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Nevada Secretary of State - Elections Division
1998 Nevada Congressional and Statewide Results
Filing Deadline: May 18, Primary: September 1
Predictions, Notes, List of State Parties
Governor, Robert Miller (D) barred from 3rd term, 53% in '94
Stu Rothenberg's prediction: Toss Up, Campaign & Election's prediction: Republican favored 7:8, D.C.'s Report's prediction: 64% Republican
Las Vegas Mayor Jan Laverty Jones (D) 42% b-man Kenny Guinn (R) 52% ex-GOP St. Assemblyman Orlan Charles "Chuck" Horne (I/A) 2%, state party chair Terry Curtis Savage (L) 2%, None of the Above 3%
Lt. Governor, Hammergren (R) running for Governor
Ex-State Public Service Commissioner Rose McKinney-James (D) Clark County Commissioner Lorraine T. Hunt (R) Daniel Hansen (I/A), Karen Michelle Savage (L),
Attorney General
Frankie Sue Del Papa (D) ex-St. AM / ass't Att. Gen. Scott Scherer (R) Kent Howard Cromwell (L), Joel Frederick Hansen (I/A)
Secretary of State
No Democrat Dean Heller (R) '96 Congressional nominee Lois J. Avery (NL), Robert F. Brost (L), Mary Ann Dickens (I/A)
Controller, Darrel Daines (R) retiring
accountant / '94 candidate Mary C. Sanada (D) St. Sen. Kathy Marie Augustine (R) Thomas F. Jefferson (I/A), James Willie Lee (L),
Treasurer, Robert Seale (R) retiring
No Democrat Chief Deputy State Treasurer Brian Krolicki (R) Daniel H. Fylstra (L), Merritt K. Yochum (I/A),
Senator, 51% in '92, 2nd term
Stu Rothenberg's prediction: Toss Up, Charles Cook's prediction: Leans Democrat, Roll Call's prediction: Toss Up, Campaign & Election's prediction: Democrat favored 9:10, D.C.'s Report's prediction: 50% Democrat
Harry M. Reid (D) 47.8% U.S. Rep. John Eric Ensign (R) 47.8% Michael Cloud (L) 1.9%, Michael E. Williams (NL) 0.6%, Lee Wayne Haynes (I) 0.0%, None of the Above 1.9%
1st Cong. District, 50.1% in '96, John Eric Ensign(R) run for Senate after 2nd term
Charles Cook's prediction: Lean Democrat, Roll Call's prediction: Lean Democrat, Campaign & Election's prediction: Democrat favored 8:9, D.C.'s Report's prediction: 50% Democrat
att./UN regent/ex-St. leg. Shelley Berkley (D) 49.2% Clark Co. District Judge Don Chairez (R) 45.7% printer Jess Howe (I/A) 1.8%, ex-state party chair Jim Burns (L) 3.3%, Steven Strehlow (I) 0.0%
2nd Cong. District, 58.6% in '96, 1st term
Roll Call's prediction: Safe Republican, Campaign & Election's prediction: Republican favored 1:100, D.C.'s Report's prediction: 100% Republican
No Democrat James Arthur "Jim" Gibbons (R) 81.0% Christopher Bryan Horne (I/A) 8.3%, '96 nominee Louis R. Tomburello (L) 7.5%, Robert W. Winquist (NL) 3.2%

1. Key to Predictions: Roll Call,
The Cook Political Report,
The Rothenberg Political Report,
Campaign & Election Magazine,
D.C.'s Political Report

2. Bold indicates incumbent. Yellow district indicates open races. Blue boxes indicates winner. Red print indicates change in party control.

3. Key to Party Identification.
(D) = Democratic Party
(I) = independent candidates
(I/A) = Independent American Party - Affiliated with U.S. Taxpayers Party
(L) = Libertarian Party
(NL) = Natural Law Party
(R) = Republican Party
(WI) = Write-in candidates

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