.

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     California 24th District - Pre-Endorsement: Real estate broker Tim Allison (D-CA) received the rare and valuable endorsement of the Democratic Party defeating Marie Panec (D-CA) and businessman Shawn Stern (D-CA) by a margin of 89% to 6% to 0% during a pre-endorsement conference. Panec and Stern may still try to win the nomination in the Democratic Primary.

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     Michigan 1st District - Key Support: Former Charlevoix County Commissioner Connie Saltonstall (D-MI) has picked up the support of NARAL and Planned Parenthood in his primary challenge to U.S. Representative Bart T. Stupak (D-MI).

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     New York 24th District - Left's Quest: Columbia University Professor Les Roberts (D-NY) is considering a request from the Working Families Party to challenge U.S. Representative Michael A. Arcuri (D-NY) following the incumbent's vote against the recent passed health care reform legislation.

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     South Carolina 1st District - From Few to Fewer: Accountant Dick Withington (D-SC) has withdrawn from the South Carolina 1st Congressional District Democratic primary.

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     South Dakota District - More Than 200 Signatures a Day: Democrat activist Steve Hildebrand (D-SD) might have abandoned his plans to challenge U.S. Representative Stephanie Herseth Sandlin (D-SD) in the Democratic primary because of her vote against health care reform, but that does not mean that Sandlin is assured renomination. Physician Kevin Weiland (D-SD) says that he will try to collect the 1,500 signatures before the end of the month to get on the primary ballot.

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     Texas 19th District - Banking on Uncivil: U.S. Representative Randy Neugebauer (R-TX) says that he has apologized for yelling "baby killer" on the floor of the House of Representative during debate on the health care reform legislation. But the Texas Republican is already using the incident in fundraising activities.

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     Poll Updates: Updated poll information has been posted. New polls were posted in the following races: Florida Senate, Iowa Governor, North Carolina Senate, Pennsylvania Governor, Pennsylvania Senate and Tennessee Governor.

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March 24, 2010

     Arkansas Senate - What's in a Name: Arkansas election officials have denied Republican Senate candidate Conrad Reynolds's (R-AR) request to be listed on the GOP primary ballot as Conrad "Colonel" Reynolds.

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     Arizona Senate - To Love Once Horse: Republican Senate candidate J.D. Hayworth, Jr. (R-AZ) suggested the move to legalize homosexual marriages could, in the absurd, lead to people marrying horses. "You see, the Massachusetts Supreme Court, when it started this move toward same-sex marriage, actually defined marriage -- now get this -- it defined marriage as simply, 'the establishment of intimacy.' ... I mean, I don't mean to be absurd about it, but I guess I can make the point of absurdity with an absurd point. I guess that would mean if you really had affection for your horse, I guess you could marry your horse."

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     Idaho Senate - At Least He's Local: Idaho Democrats finally found a candidate, other than New Yorker William Bryk (D-NY), willing to run against U.S. Senator Michael D. Crapo (R-ID). He is Tetonia Democrat P. Tom Sullivan (D-ID).

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     North Dakota Senate - Once a Democrat: North Dakota Governor John Hoeven (R-ND) says that he considered challenging then incumbent Republican Governor Ed Schafer (R-ND) as a Democrats but eventually decided to stay a Republican. The Republican Party, according to Hoeven, stands for the belief that the private sector can grow and create better opportunities for people. Hoeven's likely Democratic opponent for the U.S. Senate, Tracy Potter (DNL-ND), likes to say that Hoeven is popular because he governed liked a Democrat.

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     Nevada Senate - Alternative Party News: Tim Fasano (IA-NV), the Senate nominee for the ultra-conservative Independent American Party, has filed a lawsuit asking the courts to remove Tea Party candidate Jon Scott Ashjian (Tea-NV) from the general election ballot. Fasano alleges that Ashjian failed to change his party affiliation until after he filed for also. Fasano further alleges that Ashjian is not truly affiliated with the state of national Tea Party and has been placed on the ballot to draw voters away from the Republican and Independent American Parties' candidates. Ashjian disputed the allegation and said that Fasano and the Independent American Party were "doing the bidding for the Republican Party."

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     Georgia Governor - My Country, 'Tis of Thee: Republican gubernatorial candidate Ray McBerry (R-GA) says that he refuses to salute the U.S. flag with 50 stars. Explains Berry, "[Some people think] that I am somehow unpatriotic because, as a Georgian who cherishes the constitutional Republic given to us by our Founding Fathers and wishes to see it restored, I choose to salute the Georgia flag and the original Betsy Ross American flag instead of the current federal flag which represents the present unconstitutional leviathan in Washington."

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     New Mexico Governor - First Come, First Served: Dona Ana County District Attorney Susana Martinez (R-NM) will be listed first on the Republican gubernatorial primary ballot after receiving more votes at the New Mexico Republican Party convention. Martinez received the support of forty-seven percent of delegates. Former state party chair Allen Weh (R-NM) got 26 percent. Three other candidates, state Representative Janice E. Arnold-Jones (R-NM), businessman Douglas W. Turner (R-NM) and attorney Pete V. Domenici, Jr. (R-NM) failed to receive the required 20 percent vote to earn an automatic position on the party's ballot. Each plan to collect signatures on nominating petition to appear on the primary ballot.

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     Illinois 10th District - Morphing: During the primary, Pro-Life groups recommended Republican voters select businessman Bob Dold (R-IL) because he opposes federal funding of abortion and supports some abortion restrictions. But now that Dold has the GOP nomination he is telling voters that he is Pro-Choice.

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     Kentucky 3rd District - Fly No More: Power plant operator Jerry Durbin (R-KY) dropped out of the for the Republican congressional nomination in Kentucky's 3rd District and endorsed UPS pilot Todd Lally (R-KY). Lally will face investment advisor Larry Hausman (R-KY), restaurateur Jeffrey T. "Jeff" Reetz (R-KY) and CPA Brooks Wicker (R-KY) in the GOP primary.

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     New York 23rd District - Abrupt Exit: State Assembly member William Barclay (R-NY) abruptly ended his congressional campaign against freshman U.S. Representative Bill Owens (D-NY).

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     Pennsylvania 7th District - Riddle Me This: A complaint has been filed against former U.S. Attorney Patrick L. Meehan's (R-PA) congressional ballot petition alleging that many of the signatures were forged and that it is so riddled with errors that Meehan should be disqualified.

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     Pennsylvania 12th District - Write In: William T. "Bill" Russell (R-PA), who lost the Republican nomination for the special election in Pennsylvania 12th Congressional District, says that he will not vote for Tim Burns (R-PA). He doesn't plan on voting for Democratic nominee Mark S. Critz (D-PA) either. Russell, who was the GOP nominee against late U.S. Representative Jack Murtha (D-PA) in 2008, says that he will write himself in on election day. "I still think I am the best candidate to take over in the 12th. So I'm going to vote for myself as a write-in," said Russell.

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     South Carolina 3rd District - Casting Call: State Senator A. Shane Massey (R-SC) dropped out of the race for the open congressional seat from South Carolina's 3rd District. State Representative Jeff D. Duncan (R-SC) and state Representative Rex F. Rice (R-SC) are now considered the favorites to receive the Republican nomination.

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     Poll Updates: Updated poll information has been posted. New polls were posted in the following races: Arizona Governor, California Governor, California Senate, Florida Senate, Georgia Governor, Illinois 11th District, Indiana Senate, Iowa Senate, Kentucky 3rd District, Michigan Governor, New York Governor, New York Senate, North Carolina Senate, Ohio Governor, Oklahoma 5th District, Pennsylvania Senate, Pennsylvania 12th District, Vermont Governor, Vermont Senate, Wisconsin Governor, Wisconsin Senate.

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     California Attorney General - Supporting Cast: Republican Attorney General candidate John C. Eastman (R-CA) has asked to have his occupation listed as "Assistant Attorney General" on the ballot. But California does not have an Assistant Attorney General. The title was bestowed on him by the state of South Dakota, which has hired him to work on one particular case.

