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Vermont Secretary of State - Elections Division
2000 Vermont Presidential, Congressional and Statewide Results
Filing Deadline: 7/17/00, Filing Deadline for third parties: 9/21/00, Primary: 9/12/00
Last Updated: December 14, 2000
Predictions, Notes, List of State Parties
President, William J. Clinton (D) barred from 3rd term, 53.4% in '96
D.C.'s Political Report's Prediction: 77% Democrat, Others' Predictions,
Albert A. "Al" Gore, Jr. (D) 50.63% George W. "Dubya" Bush (R) 40.7% Ralph Nader (Pr) 6.92%, Patrick J. 'Pat' Buchanan (Rfm) 0.74%, Dennis I. "Denny" Lane (GR) 0.35%, Harry Browne (L) 0.27%, John S. Hagelin (NL) 0.07%, Howard Phillips (C) 0.05%, David E. McReynolds (LU) 0.05%, James E. Harris Jr. (SW) 0.02%, write in votes 0.17%
Governor, 2 year term, 56% in '98, 4th term
D.C.'s Political Report's Prediction: 90% Democratic, Rothenberg Report: Likely / Safe Democrat, Campaign & Election's Odds: 7:3 Democrat, Congressional Quarterly's ranking: Democrat Favored, Cook Political Report's overview: Solid Democrat, Peter Orvetti's Prediction: Democrat, Ron Gunzburger: Democrat,
Howard Dean (D) 50.4% ex-St. Rep. / '98 nominee Ruth Dwyer (R) 37.9% attorney Anthony Pollina (Pr) 9.5%, Richard F. Gottlieb (LU) 0.1%, '98 nominee / marijuana activist Joel W. Williams (GR) 0.4%, Hardy Macia (L) 0.2%, businessman Phil Stannard, Sr. (I) 0.7%, missionary / teacher Marilyn "Mom" Verna Christian (I) 0.3%, write in 0.0%
Lt. Governor, 2 year term,
D.C.'s Political Report's Prediction: 90% Democratic,
Douglas A. "Doug" Racine (D) 53.3%, ex-school board chair Brian Dubie (R) 41.3% Tom Beer (GR) 3.0%, Jane Newton (LU) 1.1%, Don O'Donnell (L) 1.0%, write in 0.1%
Attorney General, 2 year term,
D.C.'s Political Report's Prediction: 100% Democratic,
William H. Sorrell (D) 83.9% William H. Sorrell (R) '98 nominee / drug legalization advocate Sandy "Wells" Ward (GR) 14.7% write in 1.3%
Secretary of State, 2 year term,
D.C.'s Political Report's Prediction: 77% Democratic,
Deborah L. Markowitz (D) 61.2%, ex-village trustee Larry Drown (R) 36.5% Leslie Yvonne Scaffidi (LU) 2.0% write in 0.1%
Treasurer, 2 year term,
D.C.'s Political Report's Prediction: 100% Republican
James H. Douglas (D) James H. Douglas (R) 86.0% Claude DeLucia (Pr) 13.6% write in 0.2%
Auditor, 2 year term, Edward S. Flanagan (D) running for U.S. Senate
D.C.'s Political Report's Prediction: 50% Democratic
St. Sen. Elizabeth Mary Ready (D) 53.8% town manager John S. Hall (R) 42.0% '98 Treasurer nominee Peter Baker (L) 2.5%, Robin C. McKnight (LU) 1.5%, write in 0.1%
Senator, 50% in '94, 2nd term,
D.C.'s Political Report's Prediction: 50% Republican, Roll Call's Outlook: Likely Republican, Campaign & Election's Odds: 4:3 Republican, Congressional Quarterly's ranking: Republican Favored, Stuart Rothenberg's rating: Vulnerable Republican, Cook Political Report's overview: Lean Republcan, Political Junkie: Republican, Peter Orvetti's Prediction: Republican, Ron Gunzburger: Republican, Ken Rubin: Republican,
Auditor Edward S. Flanagan (D) 25.4% Jim Jeffords (R) 65.5% professor Hugh Douglas (L) 1.3%, attorney Rick Hubbard (I) 1.8%, Billy Greer (GR) 1.6%, Jerry Levy (LU) 0.5%, dairy specialist Charles W. Russell (C) 3.4%, write in 0.1%
At Large Congressional District, 63.4% in '98, 5th Term,
D.C.'s Political Report's Prediction: 77% Progressive, Roll Call's Outlook: Safe Independent Campaign & Election's Odds: 3:1 Incumbent, Congressional Quarterly's ranking: Safe Independent, Peter Orvetti's Prediction: Independent, Ron Gunzburger: Independent,
'92 / '96 / '98 Liberty Union Party nominee Peter "Pete" Diamondstone (D) 5.2% attorney / civil engineer Karen Ann Kerin (R) 18.3%ne´e Charles Kerin Bernie Sanders (Pr) 69.2%,
professor Daniel H. "Dan" Krymkowski (L) 1.0%, '94 nominee Jack Rogers (GR) 1.6%, Stewart Skrill (I) 4.1%, write in 0.2%

1. Link to Predictions: (D.C.'s Political Report no longer assures that these links are active)
ABC News,
The Associated Press,
Campaign & Election Magazine,
Congressional Quarterly Magazine,
The Cook Political Report,
D.C.'s Political Report,
Ron Gunzburger,
The National Journal's and The Hotline's Hotline,
Peter J. M. Orvetti
Roll Call,
The Rothenberg Political Report,
Ken Rubin,

2. Bold indicates incumbent. Yellow district indicates open races. Blue boxes indicates winner. Red boxes indicates change in party control.

3. Key to Party Identification.
(C) = Constitution Party
(D) = Democratic Party
(GR) = Grassroots Party
(I) = independent candidates
(L) = Libertarian Party
(LU) = Liberty Union Party
(NL) = Natural Law Party
(Pr) = Progressive Party
(Rfm) = Reform Party
(R) = Republican Party

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