
2011 Governor Results
Updated on November 9, 2011
Blue Democratic Take Over 0 races |
Cyan Democrats Retention 2 races |
Purple Results N/A |
Dark Green Independent 0 races |
Pink Republican Retention 2 races |
Red Republican Take Over 0 races |
D.C.'s Political Report predicted no net change of Governors |
Previous Newsletters
We're back! At the end of the 2010 election, I had planned to take a six week break before getting back to the website. Unfortunately, at the end of those six weeks we found out that my wife had stage-four cancer. Needlessly to say, my attention to this website was drawn away and occupied by taking care of her and my two daughters. Hopefully as we've been able to get her condition stablized I will be able to return to this site and get it ready for the 2012 elections.
�����D.C.'s Political Report is dedicated to bringing to the public complete summaries of all Congressional, Gubernatorial, and state wide races from across the United States of America and its territories. D.C.'s Political Report has thousands of hyperlinks to candidates, elected offices, government agencies, political parties and political organizations. Its editor, D.C. Finegold Sachs, although a ferocious partisan, presents material without bias, and provides links to candidates' web pages so that opinions can be made by individuals.