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March 15, 2010

     Arkansas Senate - 450 Town Hall Meetings: Arkansas Lieutenant Governor William A. "Bill" Halter (D-AR) took his Senate campaign on the road, promoting himself as a soldier against the special interests in Washington. Halter promised to hold a town hall in all of Arkansas's 75 counties each year if elected.

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     California Senate - Alternative Candidate News: Blogger Mickey Kaus (D-CA) is under no illusion that he will be able to defeat U.S. Senator Barbara Boxer (D-CA) in the Democratic primary. "I do not expect to win, and that is the difference between [U.S. Senator Al] Franken (DFL-MN) and me. This is an issue-raising candidacy," said Kaus.

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     Colorado Senate - I'm Chevy Chase, and You're Not: Republican Senate candidate Steve Barton (R-CO) must think that he has a problem of name recognition. During a recent forum with his primary rivals, Barton started every answer by saying "I'm Steve Barton and I'm running for the Unites States Senate."

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     Colorado Senate - Giant Ponzi Scheme: Former Lieutenant Governor Jane E. Norton (R-CO), who is national Republicans' preferred candidate in the Colorado Senate contest, has drawn criticism after referring to Social Security as a "Ponzi scheme."

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     Connecticut Senate - Mutual Benefit: Former World Wrestling Entertainment CEO Linda McMahon's (R-CT) Senate campaign has paid the WWE to produce more than a hundred thousand dollars worth of television commercials.

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     Delaware Senate - Storming the Castle: Marketing consultant Christine O'Donnell (R-DE) is following through on her primary challenge to U.S. Representative Michael N. "Mike" Castle (R-DE), criticizing the former Delaware Governor for deciding to abandon the seniority and influence he accumulated for a campaign for the U.S. Senate. "I'm running because the people of Delaware deserve a representative who will stand up to the Washington elites and fight back against a Congress and White House intent on saddling us with their reckless spending, unbearable taxes and unfair policies," said O'Donnell

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     Florida Senate - Mirror Image: Supporters of Governor Charlie Crist (R-FL) are frustrated by the meteoric rise of primary opponent Marco Rubio (R-FL) and claim that the former Florida House Speaker's limited government rhetoric does not match his record.

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     Illinois Senate - You Can Bank on It: Democratic Senate nominee Alexi Giannoulis (D-IL) is trying to divert attention away from his family's failing bank by question U.S. Representative Mark S. Kirk's (R-IL) record on banking regulation. Giannoulias criticized Kirks for voting to bail out Wall Street while opposing attempts at reform.

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     Indiana Senate - Independent Republican Citizen: Republican Senate candidate Richard Behney (R-IN) is hoping to garner the support of as many TEA Party activists as possible by presenting himself as a citizen candidate would not be afraid to buck his party.

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     Kentucky Senate - Accepting the Polls: Bill Johnson (R-KY) dropped out of the race for the Kentucky Republican Party's Senate nomination citing an internal poll that showed him distantly trailing Rand Paul (R-KY) and Trey Grayson (R-KY).

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     Louisiana Senate - Democrats' Best Hope: While acknowledging that 2010 will likely be a bad year for them, Democrats insist that they still have a chance of defeating U.S. Senator David Vitter (R-LA). U.S. Representative Charles J. "Charlie" Melancon (D-LA) has released a poll which he indicates shows that he has room to grow. His campaign hopes to renew attention to Vitter's involvement with a Washington prostitution ring.

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     Nevada Senate - Sympathy Vote?: Senate Majority Leader Harry M. Reid's (D-NV) wife was released from the hospital on Sunday after sustaining with serious injuries when a tractor-trailer rear-ended the minivan she and their daughter were riding in on I-95.

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     Nevada Senate - Alternative Party News: Some Republicans are accusing businessman Jon Ashjian (I-NV), who filed to run for the U.S. Senate as the nominee of the newly formed TEA Party, of being a "fake" candidate planted by incumbent Harry Reid (D-NV) to siphon votes away from the eventual GOP nominee.

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     New York Senate - Growing Field: A trio of Republicans are looking to join Bruce A. Blakeman (R-NY) in the pursuit of nomination against U.S. Senator Kirsten E. Gillibrand (D-NY). Former U.S. Representative Joseph J. DioGuardi (R-NY) will officially announce his campaign this week. Economist David Malpass (R-NY) and former Bush foreign policy adviser Dan Senor (R-NY) are still considering the contest.

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     Ohio Senate - Alternative Candidate News: Surgeon Michael L. Pryce (I-OH) used a TEA Party gathering to announce his intentions to run for the U.S. Senate as an independent. Pryce will need to collect the signatures of 5,000 registered voters by May 3 to appear on the general election ballot.

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     Ohio Senate - A Little More than Twelve Dozen: Democratic Senate candidate Traci "TJ" Johnson (D-OH), who was disqualified from the primary ballot, has accused Secretary of State Jennifer L. Brunner (D-OH) of a conflict of interest. A spokesperson for the Secretary's office noted that the petition forms Johnson submitted were reviewed by a bipartisan county elections boards and not Brunner. It was the elections boards which found that she was 166 signatures short.

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     Oregon Senate - Alternative Candidate Logo: Libertarian Senate candidate Marc Delphine (L-OR) says that he was not aware that his campaign's logo bares a striking resemblance to Columbus hockey team, the Blue Jackets.

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     Washington Senate - The News Watch: Even as Republicans continue to talk up the possibility of a Senate candidacy by former gubernatorial nominee Dino Rossi (R-WA), former television news anchor Susan Hutchison (R-WA) has emerged as potential challenger against U.S. Senator Patty Murray (D-WA). Hutchison claims to have been thinking about running for the Senate for years and met with National Republican Senatorial Committee chair John Cornyn (R-WA) a few weeks ago.

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     Connecticut Governor - Double Entry: Lawrence J. "Larry" DeNardis (R-CT) and Dannel P. Malloy (D-CT) announced their candidacy for governor of Connecticut last week.

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     Georgia Governor - Continued Investigation: Georgia Democratic Party chair Jane Kidd has asked a House ethics committee to continue its investigation into alleged improprieties by U.S. Representative Nathan Deal (R-GA), even as Deal prepares to resign from office to concentrate on his gubernatorial campaign.

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     Illinois Governor - Taxes and Abortion: Hoping to distract voters from Governor Pat Quinn's (D-IL) continued push for tax increases, liberal activist groups plan on engaging in an eight-month campaign to remind voters that state Senator Bill Brady (R-IL) is an extremist who opposes abortion even in the case of rape and incest.

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     Oregon Governor - Court-Appointed Candidate: Republican gubernatorial candidate Bill Sizemore (R-OR) was provided a court-appointed attorney to help defend him against felony charges of tax evasion, after telling a judge he is too poor to hire his own lawyer.

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     South Carolina Governor - Star Chamber: The South Carolina Chamber of Commerce endorsed the gubernatorial candidacies of state Senator Vincent A. Sheheen (D-SC) and U.S. Representative J. Gresham Barrett (R-SC).

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     Texas Governor - Soviet Style: Democratic gubernatorial nominee Bill White (D-TX) called Governor Rick Perry's (R-TX) efforts to press state agencies to cut their spending by five percent, a "Soviet-style" approach to budget management.

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     Utah Governor - Alternative Candidate News: Farley Anderson (I-UT) plans to challenge Utah's ban on electronic signatures by running for governor. Anderson plans a test case for candidates gathering signatures online instead of on paper.

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     Wisconsin Governor - Be Real: Scott Walker (R-WI) and Thomas M. "Tom" Barrett (D-WI) accused each other of having unrealistic plans to back up their campaign promises to create jobs.

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     Arkansas 3rd District: Republican congressional candidates Steve Womack (R-AR) and Gunner DeLay (R-AR) have engaged in a debate over the benefits of federal funding of wellness centers would not. Womack said federal grant money could help build regional wellness centers that would promote a more healthful lifestyle and result in less money being spent on Medicare and health care over time. Delay sees it differently. Delay argues that federal funds should are be used to "get into the health club business."

