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D.C.'s Political Report

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365 Electoral Votes
Link to White House
173 Electoral Votes

Presidential Races
Alabama (9 EV): McCain (R) 60% - Obama (D) 39% Alaska (3 EV): McCain (R) 60% - Obama (D) 38% - Nader (I) 1% Arizona (10 EV): McCain (R) 54% - Obama (D) 45% Arkansas (6 EV): McCain (R) 59% - Obama (D) 39% - Nader (I) 1% California (55 EV): Obama (D) 61% - McCain (R) 37% - Nader (I) 1% Colorado (9 EV): Obama (D) 54% - McCain (R) 45% - Nader (I) 1% Connecticut (7 EV): Obama (D) 61% - McCain (R) 38% - Nader (Ind) 1.2%, Delaware (3 EV): Obama (D) 62% - McCain (R) 37% - Nader (Ind) 1%, District of Columbia (3 EV): Obama (D) 93% - McCain (R) 7% Florida (27 EV): Obama (D) 51% - McCain (R) 48%, Georgia (15 EV): McCain (R) 52% - Obama (D) 47% - Barr (L) 1%, Hawaii (4 EV): Obama (D) 72% - McCain (R) 26% - Nader (Ind) 1%, Idaho (4 EV): McCain (R) 62% - Obama (D) 36% - Nader (I) 1% - Baldwin (C) 1% - Barr (L) 1% Illinois (21 EV): Obama (D) 62% - McCain (R) 37% - Nader (I) 1%, Indiana (11 EV): Obama (D) 50% - McCain (R) 49% - Barr (L) 1%, Iowa (7 EV): Obama (D) 54% - McCain 45% - Nader (PF) 1%, Kansas (6 EV): McCain (R) 57% - Obama (D) 41% - Nader (I) 1% - Barr (L) 1%, Kentucky (8 EV): McCain (R) 57% - Obama (D) 41% - Nader (I) 1%, Louisiana (9 EV): McCain (R) 59% - Obama (D) 40% - Paul (T) 1%, Maine (4 EV): Obama (D) 58% - McCain (R) 40% - Nader (I) 2%, Maryland (10 EV): Obama (D) 62% - McCain 37% - Nader (I) 1% Massachusetts (12 EV): Obama (D) 62% - McCain (R) 36% - Nader (I) 1%, Michigan (17 EV): Obama (D) 57% - McCain (R) 41% - Nader (NL) 1%, Barr (L) 1% Minnesota (10 EV): Obama (D) 54% - McCain (R) 44% - Nader (I) 1%, Mississippi (6 EV): McCain (R) 56% - Obama (D) 43%, Missouri (11 EV): McCain (R) 49% - Obama (D) 49% - Nader (I) 1%, Montana (3 EV): McCain (R) 50% - Obama (D) 47% - Paul (C) 2% - Nader (I) 1%, Nebraska (5 EV): McCain (R) 57% - Obama (D) 42% - Nader (I) 1%, Nevada (5 EV): Obama (D) 55% - McCain (R) 43% - Nader (I) 1%, New Hampshire (4 EV): Obama (D) 54% - McCain (R) 45%, New Jersey (15 EV): Obama (D) 57% - McCain (R) 42% - Nader (I) 1%, New Mexico (5 EV): Obama (D) 57% - McCain (R) 42% - Nader (I) 1%, New York (31 EV): Obama (D) 62% - McCain (R) 37% - Nader (Popular) 1%, North Carolina (15 EV): Obama (D) 50% - McCain (R) 49% - Barr (L) 1%, North Dakota (3 EV): McCain (R) 53% - Obama (D) 45% - Nader (I) 1%, Ohio (20 EV): Obama (D) 51% - McCain (R) 47% - Nader (I) 1%, Oklahoma (7 EV): McCain (R) 66% - Obama (D) 34%, Oregon (7 EV): Obama (D) 57% - McCain (R) 40% - Nader (Peace) 1%, Pennsylvania (21 EV): Obama (D) 55% - McCain 44% - Nader (I) 1%, Rhode Island (4 EV): Obama (D) 63% - McCain (R) 35% - Nader (I) 1%, South Carolina (8 EV): McCain (R) 54% - Obama (D) 45%, South Dakota (3 EV): McCain (R) 53% - Obama (D) 45% - Nader (I) 1%, Tennessee (11 EV): McCain (R) 57% - Obama (D) 42%, Texas (34 EV): McCain (R) 55% - Obama (D) 44% - Barr (L) 1%, Utah (5 EV): McCain (R) 63% - Obama (D) 34% - Baldwin (C) 1% - Nader (PF) 1% - Barr (L) 1%, Vermont (3 EV): Obama (D) 67% - McCain (R) 30% - Nader (I) 1%, Virginia (13 EV): Obama (D) 53% - McCain (R) 46%, Washington (11 EV): Obama (D) 58% - McCain (R) 41% - Nader (I) 1%, West Virginia (5 EV): McCain (R) 57% - Obama (D) 43% - Nader (I) 1%, Wisconsin (10 EV): Obama (D) 56% - McCain (R) 42% - Nader (I) 1%, Wyoming (3 EV): McCain (R) 65% - Obama 32% - Nader (I) 1% - Barr (L) 1% - Baldwin (I) 1%,

