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Indiana Secretary of State - Elections Division
2002 Indiana Congressional and Statewide Results
Filing Deadline: 2/22/02, Primary: 5/7/02, Democratic Party Convention: 6/1/02, GOP Convention: 6/13-14/02,
Last Updated: November 7, 2002
Predictions, Notes, List of State Parties,
Secretary of State, Sue Ann Gilroy (R) barred from seeking re-election,
D.C.'s Political Report's Rating: Republican
Bloomington Mayor John Fernandez (D) 42.5%, Deputy Sec. of St. Todd Rokita (R) 53.4%, '98 Senate nominee / ex-school board member Rebecca Sink-Burris (L) 4.1%,
D.C.'s Political Report's Rating: Republican
real estate assistant / attorney Day Smith (D) 38.6%, Tim Berry (R) 57.0%, '00 Public Instruction nominee Sam Goldstein (L) 4.4%,
D.C.'s Political Report's Rating: Republican
LaPorte Co. Emergency Medical Services Director Barb Huston (D) 40.2%, Connie Nass (R) 56.4%, business appraiser Bruce A. Parisi (L) 3.4%,
Clerk of the Courts,
St. Econ. Dev. Council member Jonathon Bond (D) 39.1%, Brian Bishop (R) 56.6%, mental health counselor Lisa L. Tennies (L) 4.3%,
Indiana Lost a Congressional District due to Reapportionment
Reps. Steve Buyer (R) and Brian Kerns (R) will be in the same district,
1st Congressional District, 71.6% in '00, 9th term
D.C.'s Political Report's Rating: Democratic, Campaign & Election's Odds: 7:1 Democrat, Congressional Quarterly's Ranking: Safe Democrat,
Peter J. Visclosky (D) 66.9%, carpenter / '00 candidate Mark J. Leyva (R) 31.0%, educator Timothy P. Brennan (L) 2.0%,
2nd Congressional District, 51.6% in '00, Tim Roemer (D) retiring after 6th term
D.C.'s Political Report's Rating: Republican, Campaign & Election's Odds: 1:1, Roll Call's Outlook: Tossup, Stu Rothenberg: 4th Dangerous Dozen Open Seat, National Journal's Hottest Races, Congressional Quarterly's Ranking: No Clear Favorite, U.S.A. Today: Races to Watch, Cook Political Report's overview: Toss Up, Larry Sabato's Crystal Ball: Leans Republican,
ex-U.S. Rep. / ex-under secretary of agiculture Jill L. Long Thompson (D) 45.8%, '00 nominee / businessman Joseph Christopher "Chris" Chocola (R) 50.5%, nurse Sharon R. Metheny (L) 3.8%,
M. Myer Blatt (WI) 0.0%,
James A. Mello (WI) 0.0%,
3rd Congressional District, 62.3% in '00, 4th term
D.C.'s Political Report's Rating: Republican, Campaign & Election's Odds: 4:1 Republican, Roll Call's Outlook: Safe Republican, Congressional Quarterly's Ranking: Safe Republican,
attorney Jay A. Rigdon (D) 34.4%, Mark E. Souder (R) 63.1%, programmer Michael W. "Mike" Donlan (L) 2.4%,
4th Congressional District,
64.8% in '00 and 1st term for Kerns (R) who was defeated in primary, 60.8% in '00 and 5th term for Buyer (R),
D.C.'s Political Report's Rating: Republican, Campaign & Election's Odds: 100:1 Republican, Roll Call's Outlook: Safe Republican, Congressional Quarterly's Ranking: Safe Republican,
factor worker William A. "Bill" Abbott (D) 26.1%, U.S. Rep. Stephen Buyer (R) 71.4%, Jerry Lee Susong (L) 2.5%,
5th Congressional District, 73.2% in '00, 10th term
D.C.'s Political Report's Rating: Republican, Campaign & Election's Odds: 6:1 Republican, Congressional Quarterly's Ranking: Safe Republican,
realtor / ex-teacher Katherine Fox Carr (D) 25.2%, Dan Burton (R) 72.0%, Christopher Adkins (L) 2.8%,
6th Congressional District, 50.9% in '00, 1st term,
D.C.'s Political Report's Rating: Republican, Campaign & Election's Odds: 3:2 Republican, Roll Call's Outlook: Safe Republican, Congressional Quarterly's Ranking: Republican Favored,
farmer Melina "Mel" Fox (D) 34.4%, Mike Pence (R) 63.8%, receptionist Doris Robertson (L) 1.8%,
7th Congressional District, 59.0% in '00, 3rd term
D.C.'s Political Report's Rating: Democratic, Campaign & Election's Odds: 6:5 Democrat, Roll Call's Outlook: Leans Democratic, Congressional Quarterly's Ranking: Leans Democratic, Cook Political Report's overview: Leans Democratic, Larry Sabato's Crystal Ball: Leans Democrat,
Julia M. Carson (D) 53.1%, public affairs consultant Brose A. McVey (R) 44.1%, engineer / '99 Indianapolis Mayor nominee / '00 Gov. nominee Andrew M. "Andy" Horning (L, NL) 2.7%,
James Kell "Jim" Jeffries (WI) 0.04%,
8th Congressional District, 52.7% in '00, 4th term
D.C.'s Political Report's Rating: Republican, Campaign & Election's Odds: 6:5 Republican, Roll Call's Outlook: Likely Repubican, Congressional Quarterly's Ranking: Republican Favored,
electrical engineer Bryan Hartke (D) 46.0%, John N. Hostettler (R) 51.3%, field sup. analsyt Pamela F. "Pam" Williams (L) 2.7%,
9th Congressional District, 54.2% in '00, 2nd term
D.C.'s Political Report's Rating: Democratic, Campaign & Election's Odds: 8:7 Democrat, Roll Call's Outlook: Likely Democratic, National Journal's Hottest Races, Congressional Quarterly's Ranking: Leans Democratic, Cook Political Report's overview: Likely Democrat, Larry Sabato's Crystal Ball: Leans Democrat,
Baron P. Hill (D) 51.2%, businessman Mike Sodrel (R) 46.1%, Al Cox (L) 1.3%,
psychologist Jeff Melton (G) 1.4%,

1. Link to Predictions:
Campaign & Election Magazine,
Congressional Quarterly,
The Cook Political Report,
D.C.'s Political Report,
Larry Sabato,
National Journal,
Roll Call,
Stu Rothenberg,
U.S.A. Today,

2. D.C.'s Political Report's stars indicate the rating of the race from 1 star to 5 stars depending on its entertainment value.
The color indicates D.C.'s Political Report's prediction of the winning party.
= Democrat retain control, = Democrats take over control,
= Republican retain control, = Republicans take over control,
= Independent / 3rd Party retains control, = Independent / 3rd Party take over control
Bold indicates incumbent. Yellow district indicates open races.
Light Blue boxes indicates Democrats maintained control. Light Red boxes indicates Republicans maintained control.
Blue boxes indicates Democrats took control. Red boxes indicates Republicans took control.

3. Key to Indiana Political Parties:
(D) = Democratic Party
(G) = Green Party
(L) = Libertarian Party
(R) = Republican Party
(WI) = Write-in candidates

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