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Vermont Secretary of State - Elections Division

1998 Vermont Congressional and Statewide Results
Filing Deadline: July 20, Primary: September 8
Predictions, Notes, List of State Parties
Governor, 2 year term, 70.6% in '96, 3rd term
Stu Rothenberg's prediction: Safe Democrat, Campaign & Election's prediction: Democrat favored 1:9, D.C.'s Report's prediction: 90% Democrat
Howard Dean (D) 56% St. Rep. Ruth Dwyer (R) 41% marijuana activist Joel W. Williams (GR) 2%, restaurant owner Amy Berkey (L) 1%, '92 / '94 nominee Richard Gottlieb (LU) 1%,
Lt. Governor, 2 year term,
Doug Racine (D) St. Sen./ ex-Lt. Gov. Barbara W. Snelling (R) Faeterri Silver (L), Bill Coleman (GR), Jane Newton (LU)
Attorney General, 2 year term,
William H. Sorrell (D) No Republican business consultant Chris Costanzo (L), Sandy "Wells" Ward (GR), Robert Fisher (LU),
Secretary of State, 2 year term,
attorney Deborah Markowitz (D) Jim Milne (R) Patricia Richmond (L), State Party Founder / '94 Governor nominee Denny Lane (GR),
Treasurer, 2 year term,
No Democrat James H. Douglas (R) Peter Baker (L), '96 nominee Randy Bushey (GR), Susan Linskey (LU),
Auditor, 2 year term,
Edward Flanagan (D) ex-Congressional aide James Dwinell (R) David Baker (L), Steven Saetta (GR), Christine Jackowski (LU),
Senator, 54% in '92, 4th term
Stu Rothenberg's prediction: Safe Democrat, Charles Cook's prediction: Safe Democrat, Roll Call's prediction: Likely Democrat, Campaign & Election's prediction: Democrat favored 1:25, D.C.'s Report's prediction: 90% Democrat
Patrick J. Leahy (D) 72.2% 79 year old low budget actor Fred H. Tuttle (R) 22.4% college professor Bob "Dr. Bob" Melamede (GR) 1.1%, political consultant Hugh Douglas (L) 2.0%, '92 / '94 nominee Jerry Levy (LU) 0.6%, Barry M. Nelson (I) 1.4%, write in candidates 0.3%
At Large Cong. District, 55.1% in '96, 4th Term
Roll Call's prediction: Likely Independent, Campaign & Election's prediction: Independent favored 1:3, D.C.'s Report's prediction: 77% Independent
no Democrat ex-Dem St. Rep. Mark Candon (R) 32.9% Bernie Sanders (I) 63.4%
computer engineer Robert Maynard (L) 1.0%, Matthew Mulligan (GR) 1.6%, '92 / '96 nominee Peter Diamondstone (LU) 1.0%, write in candidates 0.1%

1. Key to Predictions: Roll Call,
The Cook Political Report,
The Rothenberg Political Report,
Campaign & Election Magazine,
D.C.'s Political Report

2. Bold indicates incumbent. Yellow district indicates open races. Blue boxes indicates winner. Red print indicates change in party control.

3. Key to Party Identification.
(D) = Democratic Party
(GR) = Grassroots Party
(I) = independent candidates
(L) = Libertarian Party
(LU) = Liberty Union Party
(Pr) = Progressive Coalition
(R) = Republican Party
(S) = Socialist Party
(WI) = Write-in candidates

Copyright � 1998-2005 D.C. Finegold-Sachs.