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South Carolina State Election Commission
2006 South Carolina Congressional and Statewide Races
Filing Deadline: 3/30/06, Party Convention Deadline: 5/15/06, Primary: 6/13/06, Run-off: 6/27/06, Independent Filing Deadline: 7/17/06, Third Party Filing Deadline: 8/15/06, General Election 11/7/06,
Last Updated: November 10, 2006
Predictions, Notes, List of State Parties,
Governor, 52.8% in '02, 1st term, Polls
D.C.'s Political Report's Rating: Republican, Congressional Quarterly's Scorecard: Republican Favored, Cook Political Report: Likely Republican, New York Times Ratings: Safe Republican, Larry Sabato's Crystal Ball: Likely Republican, Rothenberg Political Report: Safe Republican, Chuck Todd: 17th Least Vulnerable Governor,
St. Sen. Thomas L. "Tom" Moore (D) 44.8%, Marshall C. "Mark" Sanford, Jr. (R) 55.1%, write in votes 0.1%,
Lt. Governor, 52.7% in '02, 1st term, Polls
D.C.'s Political Report's Rating: Democratic,
attorney / businessman / '94 congressional nominee Robert Barber (D) 49.8%, André Bauer (R) 50.1%, write in votes 0.1%,
Attorney General, 55.4% in '02, 1st term,
D.C.'s Political Report's Rating: Republican,
No Democrat Henry D. McMaster (R) 99.2%, write in votes 0.8%,
Secretary of State, 56.8% in '02, 1st term,
D.C.'s Political Report's Rating: Republican,
Cheryl L. Footman (D) 38.7%, Mark Hammond (R) 61.2%, write in votes 0.0%,
Treasurer, 52.3% in '02, 2nd term, Polls
D.C.'s Political Report's Rating: Democratic,
Grady L. Patterson, Jr. (D) 47.8%, '04 Senate candidate Thomas Ravenel (R) 52.2%, write in votes 0.0%,
Comptroller, 54.5% in '02, 1st term,
D.C.'s Political Report's Rating: Republican,
Ins. salesman Drew Theodore (D) 46.7%, Richard A. Eckstrom (R) 53.3%, write in votes 0.0%,
Adjutant General, 99.3% in '02,
D.C.'s Political Report's Rating: Republican,
businessman Glenn Lindman (D) 41.9%, Stanhope Spears (R) 58.1%, write in votes 0.0%,
Superintendent of Schools, 59.4% in '02, 2nd term, Inez Tenenbaum (D) retiring, Polls
D.C.'s Political Report's Rating: Republican,
ex-Columbia College pres. Jim Rex (D) 47.5%, PR exec. Karen Floyd (R) 47.4%, teacher / '98 Gov. nominee Tim Moultrie (L) 1.8%,
correctional teacher Arnold E. Karr (G) 0.8%,
Ralph Lindblad (C) 0.6%,
Tony Fayyazi (Ind) 1.75%,
write in votes 0.1%,
Agriculture Commissioner, 50.5% in '02, 1st term, Charlie R. Sharpe (R) suspended from job,
D.C.'s Political Report's Rating: Democratic,
farmer Emile DeFelice (D) 40.3%, Hugh Weathers (R) 59.7%, write in votes 0.0%,
1st Congressional District, 87.8% in '04, 3rd term
D.C.'s Political Report's Rating: Republican, Congressional Quarterly's Scorecard: Safe Republican, Cook Political Report: Solid Republican, New York Times Ratings: Safe Republican, Roll Call Analysis: Safe Republican,
real estate investor Randall G. "Randy" Maatta (D 35.3%, WF 2.5%) 37.9%, Henry E. Brown Jr. (R) 59.9%, '04 nominee / psychotherapist James E. Dunn (G) 2.2%,
Brian Lee Merrill (WI),
write in votes 0.0%,
2nd Congressional District, 65.0% in '04, 3rd term
D.C.'s Political Report's Rating: Republican, Congressional Quarterly's Scorecard: Safe Republican, Cook Political Report: Solid Republican, New York Times Ratings: Safe Republican, Roll Call Analysis: Safe Republican,
