
Wyoming Secretary of State - Election Administration
2008 Wyoming Congressional and Statewide Primary Results
Republican Presidential Caucus: 1/5/08, Democratic Presidential Caucus: 3/8/08, Primary Filing Deadline: 5/30/08, New Party Deadline: 6/2/08, Primary: 8/19/08, Independent Filing Deadline: 8/25/08, General Election: 11/4/08,
Last Updated: August 20, 2008 |
Predictions, Notes, List of State Parties, |
President, 68.9% in '04 for Bush, Polls D.C.'s Political Report's Rating:  Republican, |
U.S. Sen. Barack H. Obama (D-IL) 61.39%, U.S. Sen. Hillary R. Clinton (D-NY) 37.81%, uncommitted 0.72%, other 0.08%, |
ex-Gov. W. Mitt Romney (R-MA) 8 delegates, 5 alternate delegates, ex-U.S. Sen. Fred D. Thompson (R-TN) 3 delegates, 1 alternate, U.S. Rep. Duncan L. Hunter (R-CA) 1 delegate, 1 alternate, Uncomitted 4 alterates, U.S. Sen. John S. McCain, III (R-AZ) 1 alternate, ex-New York City Mayor Rudolph W. "Rudy" Giuliani (R-NY) 0 delegate, ex-Gov. Mike Huckabee (R-AR) 0 delegates, ex-Amb./ '04, '92 & '88 Senate nominee '96 & '00 Presidential candidate Alan L. Keyes (R-MD) 0 delegates, '88 Libertarian Party nominee / U.S. Rep. Ronald E. "Ron" Paul (R-TX) 0 delegates, |
Minister Chuck Baldwin (C-FL), |
ex-U.S. Rep. Robert L. "Bob" Barr (L-GA), |
consumer activist Ralph Nader (I-CT), |
Senator, 73.0% in '02, 2nd term, Polls D.C.'s Political Report's Rating:  Republican, Congressional Quarterly's Scorecard: Safe Republican, Cook Political Report: Solid Republican, National Journal's Chuck Todd: 6th Least Likely to Switch Parties, Roll Call's Outlook: Safe Republican, Rothenberg Political Report: Safe Republican, Larry Sabato's Crystal Ball: Solid Republican, |
prof. Christopher "Chris" Rothfuss (D) 62.4%, '88 Congressional candidate / '00 & '02 Senate candidate / '00 & '04 Pres. candidate Albert "Al" Hamburg (D) 37.6%, |
Michael B. "Mike" Enzi (R), |
Senator, 70.0% in '06, Craig L. Thomas (R) died 6/4/07 during 3rd term, Special election in 2008, next regular election in 2012, Polls D.C.'s Political Report's Rating:   Republican, Cook Political Report: Solid Republican, Congressional Quarterly's Scorecard: Safe Republican, Robert Novak: Likely Republican, Rothenberg Political Report: Safe Republican, Roll Call's Outlook: Safe Republican, Larry Sabato's Crystal Ball: Solid Republican, |
attorney Nick Carter (D) 50.6%, '98 Gov. candidate / City Councilor / ex-St. Sen. Keith B. Goodenough (D) 49.4%, |
'96 candidate / surgeon / ex-St. Sen. John A. Barrasso (R), |
At Large Congressional District, 49.0% in '06, Barbara L. Cubin (R) retiring after 7th term, Polls D.C.'s Political Report's Rating:   Republican, Congressional Quarterly's Scorecard: Leans Republican, Cook Political Report: Likely Republican, Robert Novak: Leans Republican, Roll Call's Outlook: Leans Republican, Rothenberg Political Report: Republican Favored, DCCC target, |
'06 nominee / School Board Chair Gary Trauner (D), |
ex-St. Treas. Cynthia M. Lummis (R) 46.2%, rancher Mark Gordon (R) 37.4%, '06 candidate Ret. Navy Capt. Bill Winney (R) 11.9%, physician Michael S. Holland (R) 4.4%, |
'96 Senate nominee / attorney W. David Herbert (L), '06 nominee Thomas R. "Thom" Rankin (L)?, |
1. Link to Predictions:
2. D.C.'s Political Report's stars indicate the rating of the race from 1 star to 5 stars depending on its entertainment value.
The color indicates D.C.'s Political Report's prediction of the winning party.
= Democrat retain control, |
= Democrats take over control, |
= Republican retain control, |
= Republicans take over control, |
= Independent / 3rd Party retains control, |
= Independent / 3rd Party take over control |
Bold indicates incumbent. |
Yellow district indicates open races. |
Light Blue boxes indicates Democrats maintained control. |
Light Red boxes indicates Republicans maintained control. |
Blue boxes indicates Democrats took control. |
Red boxes indicates Republicans took control. |
3. Key to Wyoming Political Parties: