Link to Predictions:
D.C.'s Political Report's stars indicate the rating of the race from 1 star to 5 stars depending on its entertainment value.
The color indicates D.C.'s Political Report's prediction of the winning party.
= Democrat retain control,
= Democrats take over control,
= Republican retain control,
= Republicans take over control,
= Independent / 3rd Party retains control,
= Independent / 3rd Party take over control
Bold indicates incumbent. Yellow district indicates open races. Light Blue boxes indicates Democrats maintained control. Light Red boxes indicates Republicans maintained control. Blue boxes indicates Democrats took control. Red boxes indicates Republicans took control. 3.
Key to Vermont Political Parties:
(C) = Constitution Party
(D) = Democratic Party
(I) = independent candidates
(LU) = Liberty Union Party
(M) = Make Marijuana Legal Party(Pr) = Progressive Party
(R) = Republican Party
(SW) = Socialist Workers Party
(WI) = Write-in candidates