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Louisiana Secretary of State - Department of Elections
2002 Louisiana Congressional and Statewide Results
Filing Deadling: 8/23/02, State Primary: 10/5/02, Open Federal Primary: 11/5/02, Federal Run-off: 12/7/02,
Last Updated: November 7, 2002,
Predictions, Notes, List of State Parties,
Senator, 50.4% in '96, 1st term, Pre-election Poll Numbers,
D.C.'s Political Report's Rating: Democratic, Cook Political Report's overview: Likely Democrat, Campaign & Election's Odds: 7:6 Democrat, Peter Orvetti: Democrat, Roll Call's Outlook: Leans Democratic, Hotline Scoop's 15th Most Vulnerable Seat and not in play, Associated Press: Leans Democrat, U.S.A. Today: Competitive Race, Reuters: Second Tier, National Journal's Hottest Races, Congressional Quarterly's Ranking: Democrat Favored, Larry Sabato's Crystal Ball: Leans Democrat,
Mary Landrieu (D) 46.0%, '98 candidate / minister Raymond Brown (D) 1.9%, St. Election Comm'r. Suzanne Haik "Suzie" Terrell (R) 27.2%, U. S. Rep. John Charles Cooksey (R) 13.8%, St. Rep. Anthony R. "Tony" Perkins (R) 9.6%, retired US Navy officer Ernest Edward Skillman, Jr. (R) 0.1%, organic grower Gary D. Robbins (L) 0.2%,
aircraft mechanic James D. Lemann, Jr. (I) 0.3%,
electrician / '99 Congressional candidate Patrick E. "Live Wire" Landry (I) 0.8%,
1st Congressional District, 80.5% in '00, 2nd term,
D.C.'s Political Report's Rating: Republican, Campaign & Election's Odds: 6:1 Republican, Congressional Quarterly's Ranking: Safe Republican,
No Democrat David Vitter (R) 81.5%, radio talk show host Robert Namer (R) 4.0%, Dr. Monica L. Monica (R) 11.2%, teacher Ian P. Hawxhurst (L) 3.3%,
2nd Congressional District, unopposed in '00, 6th term, might run for Governor,
D.C.'s Political Report's Rating: Democratic, Campaign & Election's Odds: 2:1 Democrat, Congressional Quarterly's Ranking: Safe Democrat,
William J. Jefferson (D) 63.5%, Publis Service Comm'r. / ex-St. Rep. Irma Muse Dixon (D) 20.0%, businessman / '02 Mayor candidate Clarence A. "Buddy" Hunt (D) 2.9%, restaurant owner "Silky" Sullivan (R) 10.9%, jeweler Wayne E. Clement (L) 2.7%,
3rd Congressional District, 77.9% in '00, 12th term,
D.C.'s Political Report's Rating: Republican, Campaign & Election's Odds: 50:1 Republican, Congressional Quarterly's Ranking: Safe Republican,
No Democrat W. J. "Billy" Tauzin (R) 86.7%, teacher William Beier (L) 8.6%,
David Iwancio (I) 4.7%,
4th Congressional District, 70.5% in '00, 8th term
D.C.'s Political Report's Rating: Republican, Campaign & Election's Odds: 50:1 Republican, Congressional Quarterly's Ranking: Safe Republican,
attorney John C. Milkovich (D) 26.4%, Jim McCrery (R) 71.6%, auto electrician William A. "Bill" Jacobs (L) 1.9%,
5th Congressional District, 69.1% in '00, 3rd term, John Charles Cooksey (R) ran for U.S. Senate,
D.C.'s Political Report's Rating: Republican, Campaign & Election's Odds: 5:4 Republican, Roll Call's Outlook: Leans Republican, Stu Rothenberg: 11th Dangerous Dozen Open Seat, Congressional Quarterly's Ranking: Republican Favored, Cook Political Report's overview: Leans Republican, Larry Sabato's Crystal Ball: Leans Republican,
St. Rep. Rodney Alexander (D) 28.7%, '98 Senate candidate / '00 Congressional candidate Sam Houston Melton, Jr. (D) 2.5%, congressional aide Lee Fletcher (R) 24.5%, ex-U.S. Rep. / '94 nominee Clyde C. Holloway (R) 23.0%, St. Sen. Robert J. Barham (R) 18.7%, attorney Jack Wright (R) 1.9%, casino security worker Vinson Mouser (L) 0.6%,
6th Congressional District, 68.0% in '00, 8th term
D.C.'s Political Report's Rating: Republican, Campaign & Election's Odds: 50:1 Republican, Congressional Quarterly's Ranking: Safe Republican,
No Democrat Richard H. Baker (R) 84.0%, prof. Rick Moscatello (L) 16.0%,
7th Congressional District, 83.6% in '00, 3rd term
D.C.'s Political Report's Rating: Democratic, Campaign & Election's Odds: 50:1 Democrat, Congressional Quarterly's Ranking: Safe Democrat,
Christopher John (D) 86.8%, No Republican training supervisor Roberto Valetta (L) 13.2%,
Run-Off Elections: 12/7/02
Senator, 50.4% in '96, 1st term, Pre-Runoff Poll Numbers,
D.C.'s Political Report's Rating: Democratic, Cook Political Report's overview: Likely Democrat, Campaign & Election's Odds: 7:6 Democrat, Peter Orvetti: Democrat, Roll Call's Outlook: Leans Democratic, Hotline Scoop's 15th Most Vulnerable Seat and not in play, Associated Press: Leans Democrat, U.S.A. Today: Competitive Race, Reuters: Second Tier, National Journal's Hottest Races, Congressional Quarterly's Ranking: Democrat Favored, Larry Sabato's Crystal Ball: Leans Democrat,
Mary Landrieu (D) 51.7%, St. Election Comm'r. Suzanne Haik "Suzie" Terrell (R) 48.3%,
5th Congressional District, 69.1% in '00, 3rd term, John Charles Cooksey (R) ran for U.S. Senate,
D.C.'s Political Report's Rating: Republican, Campaign & Election's Odds: 5:4 Republican, Roll Call's Outlook: Leans Republican, Stu Rothenberg: 11th Dangerous Dozen Open Seat, Congressional Quarterly's Ranking: Republican Favored, Cook Political Report's overview: Leans Republican, Larry Sabato's Crystal Ball: Leans Republican,
St. Rep. Rodney Alexander (D) 50.3%, congressional aide Lee Fletcher (R) 49.7%,

1. Link to Predictions:
Associated Press,
Campaign & Election Magazine,
The Cook Political Report,
Congressional Quarterly,
D.C.'s Political Report,
Hotline Scoop,
Larry Sabato,
National Journal,
Peter Orvetti,
Roll Call,
Stu Rothenberg,
U.S.A. Today,

2. D.C.'s Political Report's stars indicate the rating of the race from 1 star to 5 stars depending on its entertainment value.
The color indicates D.C.'s Political Report's prediction of the winning party.
= Democrat retain control, = Democrats take over control,
= Republican retain control, = Republicans take over control,
= Independent / 3rd Party retains control, = Independent / 3rd Party take over control
Bold indicates incumbent. Yellow district indicates open races.
Light Blue boxes indicates Democrats maintained control. Light Red boxes indicates Republicans maintained control.
Blue boxes indicates Democrats took control. Red boxes indicates Republicans took control.

3. Key to Louisiana Political Parties:
(D) = Democratic Party
(I) = independent candidates
(L) = Libertarian Party
(R) = Republican Party

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