2008 Presidential Candidates
Summary of Candidates by States
List of Also-Rans
Last Updated: December 23, 2008

Predictions, Notes,
President 50.73% in '04, Polls
D.C.'s Political Report's Prediction: Democratic,
Link to Working Families PartyLink to Democratic Party

Democratic Party
Working Families Party
Link to Independence PartyLink to Republican Party
Link to Conservative Party
Republican Party
New York Independence Party, New York Conservative Party
Peace & Freedom PartyIndependent CandidateOregon Peace Party Logo
Natural Law Party of MichiganEcology Party Logo
Delaware Indepedence Party
Independent Candidate
Peace & Freedom Party of California, Iowa, and Utah, Ecology Party of Florida, Independent Party of Delaware, Hawaii and New Mexico, Natural Law Party of Michigan, Peace Party of Oregon, Populist Party of New York,
On the Ballot in 46 States
U.S. Sen. Barack H. Obama (D-IL),
U.S. Sen. Joseph R. "Joe" Biden, Jr. (D-DE),
69,518,592 votes for 52.89%,
'00 candidate U.S. Sen. John S. McCain, III (R-AZ),
Alaska Governor Sarah Palin (R-AK),
59,960,209 votes for 45.67%,
'04 Reform Party nominee / '00 Green nominee / consumer activist Ralph Nader (I-CT),
former San Francisco Supervisor and Board President Matt Gonzalez (I-CA),
739,032 votes for 0.56%,
Liberarian Party
Libertarian Party
On the Ballot in 45 States
Alaskan Independence Party
Constititution PartyReform Party
Independent American PartyIndepedence Green Party of Virginia
Constitution Party
Alaskan Independence Party, American Independent Party, Concerned Citizens Party, Taxpayers Party, Nebraska Party, Independent American Party, Kansas Reform Party, Independent Green Party of Virginia
On the Ballot in 37 States
Green Party
Green Party
On the Ballot in 32 States
ex-U.S. Rep. Robert L. "Bob" Barr (L-GA),
Wayne Allyn Root (L-NV),
523,928 votes for 0.40%,
'04 VP nominee / Minister Charles O. "Chuck" Baldwin (C-FL),
attorney / Party Vice Chair Darrell L. Castle (C-TN),
199,801 votes for 0.15%,
ex-U.S. Rep. Cynthia A. McKinney (G-GA),
hip-hop activist Rosa A. Clemente (G-NY),
161,841 votes for 0.12%,
America s Independent Party
America�s Independent Party
On the Ballot in California, Colorado and Florida
Constititution Party
Louisiana Taxpayers Party
Montana Constitution Party