'04 nominee / attorney Michael Ray Ellisor (D) 37.3%, Addison G. "Joe" Wilson (R) 62.6%, write in votes 0.1%, '01, '02, '04 nominee / Columbia Chrisitans for Life director Steve Lefemine (WI),
3rd Congressional District, 99.5% in '04, 2nd term
D.C.'s Political Report's Rating: Republican, Congressional Quarterly's Scorecard: Safe Republican, Cook Political Report: Solid Republican, New York Times Ratings: Safe Republican, Roll Call Analysis: Safe Republican,
Navy vet / teacher Lee Ballenger (D 33.6%, WF 3.51%) 37.1%, J. Gresham Barrett (R) 62.9%, write in votes 0.0%,
4th Congressional District, 69.8% in '04, 1st / 4th term,
D.C.'s Political Report's Rating: Republican, Congressional Quarterly's Scorecard: Safe Republican, Cook Political Report: Solid Republican, New York Times Ratings: Safe Republican, Roll Call Analysis: Safe Republican,
ex-Michelin exec. William I. "Griff" Griffith (D) 32.0%, Bob Inglis (R) 64.2%, '96, '98, '00, '02 Natural Law Party Nominee / '04 Green Party Nominee / hair salon owner C. Faye Walters (G) 1.3%,
prof. John Cobin (L) 2.5%,
write in votes 0.05%,
5th Congressional District, 63.0% in '04, 12th term, Polls,
D.C.'s Political Report's Rating: Democratic, Congressional Quarterly's Scorecard: Democrat Favored, Cook Political Report: Likely Democratic, Evans & Novack's Outlook: Likely Democratic, New York Times Ratings: Leaning Democrat, Roll Call Analysis: Likely Democratic, Larry Sabato's Crystal Ball: Solid Democratic,
John M. Spratt, Jr. (D) 56.9%, St. Rep. Ralph W. Norman (R) 43.1%, write in votes 0.04%,
6th Congressional District, 67.0% in '04, 7th term
D.C.'s Political Report's Rating: Democratic, Congressional Quarterly's Scorecard: Safe Democratic, Cook Political Report: Solid Democrat, New York Times Ratings: Safe Democrat, Roll Call Analysis: Safe Democratic,
James E. "Jim" Clyburn (D) 64.4%, activist / '94 '96 '98 & '02 & '04 nominee Gary M. McLeod (R) 34.1%, Antonio Williams (G) 1.4%,
write in votes 0.1%,

1. Link to Predictions:
D.C.'s Political Report,
Washington Post's Chris Cillizza,
Campaign & Elections: Political Oddsmaker,
Congressional Quarterly's Scorecard,
Cook Political Report,
Larry Sabato's Crystal Ball,
Roll Call Analysis,
National Journal's Chuck Todd,
Rothenberg Political Report,

2. D.C.'s Political Report's stars indicate the rating of the race from 1 star to 5 stars depending on its entertainment value.
The color indicates D.C.'s Political Report's prediction of the winning party.
= Democrat retain control, = Democrats take over control,
= Republican retain control, = Republicans take over control,
= Independent / 3rd Party retains control, = Independent / 3rd Party take over control
Bold indicates incumbent. Yellow district indicates open races.
Light Blue boxes indicates Democrats maintained control. Light Red boxes indicates Republicans maintained control.
Blue boxes indicates Democrats took control. Red boxes indicates Republicans took control.

3. Key to South Carolina Political Parties:
(C) = Constitution Party
(D) = Democratic Party
(G) = Green Party
(I) = independent candidates
(Ind) = Independence Party
(L) = Libertarian Party
(R) = Republican Party
(WF) = Working Families Party
(WI) = Write-in candidates

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