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     Connecticut 4th District: Easton Selectman Thomas A. Herrmann (R-CT) has jump started his congressional campaign with a $300,000 personal loan.

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     Delaware House: Former Miss USA Michele Rollins (R-DE) confirmed that she is considering running for the congressional seat being vacated by U.S. Representative Mike Castle (R-DE). The millionaire businesswoman's entry in the contest would give Republican a candidate with near unlimited resources to take on former Lieutenant Governor John Carney (D-AL).

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     Florida 10th District: State Senator Charlie Justice (D-FL) is trying to re-invigorate his congressional campaign after U.S. Representative C.W. "Bill" Young (R-FL) announced that he would not retire and instead run for re-election to a 21st term.

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     Florida 19th District - Don't Let Them Brown Out: State Senator Ted Deutch (D-FL) is warning voters that Republicans and TEA Party activists will attempt to win the special election in Florida's 19th Congressional District like they managed to do in Massachusetts' Senate contest.

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     Massachusetts 10th District: In what most observers are viewing as the first step toward a congressional campaign, Norfolk County District Attorney William Keating (D-MA) announced that he will not seek re-election to his current post.

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     Michigan 1st - Personal and Religious Views: Former Charlevoix County Commissioner Connie Saltonstall (D-MI) plans to challenge U.S. Representative Bart T. Stupak (D-MI) in the Democratic primary because of the incumbent's efforts to reinforce the ban of federal funding for abortion, and his willingness to hold up health care reform to get what he wants. "I believe that he has a right to his personal, religious views, but to deprive his constituents of needed health care reform because of those views is reprehensible," said Saltonstall.

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     Michigan 13th District: Subpoenas served on U.S. Representative Carolyn Cheeks Kilpatrick (D-MI) and a top aide feed into state Senator Hansen Clarke's (D-MI) campaign message that "There has been a culture of politics in Detroit for decades that people go into office to be served by the public."

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     Michigan 14th District - Jailhouse Bride: Monica Conyers, the wife of U.S. Representative John Conyers, Jr. (D-MI), plans to appeal her 37-month prison term conviction, claiming that the prosecutor reneged on a plea bargain.

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     Minnesota 1st District: Democrats called state Representative Randy Demmer (R-MN) a hypocrite for trumpeting a message of fiscal responsibility and smaller government, while taking hundreds of thousands of dollars in government money for himself. Demmer has received farm subsidies and small business help of more than $800,000 in the last twenty years.

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     Minnesota 8th District: Republican Chip Cravaack (R-MN) says that he is running for Congress to thwart the country's movement toward socialism.

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     New Jersey 3rd District: Former Tabernacle Committeeman Justin Michael Murphy (R-NJ) and former professional football player Jon Runyan (R-NJ) have announced their perspective campaigns for the Republican congressional nomination. The potential for a bitter primary battle comes as good news for freshman U.S. Representative John Adler (D-NJ), who won his first term in part because of bitter primary two years ago Murphy, Ocean County Freeholder Jack Kelly (R-NJ) and the eventual nominee, Chris Myers (R-NJ).

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     New York 29th District: New York Governor David A. Paterson (D-NY) has yet to set a date for a special election in New York's 29th Congressional District, but Republicans already appear to be coalescing around the candidacy of former Corning Mayor Tom Reed (R-NY). Monroe County Executive Maggie Brooks (R-NY) and former Congressman John R. "Randy" Kuhl Jr. (R-NY) announced last week that they will not run for former U.S. Representative Eric J. Massa's (D-NY) seat.
     Democrats, meanwhile, have yet to settle on a candidate. State Assembly member David Koon (D-NY), Brighton Town Supervisor Sandra L. Frankel (D-NY) and Canandaigua Mayor Ellen Polimeni (D-NY) are mentioned as possible candidates.

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     North Carolina 8th District - Disposition and Temperament to Be a Congressman: Republican Timothy B. "Tim" D'Annunzio's (R-NC) congressional candidacy has been getting attention lately, but not necessarily the type that the businessman wanted. First he lost a key consultant after D'Annunzio posted on his blogs a tirade about "Christ's War," which combined politics with Biblical references and end-times theology. Jack Hawke claims that Annunzio lied to him about taking down the post. "I don't think any candidate should get up at 3 or 4 in the morning, sit down in front of a computer and pour your heart out," said Hawke.
     But that was not the end of D'Annunzio's unorthodox behavior. During a candidates' forum, D'Annunzio stormed off stage complaining that organizers had prevented him commenting. All this lead primary rival Lou Huddleston (R-NC) to call on D'Annunzio to leave the race. Huddleston says that D'Annunzio has demonstrated that he lacks the disposition and temperament to be a member of Congress.

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     Oklahoma 5th District - Democrat Wanted: With the entry of state Representative Shane D. Jett (R-OK), six Republicans are now seeking the congressional seat being vacated by Republican gubernatorial candidate Mary Fallin (R-OK). Democrats are promising to field a viable candidate, but no one has yet to step forward.

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     Pennsylvania 7th District - Money's Message: Republican congressional candidate Patrick L. Meehan (R-PA) says that he is not surprised by the political contributions he has received from former state Senator Vince Fumo's (D-PA) political allies. When Meehan was Philadelphia's U.S. Attorney he indicted Fumo on the federal corruption charges that led to his 55-month prison sentence. According to Meehan's spokesperson, "Pat's highly respected in the Philadelphia-area legal community. Whether you agree with him on the issues or not, I think everyone agrees that he's a person of integrity." But state Representative Bryan Lentz (D-PA) sees it differently. "Pat Meehan is a career politician who has spent the last 30 years doing and saying anything that would win him favor with the political establishment," said campaign manager Vincent Rongione.

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     Alternative Candidate News - Pennsylvania 7th District: Former television anchor Dawn Stensland (R-PA), who was mentioned as a potential congressional candidate but did not file paperwork by the March 9, 2010, is now talking about a possible campaign as an independent. Stensland would have to collect the signature of 4,200 registered voters by August 2, 2010 to get her name on the general election ballot.

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     Pennsylvania 11th District: U.S. Representative Paul E. Kanjorski's (D-PA) Democratic and Republican opponents, Corey D. O'Brien (D-PA) and Mayor Louis J. "Lou" Barletta (R-PA), have criticized the incumbent for not attending 11 stimulus commission meetings that have been held in his district.

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     Pennsylvania 12th District - Russell Gets Burned: The candidates for special election to fill the remainder of the late U.S. Representative Jack Murtha's (D-PA) term are set. Businessman Tim Burns (R-PA) beat out William T. "Bill" Russell (R-PA) for the Republican nomination. He will face Murtha's former district director Mark S. Critz (D-PA).
     Both Critz and Burns, however, will be fighting a two front battle. On the same day as the special election, primaries will be held to select nominees for the general election. Critz is expected to easily overcome challenges from former naval officer Ryan Bucchianeri (D-PA), Cambria County Controller Ed Cernic, Jr. (D-PA) and attorney Ronald "Ron" Mackell, Jr. (D-PA).
     Burns, on the otherhand, will likely face a tough primary battle from Russell, who has been campaigning almost non-stop since losing the 2008 general election to Murtha. Russell, who pledged not to make disparaging remarks about Burns, says that the state Republican party pressured the selection committee to vote for Burns. "The party is going against the will of the people," claimed Russell.

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     Pennsylvania 15th District - No Money for Nothing: U.S. Representative Charles W. "Charlie" Dent's (R-PA) top contributor is a political action committee for Air Products & Chemicals Inc., a company which benefitted from a $750,000 earmark secured by Dent.

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     Virginia 2nd District: Republican congressional candidate Scott W. Taylor (R-VA) is raising the issue of one of his primary opponent's past contributions to Barack H. Obama (D-IL) in a fundraising letter. Referring to E. Scott Rigell's (R-VA) $1000 donation to Obama, Taylor writes, "Send a Navy SEAL, not a RINO. ... This is the two year anniversary of our opponent's endorsement of Barack Obama's policies with a $1,000.00 donation."