on the ballot in Louisiana and Montana
Party for Socialism and Liberation
Party for Socialism and Liberation
On the Ballot in 12 States
ex-Amb./ '04, '92 & '88 Senate nominee '96 & '00 Presidential candidate Alan L. Keyes (I-MD),
American Right to Life Pres. Brian Rohrbough (I-CO) VP nominee in Colorado,
Wiley Drake (I-CA) VP nominee in California,
47,842 votes for 0.04%,
'88 Libertarian Party nominee / U.S. Rep. Ronald E. "Ron" Paul (R-TX)
ex-U.S. Rep. Barry M. Goldwater, Jr. (R-AZ) in Louisiana, '04 Presidential nominee Michael Peroutka (C-MD) in Montana
43,632 votes for 0.03%,
'92 Workers World Party nominee / '84, '88, '96 & '00 Workers World Party VP candidate / '94 & '98 gov. candidate / union activist Gloria E. LaRiva (PSL-CA),
student Eugene Puryear (PSL-DC)
(Robert Moses (PSL) listed on Colorado and Wisconsin ballots)
6,821 votes for 0.005%,
Liberty Union PartySocialist Party
Natural Law Party of Mississippi
Socialist Party
Liberty Union Party of Vermont, Natural Law Party of Mississippi,
On the Ballot in 8 States
Socialist Workers Party
Socialist Workers Party
On the Ballot in 10 States
executive recruiter Brian P. Moore (S-FL),
'06 Lt. Gov. candidate Stewart A. Alexander (S-CA),
6,572 votes for 0.005%,
'04 nominee / magazine editor Róger Calero (SW-NY),
Alyson Kennedy (SW-NJ),
5,153 votes for 0.004%,
James Harris (SW-CA)
Alyson Kennedy (SW-NJ),
2,424 votes for 0.002%,

Independent Candidate
On the Ballot in Ohio
Boston Tea Party Logo
Boston Tea Party
On the Ballot in Colorado, Florida and Tennessee
New Party
New Party
On the Ballot in Illinois
'06 Senate candidate / real estate agent Robert A. Duncan (I-OH),
Ricky Johnson (I-PA),
3,905 votes for 0.003%,
'06 Personal Choice Party nominee Charles Jay (I-FL),
Thomas L. Knapp (L-MO),
(Dan Sallis, Jr. (I-MO) listed as VP nominee on Colorado ballot)
(John Wayne Smith (I-FL) listed as VP nominee on Florida ballot)
2,422 votes for 0.002%,
John Joseph Polachek (I-IL),
No Running Mate Designated
1,149 votes for 0.0009%,
New American Independent Party
New American Independent Party
On the Ballot in Colorado
We the People candidate
We the People Candidate
On the Ballot in Wisconsin
Objectivist Party follows philosophy of writer Ayn Rand
Objectivist Party
On the Ballot in Colorado and Florida
Reform Party VP nominee Frank Edward McEnulty (I-CA),
David Mangan (I),
829 votes for 0.0006%,
Kenosha police office Jeffrey J. Wamboldt (We the People-WI)
David J. Klimisch
764 votes for 0.0006%,
Thomas Robert Stevens (I-NY),
exec. Alden Link (L-NJ),
755 votes for 0.0006%,
Prohibition Party
Prohibition Party
On the Ballot in Colorado, Florida and Louisiana

Independent Candidate
On the Ballot in New Jersey
Liberarian Party
Libertarian Party of New Hampshire
On the in New Hampshire
'04 nominee / artist Gene C. Amondson (Pro-WA),
'04 VP nominee Leroy Pletten (Pro-MI),
654 votes for 0.0005%,
Jeffrey "Jeff" Boss (I-NJ)
Andrea Marie Psoras (I-NJ),
639 votes for 0.0005%,
George Phillies (L-MA)
Chris Bennett (L),
531 votes for 0.0004%,
Reform Party
Reform Party
On the Ballot in Mississippi

