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New York State Board of Elections
2004 New York Presidential Primary Results
Presidential Primary Filing Deadline: 1/2/04, Presidential Primary: 3/2/04, Filing Period: 7/15/04, Primary: 9/14/04, Presidential / Independent Filing Deadline: 8/17/04, Nomination Deadline: 9/20/04,
List of State Parties,
President, 35.2% in '00, 1st term, Polls,
U.S. Sen. John F. Kerry (D) 60.5%,
U.S. Sen. John R. Edwards (D) 20.2%, Rev. Alfred C. "Al" Sharpton (D) 8.2%, U.S. Rep. Dennis J. Kucinich (D) 5.4%, ex-Gov. Howard Dean (D) 2.8%, U.S. Sen. Joseph L. Lieberman (D) 1.3%, U.S. Rep. Richard A. "Dick" Gephardt (D) 0.7%, ex-NATO commander General Wesley K. Clark (retired) (D) 0.5%, Lyndon H. LaRouche, Jr. (D) 0.4%,
George W. "Dubya" Bush (R) Conservative Party Nominee
Independence Party Nominee
Right to Life Party Nominee
Working Families Party Nominee
Charles E. Schumer (D, Ind, WF), St. AM Howard D. Mills, III (R), '98 Lt. Gov. nominee Don Silberger (L),
'02 Congressional nominee ophthalmologist Marilyn F. O'Grady (Cns),
'00 Socialist Party Presidential nominee / peace activist David McReynolds (G),
national party chair Martin Koppell (SW/WI),
developer ex-City Commr. Abe Hirschfeld (Builders),
1st Congressional District,
Timothy H. "Tim" Bishop (D, WF), ex-DoT official William "Bill" Manger, Jr. (R, Cns), William Bogardt (Ind),
2nd Congressional District,
Steve J. Israel (D, Ind, WF), Richard Hoffmann (R, Cns),
3rd Congressional District,
businessman Blair H. Mathies, Jr. (D), Peter T. King (R, Cns, Ind) 83.6%, businessman / '00 & '02 candidate Robert Previdi (R) 16.4%,
4th Congressional District,
Carolyn McCarthy (D, WF, Ind), Mayor James A. Garner (R, Cns, Ind), Carolyn McCarthy (Ind) 66.0%, Mayor James A. Garner (Ind) 34.0%,
5th Congressional District,
Gary L. Ackerman (D, Ind, WF), commodities trader Stephen Graves (R, Cns) 73.7%, ex-INS inspector Gonzalo "Jun" Policarpio, Jr. (R, For All Americans) 26.3%,
6th Congressional District,
Gregory W. Meeks (D, WF), No Republican
7th Congressional District,
Joseph Crowley (D, WF) 62.8%, ex-St. Sen. / '02 candidate Dennis Coleman (D) 19.4%, attorney Aniello V. Grimaldi (D) 9.3%, eviction processor Curtis Brooks (D) 8.5%, attorney Joseph Cinquemain (R, Cns),
8th Congressional District,
Jerrold L. Nadler (D, WF), attorney Peter Hort (R, Ind, Cns), Millie Sanchez (SW/WI),
9th Congressional District,
Anthony D. Weiner (D, WF), journalist / ex-teacher / '02 Governor candidate Gerard J. Cronin (R, Ind, Cns),
10th Congressional District,
Edolphus Towns (D, WF), Harvey R. Clarke (R), Mariana Blume (Cns),
11th Congressional District,
Major R. Owens (D, WF) 44.0%, NYC council member Yvette D. Clarke (D) 29.2%, NYC councilwoman Tracy L. Boyland (D) 22.5%, businessman / Dr. Gabriel Toks Pearse (D) 4.2%, No Republican Sol Lieberman (Cns),
Lorraine Stevens (Ind),
12th Congressional District,
Nydia M. Velázquez (D, WF), Paul A. Rodriguez (R, Cns),
13th Congressional District,
ex-St. AM / NY Supreme Court Justice Frank J. Barbaro (D, Ins, WF), Vito J. Fossella (R, Cns),
14th Congressional District,
Carolyn B. Maloney (D, Ind, WF), banker / '02 nominee Anton Srdanovic (R),
15th Congressional District,
Charles B. Rangel (D, WF) 71.7%, NYPD civilian employee Ruben Dario Vargas (D) 14.5%, Geoffrey G. Johnson (D) 13.8%, Kenneth P. Jefferson, Jr. (R), physician Jessie Fields (Ind),
