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Georgia Secretary of State - Elections Division
2004 Georgia Congressional and Statewide Races
Presidential Primary: 3/2/04, Filing Deadline: 4/30/04, Presidential Filing Deadline: 7/13/04, Primary: 7/20/04, Runoff: 8/10/04, General Election Run-off: 11/23/04,
Last Updated: November 15, 2004
Predictions, Notes, List of State Parties,
President, 54.7% in '00, 1st term, Current Polls
D.C.'s Political Report's Rating: Bush, Cook Political Report: Solid Bush, Washington Post: Bush, Washington Times: Bush, John Zogby: Bush, Campaign & Elections: Oddsmaker: 3:1 Bush,
U.S. Sen. John F. Kerry (D) 41.4%, George W. Bush (R) 58.0%, Michael Badnarik (L) 0.6%,
Ralph Nader (WI) 0.07%, Michael Peroutka (WI) 0.02%, David Cobb (WI) 0.007%, Tom Tancredo (WI) 0.0008%, David Byrne (WI) 0.0002%, John Joseph Kennedy (WI) 0.0002%, James Alexander Pace (WI) 0.0001%, Lawson Mitchell Bone (WI) 0%,
Public Service Commissioner, 52.5% in '02, 1st term, next election in 2004
D.C.'s Political Report's Rating: Republican,
self-employed Mac Barber (D) 39.5%, Robert B. "Bobby" Baker, Jr. (R) 57.1%, JaLynn Hudnall (L) 3.4%,
Senator, 57.7% in '00 Special Election, Zell Miller (D) retiring after 1st term, Next election 2004, Polls
D.C.'s Political Report's Rating: Republican, Cook Political Report: Solid Republican, Larry Sabato: Likely Republican, New York Times: Likely Republican, Congressional Quarterly: Republican Favored, Campaign & Elections: Oddsmaker: 3:1 Republican,
U.S. Rep. Denise L. Majette (D) 40.0%, U.S. Rep. / '96 primary candidate / '90 Governor nominee Johnny Isakson (R) 57.9%, attorney Allen Buckley (L) 2.1%,
'02 Republican Lt. Gov. candidate / 2000 PSC Republican nominee / mediator Albert "Al" Bartell (WI), Matthew Jamison (WI),
1st Congressional District, 72.1% in '02, 6th term,
D.C.'s Political Report's Rating: Republican, Campaign & Election's Odds: 100:1 Republican,
No Democrat Jack Kingston (R),
2nd Congressional District, unopposed in '02, 6th term
D.C.'s Political Report's Rating: Democratic, Campaign & Election's Odds: 6:1 Democrat,
Sanford D. Bishop Jr. (D) 66.8%, ex-SW GA Chamber of Commerce CEO Dave Eversman (R) 33.2%,
3rd Congressional District, 50.5% in '02, 1st term, Polls,
D.C.'s Political Report's Rating: Democratic, Campaign & Election's Odds: 9:8 Democrat, Cook Political Report: Leans Democratic, Rothenberg Political Report: Watch List, Larry Sabato: Leans Democratic,
James "Jim" Marshall (D) 62.9%, '02 nominee / ex-Co. Comm'r. / ex-City Comm'r. Calder Clay, III (R) 37.1%,
4th Congressional District, 77.0% in '02, Denise Majette (D) running for U.S. Senate after 1st term
D.C.'s Political Report's Rating: Democratic, Campaign & Election's Odds: 4:1 Democrat,
ex-U.S. Rep. Cynthia A. McKinney (D) 63.8%, human resources director Catherine Davis (R) 36.2%,
5th Congressional District, unopposed in '02, 9th term,
D.C.'s Political Report's Rating: Democratic, Campaign & Election's Odds: 100:1 Democrat,
John Lewis (D), No Republican
6th Congressional District, 79.9% in '02, Johnny Isakson (R) retiring after 3rd term and running for U.S. Senate
D.C.'s Political Report's Rating: Republican, Campaign & Election's Odds: 9:1 Republican,
No Democrat St. Sen. Thomas E. Price (R), attorney / '98 Democratic nominee Gary "Bats" Pelphrey (WI),
7th Congressional District, 78.9% in '02, 6th term
D.C.'s Political Report's Rating: Republican, Campaign & Election's Odds: 100:1 Republican,
No Democrat John Linder (R),
8th Congressional District, 78.3% in '02, 6th term, Michael A "Mac" Collins (R) running for U.S. Senate
D.C.'s Political Report's Rating: Republican, Campaign & Election's Odds: 4:3 Republican,
Sylvia Delamar (D) 24.4%, St. Rep. Lynn Westmoreland (R) 75.6%,
9th Congressional District, 72.8% in '02, 5th term
D.C.'s Political Report's Rating: Republican, Campaign & Election's Odds: 9:1 Republican,
prof. Robert "Bob" Ellis (D) 25.7%, Charlie Norwood, Jr. (R) 74.3%, Robert Anthony (WI),
10th Congressional District, unopposed in '02, 6th term
D.C.'s Political Report's Rating: Republican, Campaign & Election's Odds: 100:1 Republican,
No Democrat Nathan Deal (R),
11th Congressional District, 51.6% in '02, 1st term, Polls
D.C.'s Political Report's Rating: Republican, Campaign & Election's Odds: 5:4 Republican, Cook Political Report: Likely Republican, Larry Sabato: Leans Republican, Democratic Target
Polk Co. Magistrate Rick Crawford (D) 42.6%, J. Phillip "Phil" Gingrey (R) 57.4%,
12th Congressional District, 55.2% in '02, 1st term, Polls,
D.C.'s Political Report's Rating: Democratic, Campaign & Election's Odds: 1:1, Cook Political Report: Toss Up, Larry Sabato: Toss-up, Democratic Target,
Co. Comm'r. John Barrow (D) 51.8%, Max Burns (R) 48.2%,
13th Congressional District, 59.6% in '02, 1st term
D.C.'s Political Report's Rating: Democratic, Campaign & Election's Odds: 100:1 Democrat,
David Scott (D), No Republican

1. Link to Predictions:
D.C.'s Political Report,
Campaign & Elections: Political Oddsmaker
Cook Political Report,
Rothenberg Political Report,
Larry Sabato's Crystal Ball,
John Zogby,

2. D.C.'s Political Report's stars indicate the rating of the race from 1 star to 5 stars depending on its entertainment value.
The color indicates D.C.'s Political Report's prediction of the winning party.
= Democrat retain control, = Democrats take over control,
= Republican retain control, = Republicans take over control,
= Independent / 3rd Party retains control, = Independent / 3rd Party take over control
Bold indicates incumbent. Yellow district indicates open races.
Light Blue boxes indicates Democrats maintained control. Light Red boxes indicates Republicans maintained control.
Blue boxes indicates Democrats took control. Red boxes indicates Republicans took control.

3. Key to Georgia Political Parties:
(D) = Democratic Party
(L) = Libertarian Party
(R) = Republican Party
(WI) = Write-in candidates

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