Independent Candidate
On the Ballot in Colorado
Pacifist Party
Pacifist Party
On the Ballot in Colorado
ex-MS Party chair Ted C. Weill (Rfm-MS),
New American Party Presidential nominee Frank Edward McEnulty (I-CA),
482 votes for 0.0004%,
Jonathan E. Allen (I-CO),
Jeffrey D. Stath (I-CO),
484 votes for 0.0004%,
Braford Lyttle (Pacifist-IL),
Abraham Bassford (Pacifist-IL),
111 votes for 0.0001%,
Write-in candidate
None of These
Write-in candidate
Write-in Candidate
Write-in candidate
Write-In Candidate
Write-in candidate
Write-In Candidate
Write-in candidate
Madisonian-Federalist Party
Write-in candidate
Write-In Candidate
Write-in candidate
Write-In Candidate
Write-in candidate
Write-In Candidate
Write-in candidate
Write-In Candidate
None of These
6,322 votes for 0.005%,
Hillary R. Clinton (WI-NY)
5,848 votes for 0.004%,
Gary Nettles / Brad Krones (WI-FL)
391 votes,
Donald Kenneth Allen (WI-OH)
233 votes,
Thaddaus Hill�(WI-TX) / Gordon F. Bailey
216 votes,
W. Mitt Romney (WI-MA)
112 votes,
Joe C. "Average Joe" Schriner (WI-OH)
Dale Wale (WI-MI)
82 votes
Platt A. Robertson (WI-AK),
63 votes
Michael D. "Mike" Huckabee (WI-AR)
61 votes
Write-in candidate
Write-In Candidate
Write-in candidate
Just Makes Sense Party
Write-in candidate
Write-In Candidate
Write-in candidate
Write-In Candidate
Write-in candidate
Socialist Equality Party
Write-in candidate
Write-In Candidate
Write-in candidate
Write-In Candidate
Write-in candidate
Write-In Candidate
Write-in candidate
Write-In Candidate
Santa Claus (WI-NV)
59 votes
performance artist Frank Moore (WI-CA) / Susan Block (WI)
50 votes
Michael A. "Mike" Peroutka (WI-MD)
23 votes
Sarah Palin (WI-AK)
18 votes
Jerome "Jerry" White (SE-MI) / Bill Van Auken (SE-NY)
18 votes
David L. Rice (WI-NV)
18 votes
President William J. "Bill" Clinton (WI-AR)
13 votes
Michael L. Faith (WI-OH)
12 votes
Blaine Taylor (WI-MD)
12 votes
Write-in candidate
Write-In Candidate
Write-in candidate
Write-In Candidate
Write-in candidate
Write-In Candidate
Write-in candidate
Write-In Candidate
Write-in candidate
Write-In Candidate
Write-in candidate
Write-In Candidate
Write-in candidate
Humanist Party
Write-in candidate
Write-In Candidate
Write-in candidate
Write-In Candidate
Kevin Mottus (WI-CA)
9 votes
Ronald C. Hobbs (WI-AK) / Thomas Earl Spruill Jr.
6 votes
David C. Bryne (WI-GA)
4 votes
Lynn A. Starr (WI-FL)
4 votes
Theodis "Ted" Brown, Sr. (WI-MO)
3 votes
Charles G. "Bud" Railey (WI-NV)
3 votes
Lanakila Washington (WI-NY)
3 votes
Lawson Mitchell Bone (WI-TN)
2 votes
author RaeDeen Heupel (WI-MT)
2 votes
Write-in candidate
Rebirth Party
Write-in candidate
Write-In Candidate
Write-in candidate
Write-In Candidate
Write-in candidate
Write-In Candidate
Write-in candidate
Write-In Candidate
Write-in candidate
Write-In Candidate
Write-in candidate
Write-In Candidate
Write-in candidate
Cool Rock Party
Jose M. Aparicio (WI-IL)
1 vote
James R. Germalic / Martin Wishnatsky
1 vote
Keith Russell Judd (WI-TX)
1 vote
Lou Kujawski (WI-OH),
1 vote
Curtis Montgomery (WI-MN)
Janice Montgomery