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     Poll Updates: Updated poll information has been posted. New polls were posted in the following races: California Governor, California Senate, Colorado Senate, Connecticut 4th District, Florida Governor, Florida Senate, Indiana 9th District, Louisiana Senate, Minnesota Governor, Missouri Senate, New Hampshire Governor, Ohio Senate, Pennsylvania Governor, Pennsylvania Senate and Virginia 11th District.

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     Supporting Cast - California Lieutenant Governor: San Francisco MayorGavin Newsom (D-CA), who dropped out of the gubernatorial contest rather than face former Governor Edmond G. "Jerry" Brown, Jr. (D-CA) in the Democratic primary, now wants to be Brown's running mate. Newsom announced that he will run for the Lieutenant Governor.

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     Supporting Cast - Nevada Secretary of State: Rob Lauer (R-NV), the Republican nominee for Secretary of State of Nevada is being sued over the sale of a small airplane. The plaintiff says the plane he bought from Lauer was missing parts, was damaged and had been used more than was disclosed. Another lawsuit against Lauer over a different aircraft is being settled out of court.

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March 13, 2010

     Poll Updates: Updated poll information has been posted. New polls were posted in the following races: California Governor, California Senate, Colorado Senate, Connecticut 4th District, Florida Governor, Florida Senate, Indiana 9th District, Louisiana Senate, Minnesota Governor, Missouri Senate, New Hampshire Governor, Ohio Senate, Pennsylvania Governor, Pennsylvania Senate and Virginia 11th District.

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March 11, 2010

     Massachusetts Governor - Running on Empty: Republican Christy Mihos's (R-MA) gubernatorial campaign continues to have financial problems. A fifth former political aide claims that he has not been paid for his services. Former campaign manager Joseph Manzoli says he is owed more than $40,000.

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     Michigan Governor - Super Governor by Comparison: Republican gubernatorial candidate Michael J. Bouchard (R-MI) has proposed several measures that would create a stronger executive branch at the expense of the state legislature. The Oakland County sheriff wants the Legislature to be a part-time body that meets only once every two years. If the legislators are unable to adopt a budget within the allotted time, lawmakers would face a reduction in pay for every day overdue. He also would require a two-thirds vote in the Legislature to raise taxes or to raise total state spending each year more than private-sector spending.

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     Alternative Candidate News - New York Governor: Kristin Davis (I-NY), the infamous "Manhattan Madam," says that her campaign for governor of New York should be compared with adult movie actresses Mary Carey's (I-CA) campaign for governor or Stormy Davis's (I-LA) current talk of a run for Senate. "Those girls are porn stars and I am a businesswoman. They ran as a publicity stunts and I am running to make an important point and to further a reform, Libertarian-based agenda that is common sense and in which I think any New Yorkers privately agree."

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     Georgia 7th District - The Sea of Reeds: Georgia state Senator Don Balfour (R-GA), state Representative Clay Cox (R-GA) and businessman Tom Kirby (R-GA) have already announced their candidacy for the congressional seat being vacated by Congressman John Linder (R-GA). And more Republicans are expected to enter the race. But former Christian Coalition director Ralph Reed (R-GA) will not be one of them. Reed says he wants to continue his efforts with the Faith & Freedom Coalition.

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     Louisiana 2nd District, Off Base: After paying them more $400,000 on direct-mail fundraising, U.S. Representative Joseph Cao (R-LA) has severed his relationship with the firm Base Connect. Base Connect has been recently accused of bilking weak Republican candidates with promises of big money from direct mail solicitation, but keeping most of the funds collected for themselves.

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     Michigan 13th District - Primary Challenge: Michigan state Senator Hansen Clarke (D-MI) officially announced his primary challenge against U.S. Representative Carolyn Cheeks Kilpatrick (D-MI).

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     New York 23rd District - With or Without the GOP: Businessman Douglas L. Hoffman (R-NY) formally announced his efforts to get a rematch against U.S. Representative Bill Owens (D-NY). Hoffman says he is prepared to run in the general election without the support of the Republican Party and is seeking the nominations of both the Conservative and Independence Parties.

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     New York 24th District - Man in the Middle: Republican congressional candidate Richard L. Hanna (R-NY) has made few friends follow the favorable profile by political commentator Stu Rothenberg. Democrats claim that the former Republican nominee is just trying to position himself as a moderate. Meanwhile his primary opponent, Ernest Logan Bell says that he is concerned by Hanna's statement that he never thought of himself as a Republican. "If he doesn't think of himself as a Republican, he shouldn't be running for the nomination of the Republican party," said Bell.

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     New York 25th District - In Suspension: Mark Bitz (R-NY) has suspended his congressional campaign following the Republican Party's endorsement of Assistant Attorney General Ann Marie Buerkle (R-NY).

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     Pennsylvania 12th District - Burn Rate: Some Republican activists are concerned with the pace of spending of William T. "Bill" Russell's (R-PA) congressional campaign. Russell raised more than $2.9 million dollars, but reported having only $211,000 cash on hand. Republicans meet today to choose between Russell and businessman Tim Burns (R-PA) to be their nominee in the May 18 special election to replace the late U.S. Representative Jack Murtha (D-PA).

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     South Carolina 3rd District - Kill the Mother to Protect the Unborn: State Representative Rex F. Rice (R-SC) would have the state health insurance plan deny coverage for abortions even when the procedure is necessary to save the life of the pregnant woman, a position that three of his five opponents for the Republican congressional nomination says is too extreme. Even though every Republican running for the congressional seat being vacated by gubernatorial candidate J. Gresham Barrett (R-SC) calls himself Pro-Life, state Senator A. Shane Massey (R-SC), activist Richard Cash (R-SC) and attorney Neal Collins (R-SC) says that Rice would go too far. State Representative Jeff D. Duncan (R-SC) and physician Mike Vasovski (R-SC) support Rice's position.

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     Virginia 9th District - Hoping to Jump Start the Campaign: Even though Virginia state Delegate Morgan Griffith (R-VA) has not raised any money for a campaign, National Republican Congressional Committee has added the potential congressional candidate to its Young Guns program. Griffith has promised not to raise money while the General Assembly is in session.

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     Poll Updates: Updated poll information has been posted. New polls were posted in the following races: Colorado Governor, Florida Senate, Illinois Senate, Massachusetts Governor, Michigan Governor Primary, New Hampshire Senate and Washington Senate.

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     Does an Acorn Fall Far From the Tree: Two former ACORN employees from Milwaukee have been criminally charged with election fraud. Maria Miles and Kevin Clancy have been accused of repeatedly trying to register the same voters more than once to meet a 20-signature-per-day quota.

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March 10, 2010

     California Senate - Defending Jihad: Republican Senate candidate Carly Fiorina (R-CA) is making a campaign issue of former U.S. Representative Thomas J. Campbell (D-CA) past support for, and from, Sami Al-Arian, the controversial former University of South Florida professor who, during an interview on Fox television said, "Jihad is our path. Victory to Islam. Death to Israel. Revolution. Revolution until victory. Rolling to Jerusalem."

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     Colorado Senate - The Incumbent Outsider: U.S. Senator Michael F. Bennet (D-CO) hopes to ride the wave of frustration with Congress from "obscurity" to re-election. Bennet has proposed measures to freeze congressional pay, restrict lawmakers' health subsidies and wants Democratic leaders to use reconciliation to pass a health care public option. Bennet, who never held elective office before being appointed to the U.S. Senate, is better positioned than most incumbents to run as an outsider.

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     Florida Senate - Selfish and Premature: National Republican Senatorial Committee chair John Cornyn (R-TX) is admitting that his endorsement of Governor Charlie Crist (R-FL) over former state House Speaker Marco Rubio (R-FL) in the Republican Senate primary was "selfish" and "premature." Cornyn made the endorsement when Crist was well ahead in the polls. With Rubio now holding a double digit lead among primary voters, Cornyn is suffering from buyer's remorse.

