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Hawaii Office of Elections
2002 Hawaii Congressional and Statewide Primary Results
Primary: 9/21/02,
List of State Parties,
Governor, 50% in '98, Ben Cayetano (D) barred from third term,
Lt. Gov. Mazie K. Hirono (D) 41.2%, ex-St. Sen. / businessman / 1986 GOP nominee Dominis G. "Andy" Anderson (D) 18.0%, St. Rep. Edward E. "Ed" Case (D) 39.8%, tour bus driver Joseph Fernandez (D) 0.3%, auto repair shop owner George Nitta, Jr. (D) 0.4%, businessman Arturo P. "Art" Reyes (D) 0.3%, ex-Maui Mayor / '98 nominee Linda Crockett Lingle (R) 89.8%, ex-St. Sen. / 2000 Senate nominee John S. Carroll (R) 9.7%, ex-legislative aide / '98 Senate nominee Crystal Young (R) 0.6%, ex-state party chair Tracy A. Ryan (L) 68.0%, newspaper publisher '98 nominee George G. Peabody (L) 32.0%,
comedian Shawn Kau'i "Bu La'ia" Hill (NL) 81.2%, businessman / marijuana activist Jonathan Adler (NL) 18.8%,
party founder Daniel H. Cunningham (FE) 100%, tv producer / '98 candidate James R. Brewer, Jr. (I) 46.3%, Jason M. Ganzagan (I) 15.3%, '98 candidate Paul J. "Cobra" Mattes (I) 4.4%, Kenneth J. Mesker (I) 4.8%, business consultant Richard H. Sumiye (I) 9.9%, Van K. Tanabe (I) 19.4%,
Lt. Governor - Tied with Gov., Mazie Hirono (D) running for Governor,
St. Sen. Matthew M. "Matt" Matsunaga (D) 56.6%, ex-St. Rep. / Office of Hawaiian Affairs Trustee Clayton H.W. Hee (D) 28.2%, ex-St. Sen. / state education board member / business consultant Donna R. Ikeda (D) 12.8%, radio talk show host Marvin Franklin (D) 2.4%, ex-judge James R. "Duke" Aiona, Jr. (R) 48.8%, ex-St. Rep. / investment adviser Campbell "Cam" Cavasso (R) 13.9%, Ex-CNN Asia News Anchorman Dalton I. Tanonaka (R) 37.4%, historian Thomas "Pohaku" Stone (NL) 64.7%, Dr. Daniel "Kaniela" Morimoto (NL) 35.3%,
retired electrical engineer Kenneth L. Vaughan (L) 100%, retired aerospace engineer Arthur J. "A.J." Powell (FE) 100%, city recreation dir. Renee B.L. Ing (I) 63.1%, civil engineer Michael K. Medeiros (I) 36.9%,
1st Congressional District, 62.3% in '00, 7th term
Neil Abercrombie (D), auto detailer Mark D. Terry (R) 38.2%, businessman Stephen N. Bischoff (R) 34.9%, law firm officer manager / '00 Senate candidate Harry J. Friel (R) 17.1%, accountant Opassi J. White (R), retired army officer James H. Bracken (L),
2nd Congressional District, 57.3% in '00, 13th term
Patsy Takemoto Mink (D) 82.6%, conflict resolution teacher Steve Tataii (D) 17.4%, St. Rep. Robert C. "Bob" McDermott (R) 71.7%, accountant James M. "The Ump" Donovan (R) 28.3%, writer / '98 & '00 Senate nominee Lloyd "Jeff" Mallan (L) 57.2%, hotel cashier / '00 nominee Lawrence G.K. "Lehr" Duquesne (L) 42.8%,
computer consultant / '96 & '98 nominee Nicholas "Nick" Bedworth (NL),

1. Key to Hawaii Political Parties:
(D) = Democratic Party
(FE) = Free Energy Party
(I) = independent candidates
(L) = Libertarian Party
(NL) = Natural Law Party
(R) = Republican Party

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