1 vote
John Leroy Plemons (WI-OH),
1 vote
Michael Skok (WI-NY)
1 vote
David Jon Sponheim (WI-WA)
1 vote
Write-in candidate
Write-In Candidates
Other Write-in votes 206,250 for 0.16%,
Steve Adams (WI-KY), Thomas Wayne Allen (WI-NC) Yul L. Anderson (WI-CA), Blake Ashby (WI-MO), Warren Roderick "Bob" "Warren G." Ashe (WI-VA), Mike Bay (WI), Citzen's Party candidate William David Beadles (WI-CA) Carl Durantye Belle (WI-AL), William F. Berg (WI-NY), Sheila Bilyeu (WI-VA), David Michael Bishop (WI-CA), Greg Black (WI-TX), John Douglas Blyth (WI-IL), Proudican Party nominee / businessman Bruce D. Bongardt (WI), John K. Bootie (WI-PA), An American Party candidate Matthew Jay Borman (A-FL), Jacques Yves "Chief Jack" Boulerice (WI), Clark B. Braxton (WI-CA), Webster B. Brooks III (WI-CT), Jeffrey Earl Brown (WI-OH), Robert Brown (WI-WV)
1 vote, Dan Byron Canfield (WI-AR), Jerry Leon Carroll (WI-CA), Myrtle Charlotte Montomery Carlyle (WI-CA), Real Food Party candidate James "Jimmy" Harlin Carter (WI-FL), Patrick Cazneau (WI-CA), Janice Marie Chase (WI-NV), Jeanne Chebib (WI-DC), Liza Dawn Cherricks (WI-DE), Andrew Clarke (WI-MI), Richard H. Clark (WI-MD), Todd Marvin Clayton, Jr (WI-WA), Don Cordell (WI-CA), Michael James Cortney (WI-WI), Eric L. Creviston (WI-IN), Claire Elisabeth Fields "America, Peach" Cruise (WI-GA), Hugh Cort, III (WI-AL), Balance Party candidate Orion Karl Daley (WI-NY), Christopher J. Dardzinski (WI-MI), Elvena E. "Pee Wee" Lloyd-Duffie (I-IL), Michael Christopher Dutcher (WI-MI), Earnest Lee Easton (WI-NE), Michael David Elder (WI-TX), Max Englerius (WI-WA), U.S. Marijuana Party candidate Cris Ericson (WI-VT), Nick Farmer (WI-IN), Clarita "Chi Chi" Fazzari (WI-CA), Vinnie Ferrari (WI-DC), Bennie Lee "Ben" Ferguson (WI-KS), Richard Earl Fleharty (WI-OK), Quay Fortuna (WI-IA), Elizabeth Mason Frothingham (WI-KS), Ronald "John Galt Jr." Gascon (WI-PA), attorney Ida Cecilia Garza (I-TX), Mark B. Graham (WI-FL), Peter Samuel "Pete" Grasso, Jr. (WI-VA), Jon A. Greenspon (WI-CA), United Fascist Union Party Jackson Kirk Grimes (WI-MD), American Independent Party candidate Dr. Don J. Grundmann (AI-CA), software developer Leonard F. Grundy (WI-NC), Leonard C. Habermehl (WI-KY), William Long Hale (WI-DC), Vincent S. Hamm (WI-CO), Alex Hammer (I-ME), Dennis M. Hanaghan (WI-OH), Bob W. Hargis (I-OK), Curtis Hayward (WI-TX), Ahmnodt Heare (WI), John Robert Henry (WI-PR), Cassandra Anna Hefton (WI-GA), Samuel B. Hoff (WI-DE), National Socialist Movement nominee Brian Holland (Nazi-VA), Yonyuth Hongsakaphadana (WI-MA), William Michael "Bill" Ingram (WI-WI), Independent American Party candidate Paul Jensen (IA-WI), Stanton T. Jolley (WI-CT), Arnold Matthew Jones (WI-UT), Robert Coleman Jorgensen, Jr. (WI-NC), Daniel Kingery (I-AZ), Steve Kissing (I-OH), Mark Klein (WI-CA), David A. Koch (WI-UT), William R. Koenig (WI-VA) withdrew, Thomas J. Kozee, Jr. (WI-OH), Yaphet Kotto (WI-CA), "Lou" Kujawski (R/WI-OH)