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     Nevada Senate - Self Prediction: Senate Majority Leader Harry M. Reid (D-NV) officially filed for re-election saying that he wouldn't be running if he thought he was not going to win. Polls have the four-term Senator, who has never won by large margins, trailing most of the Republican candidates.

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     North Dakota Senate - Another Democrat Skips: Former congressional aide Kristin Hedger (DNL-ND) said that her current responsibilities as vice president of Killdeer Mountain Manufacturing prevents her from running for the U.S. Senate this year. The announcement comes less than a week after former state Attorney General Heidi Heitkamp (DNL-ND) took herself out of consideration. State Senator Tracy Potter (DNL-ND) is the only announced Democratic candidate to succeed retiring U.S. Senator Byron L. Dorgan (DNL-ND).
     Governor John Hoeven (R-ND) is the presumptive Republican nominee. Democrats will officially nominate their candidates during the March 25-28 convention.

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     South Carolina Senate - Absentee Senator: Comparing himself to U.S. Senator Jim DeMint (R-SC) and calling the incumbent Republican"absentee senator," Charleston County Councilor A. Victor Rawl (D-SC) promised not to miss any council meetings, or lose focus on county business, as he campaigns for the Democratic Senate nomination. "I keep my obligations," pledged Rawl.

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     Texas Governor - Not Red, but Crimson: Trying to tap down expectation of Governor Rick Perry's (R-TX) re-election, National Republican Senatorial Committee chair John Cornyn (R-TX) called Texas only "marginally Republican. "Texas is still a marginally red state, although that will be tested by Bill White (D-TX), who is a serious contender for governor. I know Gov. Perry well enough and I've seen him run campaigns well enough to know that Bill White is going to have his hands full." It should be noted that Democrats hold not one statewide elected office and only 12 of 32 Congressional seats. Texas has voted for every Republican presidential nominee for the last forty years.

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     Kansas 4th District - Health Care First: State Senator Dick Kelsey (R-KS) has suspending his congressional campaign to care for his sick wife Doris. Kelsey said he reserved the right to resume his candidacy if her health problems can be resolved.

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     Oregon 4th District: U.S. Representative Peter A. "Pete" DeFazio (D-OR) decided against running for governor of Oregon and has filed paperwork to seek re-election to a 13th term in Congress.

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     Rhode Island 1st District - Guilt by Association: Providence MayorDavid N. Cicilline (D-RI) claims while campaigning for Congress that he cleaned up the city after the corruption of his predecessor. But Cicilline may be tainted with guilt by association. His father is a lawyer for the mafia. His brother was recently released from federal prison after serving time for a courthouse corruption scheme. And his former police driver, the husband of his longtime executive assistant, has been arrested as part of a state police bust of a cocaine dealing ring that also netted two other Providence police officers.

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     South Carolina 2nd District - The "You Lie" Tour: Since interrupting President Barack Obama (D-IL) with a shout of "You Lie," U.S. Representative Joe Wilson (R-SC) has been cashing in on his celebrity status among conservatives. Wilson has taken at least more than a half dozen trip trips outside South Carolina to speak to various organizations.

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     Wisconsin 7th District - The Real Vote: Wisconsin's 7th Congressional District Republican Committee endorsed Ashland County District Attorney Sean P. Duffy (R-WI) for Congress over dairy farmer Dan Mielke (R-WI) by a margin of 406-78 votes. Mielke captured 39% of the vote against U.S. Representative David R. Obey (D-WI) in the 2008 general election.

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     Poll Updates: Updated poll information has been posted. New polls were posted in the following races: Alaska Governor, Colorado Senate, Illinois Governor, Florida Senate and South Carolina Governor Primary.

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March 9, 2010

     Pennsylvania 12th District - The Murtha Model: Pennsylvania Democrats skipped over more seasoned politicians decided to pick a nominee in the model of the late U.S. Representative John P. "Jack" Murtha (D-PA) for the special election to fill his vacant congressional seat. Mark Critz (D-PA), who was Murtha's district director, was endorsed over the former state Treasurer Barbara Hafer (D-PA) and Cambria County Controller Ed Cernic, Jr. (D-OH). Cernic says that he is still planning to run in the May primary for the nomination for the general election.
     Republicans will choose their nominee for the special election on Thursday.

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     Arkansas Senate - Cannons to the Right of Them. Cannons to the Left of Them.: As she campaigns for re-election to a third term, U.S. Senator Blanche Lambert Lincoln (D-AR) finds her self the target of both liberals and conservatives unsatisfied with her voting record.

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     California Governor - A Conservative's Secret Position: Republican gubernatorial candidate Steve Poizner's (R-CA) conservative credentials are being questioned by those who remember the positions he took in favor of abortion rights when he ran for the state Assembly in 2004.

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     Minnesota Governor - In the Legislative Mosh Pit: State legislators running for statewide office often find it hard to navigate the myriad of legislative bills while focus on appealing to the large constituency needed to win the general election. Image how it must be have seven members of the Minnesota legislature running for governor at the same time.

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     New York Governor - Interparty Dating: Suffolk County Executive Steve Levy (D-NY) is planning to meet with leaders of the New York Republican party about his potential candidacy for the governor.

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     Alternative Candidate News - Remove the Competition in Ohio: Ohio Secretary of State Jennifer L. Brunner (D-OH) eliminated some of her competition for the office of U.S. Senate. Her office ruled that Traci "TJ" Johnson (D-OH), Charlena Renee Bradley (D-OH) and Libertarian candidate Steven Linnabary (L-OH) did not have enough valid voter signatures on their petitions. Constitution Party candidate for Attorney General Robert M. Owens (C-OH) only submitted 282 valid signatures. One thousand signatures were needed.
     Also removed from the primary ballot was Tea Party activist Steve Christopher (R-OH), who was challenging former U.S. Senator Mike DeWine (R-OH) for the Republican nomination for Attorney General.

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     Wisconsin Senate - Maybe, Maybe: Former Governor Tommy Thompson (R-WI) continues to be mentioned as a possible candidate for the U.S. Senate with the latest rumors being that he is on the verge of forming an exploratory committee for a possible campaign.

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     New York 29th District - Getting It Off His Chest: Following his hastily arranged resignation, former U.S. Representative Eric J. Massa (D-NY) offered some choice words on White House Chief of Staff Rahm Emanuel (D-IL), House Speaker Nancy Pelosi (D-CA) and the Democratic Congressional Caucus

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     Poll Updates: Updated poll information has been posted. New polls were posted in the following races: Colorado Governor, Nevada Governor, New York Governor, Ohio Governor, Ohio Senate and South Carolina Governor.

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March 8, 2010

     Arkansas Senate - Five Cows and A Tractor: State Senator Kim D. Hendren (R-AR) claimed that he had to sell five black Angus cows to raise the funds necessary to pay the $12,500 filing fee to run for U.S. Senate.

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     Arkansas Senate - Broken Promises: EMILY's List, which supported U.S. Senator Blanche Lambert Lincoln (D-AR) during her past campaigns, announced that they would not help the Democratic incumbent during her re-election campaign. According to the Ellen Malcolm, abortion rights activists have not gotten what they expected by supporting Lincoln. The senator, Malcolm said, "has failed to hold up her end of the bargain on reproductive issues."

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     Alternative Party News - Nevada Senate: When businessman Jon Ashjian (I-NV) appeared from nowhere to become the Senate nominee of the newly formed TEA Party, there was suspicion that he might have been a plant by Democrats to help siphon anti-incumbent votes away for Republicans and thereby help the re-election of Senate Majority Leader Harry M. Reid (D-NV). After the initial interviews of the Ashjian, there are still many mysteries about the candidate, but the suspicion that Ashjian is a secret supporter of Reid is no longer in question. Ashjian has been angry with Senate Reid for several years.

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     North Carolina Senate - To Benefit the Unemployed: North Carolina Democrats continue to criticize U.S. Senator Richard M. Burr (D-NC) for voting against extending unemployment benefits to 200,000 people, including more than 6,500 in North Carolina.

