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2005 Polls
Governor Polls Last Updated on December 2, 2005
Democratic Take Over
Democrats Retention
Toss Up
No Election
Republican Retention
Republican Take Over
No Races in Gray States
California: Villaraigosa 60% - Hahn 36%, Survey USA, May 13-15, 2005, MoE 4.3%, Villaraigosa 51% - Hahn 40%, Losa Angeles Times, May 2-8, 2005, MoE 4% Massachusetts: Romney (R) 44% - Meehan (D) 41%, Romney (R) 40% - Markey (D) 43%, Healey (R) 29% - Meehan (D) 42%, Healey (R) 29% - Markey (D) 41%, Romney (R) 46% - Reilly (D) 38%, RKM Research, June 25-28, 2004, MoE 4.4% New Jersey: Forrester (R) 45% - Corzine (D) 52% - others 3%, Quinnipiac Univ., October 31 - November 6, 2005, MoE 3.5%, Forrester (R) 44% - Corzine (D) 50% - others 5%, Survey USA., November 4-6, 2005, MoE 3.5%, Forrester (R) 39% - Corzine (D) 44% - others 5%, Rasmussen Reports, November 6, 2005, MoE 4.5%, Forrester (R) 37% - Corzine (D) 43% - others ?%, Rutgers Univ., November 1-5, 2005, MoE 3.6%, Forrester (R) 44% - Corzine (D) 48% - others 2%, Fairleigh Dickinson., November 4-5, 2005, MoE 3.5%, Forrester (R) 38% - Corzine (D) 47% - others 4%, Monmouth Univ., November 2-4, 2005, MoE 3.6%, Forrester (R) 46% - Corzine (D) 51% - others <1%, Marist College, November 6, 2005, MoE 5%, Forrester (R) 36% - Corzine (D) 48% - others ?%, Greenberg Quinlan Rosner (D), November 2-3, 2005, MoE 4%, New York City: Bloomberg (R) 68% - Ferrer (D) 30% - Ognibene (Cns) 2%, Quinnipiac University October 31 - November 6, 2005, MoE 3.7%, Bloomberg (R) 60% - Ferrer (D) 28% - Ognibene (Cns) 1% - other 1%, Blum & Weprin, October 30 - November 4, 2005 MoE 4%, Bloomberg (R) 62% - Ferrer (D) 31% - Ognibene (Cns) 3%, Marist College, October 27 - 30, 2005 MoE 5%, , Ohio: 2nd Congressional District McEwen (R) 24% - DeWine (R) 23%, Public Opinion Strategies (R), June 1-2, 2005 MoE 5.7%, Virginia: Kilgore (R) 45% - Kaine (D) 50% - Potts (I) 3%, Survey USA, November 4-6, 2005, MoE 3.9%, Kilgore (R) 46% - Kaine (D) 49% - Potts (I) 2%, Rasmussen Reports, November 2, 2005, MoE 3%, Kilgore (R) 44% - Kaine (D) 45% - Potts (I) 4%, Mason Dixon, November 1-2, 2005, MoE 4%, Kilgore (R) 46.1% - Kaine (D) 47.8%, Zogby Interactive, October 25-31, MoE 3.5%, Kilgore (R) 36% - Kaine (D) 44% - Potts (I) 5%, Roanoke College, October 23-30, 2005, MoE 5%, Wisconsin: School Superintendent Race Underheim (R) 37.3% - Burmaster (D) 35.3, McLuaghlin & Assoc. (R), February 7-8, 2005, MoE 4.5%

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