1 vote, Christopher Lafontaine (WI-VA), God Johan Josephe Lally (WI-VT), Jared Benjamin Lee (WI-UT), American New Genesis Party candidate Joseph Felix Leonaitis (WI-MS), Michael Stephen Levinson (WI-NY) Bradley K. "Brad" Lord-Leutwyler (WI-NV), farmer/rancher Ron Lowhorn (I), Steven Douglas Mabey (WI-UT), Thermodynamics Law Party candidate Doug MacDuff, Ph.D. (WI), '06 Senate candidate Kenneth A. "Ken" Marcure (WI-MT), West Marcus (WI-AL), inventor Joseph Martyniuk (WI-IL), Mike Benjamin Martisko (WI-PA), David J. Masters (WI-NC), Charles T. Maxham (WI-NJ), James H. McCall (WI-OH), Laura Jane McCumber (WI-TX), Denise McSheffrey (WI-MA), Megally Z. Megally (WI-CA), Joseph C. Miechowicz (WI-CA), Hubert Billy Miles, Jr. (WI-MO), Tom Millican (WI-NC), Omar Jones Monahan (WI-PA), Brian J. Moran (WI-AL), Michael Moriarty (WI-AL), Phillip W. Morrow (WI-TX) James Mote (WI), Sovereign American Party candidate Howard Louis Moxham (WI-FL), George C. Nelson (WI-CA), Alfred E. Neuman (WI), Sandra Queen Noble (WI-AL), Nobody (WI), Lawrence A. Obern (WI-MD), engineer Jerry Odom (I-KS), Joe Oliva (WI-NY), Free Party nominee Silver Persinger (WI-VA), New U.S. Party Matthew D. Pinnavaia (WI-CA), Jeffrey Charles "Petro" Petkevicius (WI-LA), Deshon "Big D" Porter Sr (WI-NJ), James Prattas (WI-HI), National Union party Madison Augustine Primus (WI-NY), '04 Gov candidate / '06 Gov. candidate Charles G. "Bud" Railey (WI-WV), Arthur J. Regan (WI-MA), Burton Rideway (WI-FL), Ralph Marshall Robinson (WI-IN), Paul Russell Rosenberger (WI-CA), Gary Rostad (WI-CA), Gary W. Ruff (WI-TX), prof. Jeffrey D. Sachs (WI-NY), Cameron Sadovsky (WI-TX), Larry Joseph Schuetter (WI-CA), Vampire, Witches & Pagan Party Jonathon A. "The Impaler" Sharkey (WI-NJ), Christopher Popham Smith (WI), Neo-Whig Party nominee Kip Smithy (WI-NV), Michael Sugerman (WI-CA), Charles Joseph Leo Symonds III (WI-CA), Jan Arden Sykes (WI-WV), Edward Anthony Szynalski (WI-IL), Nanci Jean Taylor (WI-FL), '96 & '04 nominee American Party nominee Diane Beall Templin (IA-CA) Independent American Ben Thompson (WI-MN), Linda A. Tompkins (WI-FL), American Fascist Party candidate Seth Tyrssen (WI), Light Party candidate Da Vid (WI-CA), Ray P. Vinzant, Sr (WI-AZ), Hugh Wallace (WI-NC), George Washington, Jr. (WI), James Louis Dezort Watchman (WI-OR), Family Value Party Thomas "Tom" Wells (WI-FL), '04 congressional candidate Lisa Weltman (WI-MI), Carl "Two Feathers" Whitaker (WI-TN), Jomo K. Manual Williams (WI-NY), Rick Williams (WI-TN), Kelcey Brian Wilson (WI-CA), Ruth Bryant White (WI-NV), Robert B. Winn (I-AZ), Gene Zarwell (WI-MD), General Zod (WI-TX),

1. Key to Predictions: D.C.'s Political Report
Campaign & Elections: Political Oddsmaker

2. Bold indicates incumbent. Yellow district indicates open races. Shaded boxes indicates winner. Red print indicates change in party control.

Copyright � 1998-2008 D.C. Finegold-Sachs.