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     Oregon Senate - Right Message, Wrong Messenger: Oregon Republicans insist that Lewis & Clark College law professor Jim Huffman (R-OR), who has never held public office, can defeat the popular U.S. Senator Ron Wyden (D-OR) by focusing his campaign on the issue of the economy.

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     Arizona Governor - Yes I Am, But What Are You: Governor Jan Brewer (R-AZ) has stepped up her offensive campaign against primary rival Dean Martin (R-AZ), claiming that the state Treasurer is not the fiscal conservative he claims to be.

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     Florida Governor - Blame Game: Democratic gubernatorial candidate Alex Sink (D-FL) proposed a reform plan to prevent Medicaid fraud and pinned much of the blame for the problem on likely Republican nominee, state Attorney General Bill McCollum (R-FL).

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     Iowa Governor - Piece of the Action: Iowa Governor Chet Culver's (D-IA) support for four new casino licenses in the state has brought criticism from not only Republican gubernatorial candidate Bob Vander Plaats (R-IA) but Democratic primary rival Jonathan Narcisse (D-IA).

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     California 47th District - Pham Failed: Businessman Quang X. Pham (R-CA) has decided to end his insurgence campaign for the Republican congressional nomination. State Assemblyman Van Tran (R-CA), Tan D. Nguyen (R-CA) and Kathy Smith (R-CA) are still in the race for the right to face U.S. Representative Loretta B. S�nchez (D-CA).

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     Colorado 3rd District - Fair to Whom: Colorado Democrats are criticizing Republican congressional candidate Scott Tipton (R-CO) for his support of a consumption tax to replace the income tax. State party chair Pat Waak notes that plan would mean "a massive 23 percent tax hike on food, gas, clothes and just about everything else that middle-class Colorado families buy every day."

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     Pennsylvania 12th District - The Delegates Have Spoken: Mark Critz (D-PA), who was the late U.S. Representative John P. "Jack" Murtha's (D-PA) district director, received the vote of 46 of the 83 Democratic delegates during a convention of Democrats in Pennsylvania 12th Congressional District. Former state Treasurer Barbara Hafer (D-PA) received 22 votes, followed by Cambria County Controller Ed Cernic, Jr. (D-PA) with 14 and Navy veteran Ryan Bucchianeri (D-PA) with one. The vote was mostly symbolic. The nominee for the special election will be chosen by the 50-members state executive committee.

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     Tennessee 8th District - I Love a Good Challenge: U.S. Representative John S. Tanner (D-TN) has said he almost reconsidered retirement because he was excited by the prospect of an electoral challenge.

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     Poll Updates: Updated poll information has been posted. New polls were posted in the following races: Kentucky Senate and Nebraska Governor.

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     Politicians Do The Strangest Things - The Right to Imposition: Attorneys for New Jersey TEA Party activists acknowledge that the U.S. Constitution does not provide the right to recall federal legislators, but they nonetheless argued before a New Jersey appeals court that they should have the right to express their dissatisfaction with U.S. Senator Bob Menendez (D-NJ) by conducting an impotent petition drive.

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     Supporting Cast - Ohio Lieutenant Governor : Ohio Auditor Mary Taylor (R-OH), who was asked by Republican gubernatorial nominee John R. Kasich (R-OH) to be his lieutenant governor running mate, has been accused of being a slacker. Taylor doesn't document her work hours or ask for mileage reimbursement from the state. And she can't tell you how much time she spends working here or there. Her work schedule is almost untraceable.

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March 7, 2010

     Illinois Governor - And the Nominee is Named: A month after the primary, state Senator Bill Brady (R-IL) is officially declared the gubernatorial nominee having defeated state Senator Kirk W. Dillard (R-IL) by 193 votes. Dillard announced that he would not seek a recount and conceded to Brady.
     Before the story of Dillard's concession could be put to print, Brady was demonstrating why his candidacy might not be the proper vehicle for the GOP to recapture the Governor's Mansion. Brady held a press conference and accused Governor Pat Quinn of putting "at risk the people of Illinois and their public safety." Brady suggested that a Springfield man accused of a murder was part of Governor Pat Quinn's (D-IL) early release program for inmates. If Brady's campaign had checked available public records, they would have realized that the inmate was not among those the Quinn administration released early because he was not eligible. In fact, The Quinn administration has provided an online list detailing which inmates were let out early after getting time taken off their prison sentence.

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     Louisiana Senate - In Any Other Year: Most years incumbent candidates make every effort to reminder voters of their ability to provide benefits to constituents. But this year is looking to be an anti-Washington so it shouldn't be too surprising when U.S. Representative Charles J. Melancon (D-LA) announced that he was resigning from the House Budget Committee in order to concentrate on his U.S. Senate campaign against U.S. Senator David Vitter (R-LA).

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     Pennsylvania Senate - Cheap, Cheap, Cheap: U.S. Senator Arlen Specter (D-PA) continued to criticize his primary challenger, U.S. Representative Joseph A. Sestak (D-PA), over the low pay Sestak is paying is campaign staff.

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     Alternative Party News - Pennsylvania Senate : The Pennsylvania Green Party nominated physician assistant Mel Packer (G-PA) for the U.S. Senate and Ed Bortz (G-PA) for the 14th Congressional District.

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     Michigan Governor - Taking One for the Progressive Team: Less than a week after forming his exploratory committee, former Genesee County Treasurer Daniel T. Kildee (D-MI) abruptly reversed course and announced that he would not be a gubernatorial candidate. Kildee explained that he feared that he would split the pro-labor vote with state Representative Alma Wheeler Smith (D-MI) and Lansing Mayor Virg Bernero (D-MI) allowing the more conservative state House Speaker Andy Dillon (D-MI) to win the Democratic nomination.

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     Minnesota Governor - Move Along, Nothing to See Here: The Minnesota campaign finance board announced that it would not investigate allegations that Minneapolis MayorR.T. Rybak's (DFL-MN) mayoral re-election campaign bought a database of Democratic voters to benefit his gubernatorial campaign, because the GOP complaint was based on "contentions rather than statements of facts."

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     Wyoming Governor - Democratic Replacement: Following the announcement by Governor Dave Freudenthal (D-WY) that he would not seek a third term, Democrats have begun a desperate search for a gubernatorial candidate. State Senator Mike A. Massie's (D-WY) name has been mentioned for years as a possible candidate, but most political observers believe that he will forgo a campaign for governor and instead focus on a run for state School Superintendent. State party leaders have also approached attorney Paul Hickey (D-WY), who lost the Democratic primary to Freudenthal in 2002, about a second try.

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     Georgia 9th District - Delayed Departure: U.S. Representative Nathan Deal (R-GA), who earlier this week announced that he would resign from Congress to focus on his gubernatorial campaign, decided to delay his departure until after Congress has voted on health care reform.

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     New York 29th District - Early Departure: U.S. Representative Eric J. Massa (D-NY), who earlier this week announced that he would not seek a second term in Congress, says that he will resign Monday. Massa acknowledged for the first time to allegations of sexual harassment levied against him by a male staffer. Massa admitted that he used language that might have made staffers uncomfortable, but would not address specifically charges.

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     Massachusetts 10th District - New Opportunity: U.S. Representative William D. Delahunt (D-MA) announced that he would not seek reelection to Congress, ending a nearly 40-year career in elected office. Fresh off the victory of U.S. Senator Scott P. Brown (R-MA), Republicans believe they have a real opportunity to pick up the seat.

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     Ohio 6th District - Reaching Full Employment: Republican Samuel A. Hepfner Jr. (R-OH) dropped out of the race for Congress, saying he was unable to hire staff because likely staffers "have committed to other candidates."

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     Illinois 8th District - Slipped Tea: National Republicans have apparently decided to not help financially the congressional campaign of Joe Walsh (R-IL), the only TEA party activist to have won, so far, a GOP nomination. "Walsh wasn't the GOP group's choice to face the three-term incumbent," said National Republican Congressional Committee spokesman Tom Erickson. Walsh's campaign is taking the snub stoically. "Joe Walsh is not part of the establishment and, unfortunately, some elements of the GOP establishment are still a bit tone deaf when it comes to independent, conservative reform candidates," a spokesperson of the campaign wrote. "It helps explain why they didn't see Walsh's primary victory coming."

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     Texas 17th District - The Life Vote: Bill Flores (R-TX) received the endorsement of the Texas Right to Life in his primary runoff against Rob Curnock (R-TX).

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     Poll Updates: Updated poll information has been posted. New polls were posted in the following races: Colorado Senate, Indiana 4th District, Indiana 5th District, Colorado Senate and Texas Governor.

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March 5, 2010

     Arizona Senate - Preparing for Hayworth: Democrats hope to position themselves to be competitive in Arizona Senate contest if former U.S. Representative J.D. Hayworth, Jr. (R-AZ) defeats U.S. Senator John S. McCain, III (R-AZ) in the Republican primary. But the Democratic Senatorial Campaign Committee and Arizona Democrats have not been able to agree on a candidate. Local Democrats are lining up behind Tucson vice mayor Rodney Glassman (D-AZ), but the national Dems want to keep the recruitment effort active.

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     California Senate - Jewish Clarity: After his primary rivals questioned the level of his support for the Jewish nation, former U.S. Representative Tom Campbell (R-CA) sought to clarify his position, declaring that he fully supports the State of Israel.

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     Connecticut Senate - Plagarize: The Senate campaign of Rob Simmons (R-CT) quickly removed from its website the former Republican congressman's "Plan for Prosperity" after the Associated Press reported similarities between the wording used by Simmons on his website and the National Federation of Independent Business' website. Simmons campaign lifted without credit the business associations talking points on joint-and-several liability reform.

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     South Carolina Senate - Coming to an Election Near You: Former circuit court judge A. Victor Rawl (D-SC) will formally announce his candidacy for the U.S. Senate on Monday, March 8.

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     Arkansas Senate - And the Children Shall Lead Them:

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     Illinois Governor - Making It Official: The Illinois State Board of Elections is scheduled to release its official canvass of the Republican gubernatorial primary today. State Senator Bill Brady (R-IL) is expected to be declared the winner, but state Senator Kirk W. Dillard (R-IL) might ask for a recount. Dillard has earlier indicated that he would request a recount is the official margin was less than 100 votes.

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     Wyoming Governor - Reaching the Limit: Wyoming Governor Dave Freudenthal (D-WY) announced that he will not seek re-election this year. State law bars governors from seeking a third consecutive term, but legal experts said that the state Supreme Court would likely strike down the law following a similar ruling two years ago. Without Freudenthal, Democrats are unlikely to retain control of the Equality State's executive office.

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     Florida 25th District - Keeping His Options Open: Even as he was announcing his campaign for Congress, state Representative David Rivera (R-FL) did not foreclose the idea of running for re-election. Rivera faces a potentially tough primary battle with state Senator Alex Diaz de la Portilla (R-FL).

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     Kentucky 6th District - Testing Citizens United: The re-election campaign of U.S. Representative Ben Chandler (D-KY) offers an opportunity to test the new corporate spending opportunities following the Supreme Court's decision in Citizens United v. the Federal Election Commission. The coal industry was angered by Chandler's support for "Cap-and-Trade" legislation and might decide to target the conservative Democrats. Chandler is expected to face former gubernatorial aide Garland "Andy" Barr (R-KY) in the general election.

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     Mississippi 1st District - Question of Loyalty: Republicans are questioning congressional candidate Angela McGlowan's (R-MS) party loyalty after she refused to commit to supporting state Senator Alan Nunnelee (R-MS) if he were to win the GOP nomination. McGlowan said that she would support Henry Ross (R-MS) but not the Nunnelee, who is consider the frontrunner.

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     New York 15th District - Post Charlie: There is talk of a possible open seat race in New York's 15th Congressional District, following U.S. Representative Charles B. Rangel's (D-NY) decision to step down, temporarily, as chair of the House Ways and Means Committee. Several prominent Harlem Democrats are mentioned as possible primary candidate.

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     New York 25th District - Without an Endorsement: Mark Bitz (R-NY) says he is not ready to end his campaign for the Republican congressional nomination in New York's 25th District. On Wednesday night, Ann Marie Buerkle (R-NY) won the endorsement the local Republican party. Buerkle has also received the endorsement of the New York Conservative Party. Ten years ago, while seeking re-election to the Syracuse Common Council, Buerkle ran on the Republican, Conservative and Right-to-Life tickets and abortion rights was a defining issue in her campaign.

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     New York 29th District - More to Come: The retirement announcement by U.S. Representative Eric J. Massa (D-NY) leaves Corning Mayor Tom Reed (R-NY) as the only announced candidate in New York's 29th Congressional District. But political observers doubt that Reed's status as the lone candidate will last long. Democrats are already pushing Hornell Mayor Shawn Hogan (D-NY) as a possible candidate. There is also talk of former U.S. Representative John R. "Randy" Kuhl, Jr. (R-NY) seeking his old seat. In addition, Monroe County Executive Maggie Brooks (R-NY) is considering getting into the race.

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     North Dakota District - Distinct: U.S. Representative Earl Pomeroy (D-ND), who has been able to win re-election continuously from the "red state" of North Dakota, is finding it harder this year to distinguish himself from his more liberal colleagues in Congress.

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     Oregon 4th District - Leiken Leaves: Springfield Mayor Sid Leiken (R-OR) announced that he was abandoning his campaign for Congress and would instead run for Lane County Board of Commissioners. Leiken efforts to defeat U.S. Representative Pete DeFazio (D-OR) never recovered from early allegations of nepotism after his paid his mother supposedly for an opinion survey which was never conducted.,

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     Pennsylvania 12th District - Crying Foul: Former state Treasurer Barbara Hafer (D-PA) complained that the procedure Democrats have chosen to pick a nominee for the special election in Pennsylvania's 12th Congressional District is "flawed" and designed to benefit the candidacy of Mark Critz (D-PA), who was Congressman Jack Murtha's (D-PA) district director.

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     Poll Updates: Updated poll information has been posted. New polls were posted in the following races: Connecticut Senate, Georgia Governor, Kansas Senate, Kentucy Senate, New Jersey Senate and Oklahoma Governor.

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     Politicians Do the Strangest Things - Name Calling: Republicans successfully parleyed voters' fears about terrorism to election victories in 2002 and 2004. But as the threat of terrorists attacks faded from voters perception, the Fear mongering on the issue national security failed to help vulnerable Republicans in 2006 and 2008. Republicans hope to resurrect their 2002 and 2004 strategies but with a new scapegoat: Socialism. Fundraising documents obtained from the Republican National Committee revealed that the GOP plans to mount a national campaign to "Save the country from Socialism." Replacing the Al Qaeda will be a new "Evil Empire" lead by Barack H. "The Joker" Obama, Nancy "Cruella de Vil" Pelosi, and Harry "Scooby-Doo" Reid.

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March 4, 2010

     New York 29th District - Now Open: U.S. Representative Eric J. Massa (D-NY) revealed that he is suffering from a recurrence of cancer and will not seek re-election this year. Massa reported called Hornell Mayor Shawn Hogan (D-NY) prior to his announcement and encouraged him to run for the soon-to-be open seat.

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     Arizona Senate - Over Endorsed: In response to a primary challenge from former U.S. Representative J.D. Hayworth, Jr. (R-AZ), U.S. Senator John S. McCain, III (R-AZ) has rolled out a list of endorsements from prominent conservatives. But Hayworth's campaign argues that McCain's endorsements simply underscores the message that McCain is part of the Washington establishment.

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     Florida Senate - Democrats' Favorite Republican: The reaction Democratic state legislators gave Governor Charlie Crist's (R-FL) last State of the State address is doing nothing to dismiss the rumors that the Republican incumbent will abandon his goals of winning the GOP Senate nomination and run in the fall as an independent.