Willie Cotton (SW/WI),
16th Congressional District,
José E. Serrano (D, WF), Ali Mohamed (R, Cns), '02 nominee Frank Dellavalli (R), Dorothy Kolis (SW/WI),
17th Congressional District,
Eliot L. Engel (D, WF) 65.3%, NCY fire department treasurer Kevin M. McAdams (D) 23.0%, solar power sales exec. Jessica Flagg (D) 11.7%, Matthew I. Brennan (R), consultant / '02 nominee Kevin Brawley (Cns),
18th Congressional District,
Nita M. Lowey (D, Ind, WF), Richard A. Hoffman (R, Cns?) 51.5%, prof. Jim Russell (R) 48.5%,
19th Congressional District,
Michael Jaliman (D) 60.0%, HORIZON Internat'l president / '02 nominee Janine M. H. Selendy (D) 40.0%, Sue W. Kelly (R, Cns, Ind),
20th Congressional District,
Doris F. Kelly (D) 64.6%, prof. John J. Coleman (D) 35.4%, John E. Sweeney (R, Cns, Ind), Morris N. Guller (Centrist),
21st Congressional District,
Michael R. McNulty (D, Cns, Ind, WF), activist / attorney Warren Redlich (R),
22nd Congressional District,
Maurice D. Hinchey (D, Ind, WF), tax attorney William A. Brenner (R) 57.9%, state workforce investment board member Paul Slobodian (R) 42.1%,
23rd Congressional District,
surgeon Robert J. Johnson (D), John M. McHugh (R, Cns, Ind),
24th Congressional District,
prof. Jeffrey A. "Jeff" Miller (D), Sherwood L. "Sherry" Boehlert (R, Ind) 58.0%, Co. Leg. / Dr. / '02 Republican candidate & '02 Conservative party nominee David L. "Dave" Walrath (R, Cns) 42.0%,
25th Congressional District,
No Democrat James T. Walsh (R, Cns, Ind), Howie Hawkins (Peace and Justice),
26th Congressional District,
businessman / ex-GOPer Jack R. Davis, Jr. (D, WF), Thomas M. Reynolds (R, Cns, Ind),
27th Congressional District, Jack Quinn (R) retiring after 6th term,
St. AM Brian M. Higgins (D, Ind, WF) 46.4%, West Seneca Sup. Paul T. Clark (D) 27.5%, attorney Michael J. "Mike" Collesano (D) 12.5%, Chautauqua Co. Exec. Mark W. Thomas (D) 9.7%, attorney / '02 nominee Peter J. Crotty, Jr. (D) 3.9%, Co. Compt. Nancy A. Naples (R, Cns),
28th Congressional District,
Louise McIntosh Slaughter (D, WF) 86.2%, community activist Francina J. "Fran" Cartonia (D, Ind) 13.8%, ex-defense dept. official Michael D. Laba (R, Cns), community activist Francina J. "Fran" Cartonia (Ind),
29th Congressional District, Amory R. Houghton, Jr. (R) retiring after 9th term
ex-congressional aide Samara "Sam" Barend (D, WF) 81.1%, writer / lecturer Jeremy Weir Alderson (D) 18.9%, St. Sen. John R. "Randy" Kuhl, Jr. (R, Cns/WI) 65.6%, Co. Leg. Mark W. Assini (R, Cns) 34.4%, attorney John Ciampoli (Ind),

1. Key to New York Political Parties:
(A1) = America First Party
(AR) = American Reform Party
(Com) = Communist Party
(Cns) = Conservative Party
(C) = Constitution Party
(D) = Democratic Party
(FR) = Freedom Restoration Party
- Affiliated with Independent American Party
(G) = Green Party
(I) = independent candidates
(Ind) = Independence Party
(Labor) = Labor Party
(L) = Libertarian Party
(Lib) = Liberal Party
(M) = Marijuana Reform Party
(NL) = Natural Law Party
(N) = New Party
(P) = Patriot Party
(R) = Republican Party
(Rfm) = Reform Party
(RtL) = Right to Life Party
(SC) = School Choice Party
(S) = Socialist Party
(SL) = Socialist Labor Party
(SW) = Socialist Workers Party
(WF) = Working Families Party
(WW) = Workers World Party
(WI) = Write-in candidates

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