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North Dakota Secretary of State - Elections Division
2000 North Dakota Presidential, Congressional and Statewide Results
Filing Deadline: 4/14/00, Primary: 6/13/00
Last Updated: December 15, 2000
Predictions, Notes, List of State Parties
President, William J. Clinton (D) barred from 3rd term, 40.1% in '96
D.C.'s Political Report's Prediction: 63% Republican, Others' Predictions,
Albert A. "Al" Gore, Jr. (DNL) 33.06% George W. "Dubya" Bush (R) 60.66% Ralph Nader (I) 3.29%, Patrick J. 'Pat' Buchanan (Rfm) 2.53%, Harry Browne (I) 0.23%, John S. Hagelin (I) 0.11%, Howard Phillips (C) 0.13%,
Governor, 66.2% in '96, Ed Schafer (R) retiring after 2nd term,
D.C.'s Political Report's Prediction: 50% Republican, Rothenberg Report: Toss Up, Campaign & Election's Odds: 6:5 Republican, Congressional Quarterly's ranking: No Clear Favorite, Cook Political Report's overview: Toss Up, Peter Orvetti's Prediction: Republican, Ron Gunzburger: Republican,
Att. Gen. Heidi Heitkamp (DNL) 45.0% bank president / GOP endorsed candidate John Hoeven (R) 55.0% Wayne J.C. Anderson (C) 0.0%
Lt. Governor, Rosemarie Myrdal (R) retiring,
D.C.'s Political Report's Prediction: 50% Democratic,
St. Sen. Min. Ldr. / farmer Aaron Krauter (DNL) 45% St. Rep. / farmer / '90 U.S. Senate nominee Jack Dalrymple (R) 55% Martin Wishnatsky (C)
Attorney General, Heidi Heitkamp (DNL) running for Governor
D.C.'s Political Report's Prediction: 50% Democratic,
St. Ins. Comm'r Glenn Pomeroy (DNL) 44.3% St. Sen. Wayne Stenehjem (R) 55.7% attorney Peter Crary (C)
Secretary of State,
D.C.'s Political Report's Prediction: 77% Republican,
St. Sen. Dennis Bercier (DNL) 34.5% Alvin A. "Al" Jaeger (R) 65.5%
D.C.'s Political Report's Prediction: 77% Democratic
Kathi Gilmore (DNL) 50.8% St. Sen. / '96 nominee Randy A. Schobinger (R) 49.2%
D.C.'s Political Report's Prediction: 77% Republican,
St. Rep. Mary Ekstrom (DNL) 39.5% Robert R. "Bob" Peterson (R) 60.5%
Agriculture Commissioner,
D.C.'s Political Report's Prediction: 77% Democratic,
Roger Johnson (DNL) 55.1% ex-St. Rep. Clare Carlson (R) 44.9%
Insurance Commissioner, Glenn Pomeroy (DNL) running for Attorny General,
D.C.'s Political Report's Prediction: 50% Democratic,
newspaper publisher Gorman King Jr. (DNL) 46.8% St. Rep. Jim Poolman (R) 53.2%
Tax Commissioner,
D.C.'s Political Report's Prediction: 77% Republican,
St. Sen. Steve Tomac (DNL) 38.1% Rick Clayburgh (R) 61.9%
School Superintendant, non-partisan election,
D.C.'s Political Report's Prediction: 77% Democratic,
Wayne Sanstead (DNL) 60.7% St. Sen. Ray Holmberg (R) 39.3%
Public Service Commissioner,
Vern Thompson (DNL) 49.8% Tony Clark (R) 50.2%
Senator, 58% in '94, 2ndterm,
D.C.'s Political Report's Prediction: 90% Democratic, Roll Call's Outlook: Safe Democratic, Campaign & Election's Odds: 3:1 Democrat, Congressional Quarterly's ranking: Safe Democrat, Stuart Rothenberg's rating: Safe Democrat, Cook Political Report's overview: Solid Democrat, Political Junkie: Democrat, Peter Orvetti's Prediction: Democrat, Ron Gunzburger: Democrat,
Kent Conrad (DNL) 61.4% industrial engineer Duane Sand (R) 38.6%
At Large Congressional District, 56.2% in '98, 4th term
D.C.'s Political Report's Prediction: 90% Democratic, Roll Call's Outlook: Likely Democratic, Campaign & Election's Odds: 2:1 Democrat, Congressional Quarterly's ranking: Safe Democrat, Cook Political Report's overview: Likely Democratic, Hotline Scoop's Tier Two Veteran, Peter Orvetti's Prediction: Democrat, Ron Gunzburger: Democrat,
Earl Pomeroy (DNL) 53.0% St. House Maj. Ldr. John Dorso (R) 44.6% Dana Paul Brandenburg (Rfm) 0.0%, Kenneth R. Loughead 0.9%, Jan Shelver 1.6%,

1. Link to Predictions: (D.C.'s Political Report no longer assures that these links are active)
ABC News,
The Associated Press,
Campaign & Election Magazine,
Congressional Quarterly Magazine,
The Cook Political Report,
D.C.'s Political Report,
Ron Gunzburger,
The National Journal's and The Hotline's Hotline,
Peter J. M. Orvetti
Roll Call,
The Rothenberg Political Report,

2. Bold indicates incumbent. Yellow district indicates open races. Blue boxes indicates winner. Red boxes indicates change in party control.

3. Key to Party Identification.
(C) = Constitution Party
(DNL) = Democratic Non-Partisan League affiliated with the Democratic Party
(I) = independent candidates
(L) = Libertarian Party
(NL) = Natural Law Party
(Rfm) = Reform Party
(R) = Republican Party

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