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     North Dakota Senate - Farewell Heidi: Former North Dakota Attorney General Heidi Heitkamp (DNL-ND) announced that she will not be a candidate for the U.S. Senate in 2010. The only announced Democratic candidate for the seat being vacated by Senator Byron L. Dorgan (DNL-ND) is state Senator Tracy Potter (DNL-ND).

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     California Governor - Experienced Outsider: California Attorney General Edmond G. "Jerry" Brown, Jr. (D-CA) announced his candidacy for governor saying that the budgetary crisis in the Golden State requires someone with the experience to handle the job but with an outsider's mentality.

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     Alternative Party News - Minnesota Governor: Public Relations executive Tom Horner (Ind-MN) won the gubernatorial endorsement of Minnesota Independence Party. Horner received 50% of the vote of participants of the party's online caucus, compared to Rob Hahn's (Ind-MN) 16% and former Senate nominee John T. Uldrich's (Ind-MN) 4%.

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     Utah Governor - Salary Cut: Democratic gubernatorial candidate Peter Corroon (D-UT) called on Governor Gary R. Herbert (R-UT) to support legislation that would shrink the governor's pay by ten percent. "Utahns are suffering. Our state leaders need to set the example and do what is right," said the Salt Lake County Mayor.

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     New York 15th District - Stepping Down: U.S. Representative Charles B. Rangel (D-NY) agreed to temporarily step down as chair of the House Ways and Means Committee until the House ethics committee has completed its investigation of him. Last week the ethics committee cleared Representatives Norm DicksM (D-WA), Marcy Kaptur (D-OH), James Moran (D-VA), Todd Tiahrt (R-KS), Peter Visclosky (D-IN) and Bill Young (R-FL) of the allegation that they steered no-bid contracts to clients of PMA Group in exchange for large campaign donations from those contractors. But Rangel was singled out for admonishment after failing to report gifts in the form of reimbursement for travels. The committee said that Rangel should have known about the contribution and therefore was responsible. The committee continues to investigate Rangel's failure to report income from rental property on his taxes.

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     Illinois 8th District - In the Interest of Full Foreclosure: Republican congressional nominee Joe Walsh (R-IL), who has been campaigning on the issue of fiscal restraint, was evicted from his downtown condominium last fall. The two-bedroom unit went into foreclosure in 2008. Walsh claim that the "experience helped me gain a better appreciation for the very real economic anxieties felt by 8th District families, many of whom are just a paycheck or two away from facing similar difficulties."
     But party leaders are not happy that the TEA Party activists concealed his financial problems. Gene Dawson (R-IL), a member of Illinois' 8th Congressional District Republican central committee said he wished he knew about Walsh's foreclosure before the primary. "I feel very strongly that any candidate for any elected position should disclose anything and everything that could be detrimental so they can go forward with a clear conscience. I do not know what prevented Joe from disclosing the issue," said Dawson.

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     Alternative Party News - New York 25th District: Republican congressional candidate Ann Marie Buerkle (R-NY) has won the endorsement of the New York Conservative Party for her campaign for the New York's 25th Congressional DistrictStory Here. Your Comments Here.

     Poll Updates: Updated poll information has been posted. New polls were posted in the following races: Georgia Governor, Georgia Senate, New York Senate and Oklahoma 2nd District.

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     Politicians Do the Strangest Things - Say No More: Wyoming legislators have proposed a state law adopting "cowboy ethics." Supposedly based on the Code of the West, the law would stress the importance of living with courage, keeping promises, finishing what you start and saying more by talking less.

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March 3, 2010

     And the Nominees Are . . . : The heralded TEA Party revolution failed to materialize yesterday. No incumbent was defeated in the Texas primaries and no TEA Party challengers was even able to break through the 20% mark. Governor Rick Perry (R-TX) beat back a challenge by U.S. Senator Kay Bailey Hutchison (R-TX) and conservative activist Debra Medina (R-TX), winning the Republican nomination for a third term without the need of a run-off. Democrats were embarrassed when Kesha Rogers (D-TX), a follower of political extremist Lyndon LaRouche, won the Democratic nomination in Texas's 22nd Congressional District.

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     Illinois Senate: U.S. Representative Mark S. Kirk (R-IL) says that the fate of state Treasurer Alexander "Alexi" Giannoulias' (D-IL) family's bank should be an issue of concern in the Illinois Senate contest.

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     Louisiana Senate: While Stephanie Gregory Clifford's (I-LA) Senate exploratory committee is still in good standing with the state the adult movie actress, better known as Stormy Daniels, has yet to reestablish residency in Louisiana, which would be a requirement if she plans to challenge U.S. Senator David Vitter (R-LA).

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     New York Senate: In the end, it should come to no surprise that former U.S. Representative Harold E. Ford, Jr. (D-NY) decided not to challenge U.S. Senator Kirsten E. Gillibrand (D-NY) in the Democratic primary. The same dynamics that convinced Representatives Steve Israel (D-NY), Carolyn McCarthy and Carolyn Maloney (D-NY) not to run would still be in place for the former Tennessean.

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     Michigan Governor: Former Congressman John J. H. "Joe" Schwarz (R-MI) is forming a gubernatorial exploratory committee. Schwarz is abandoning his affiliation with the Republican Party and plans to run as an independent.

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     Michigan Governor: Democratic gubernatorial candidate Andy Dillon (D-MI) says that he does not plan on stepping down from his position of State House Speaker while campaigning, unless a conflict arises that would prevent him from doing the job.

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     Illinois 11th District: Republican congressional nominee Adam Kinzinger (R-IL) may be backing away from the promise he made during the primary not to engage in name calling during his race against U.S. Representative Debbie Halvorson (R-IL). During a recent TEA Party rally Kinzinger held up a T-shirt with the word the word "Socialism" with a circle and a large line drawn diagonally though it.

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     Poll Updates: Updated poll information has been posted. New polls were posted in the following races: Florida Senate Primary, Georgia Governor, Kansas Governor, New York Governor, New York Senate, Oklahoma Senate Pennsylvania Senate and Rhode Island Governor.

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March 2, 2010

     If It is a Tuesday . . . : It is election day in Texas and Republican incumbents across the state face primary challenges from TEA Party activists n the first test of the ideological battle within the GOP. The premiere question is whether Governor Rick Perry (R-TX) will win re-nomination without a run-off against either U.S. Senator Kay Bailey Hutchison (R-TX) or Debra Medina (R-TX).

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     Arkansas Senate: The initial reaction to Arkansas Lieutenant Governor Bill Halter's (D-AR) decision to challenge U.S. Senator Blanche Lambert Lincoln (D-AR) for the Democratic nomination is a belief that this will actually help the incumbent reinforce her image with general election voters as a moderate.

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     New York Governor: After withstanding pressure from party activists and the White House, the decision by Governor David A. Paterson (D-NY) not to seek re-election was anti-climatic. Attorney General Andrew M. Cuomo (D-NY) is expected to enter the race, but will delay any announcement until he has completed his pending investigation of Paterson and state Senate Majority Leader Pedro Espada, Jr. (D-NY).

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     Tennessee Governor: State Senate Minority Leader James F. Kyle, Jr. (D-TN) dropped out of the race for the Democratic gubernatorial nomination leaving former House Majority Leader Kim McMillan (D-TN) and businessman Mike McWherter (D-TN) as the only major candidates still in the race.

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     Georgia Governor: U.S. Representative Nathan Deal (R-GA) announced that he would resign his seat in Congress to pursue his gubernatorial ambition.

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     Poll Updates: Updated poll information has been posted. New polls were posted in the following races: Alabama 2nd District, Indiana Senate and West Virginia 1st District.

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March 1, 2010

     Poll Updates: Updated poll information has been posted. New polls were posted in the following races: Delaware House, Delaware Senate, Maryland Governor, Maryland Senate, Massachusetts Governor, Michigan Governor, Nevada Governor, Nevada Senate, North Carolina Senate and South Dakota Governor.

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