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2010 Massachusetts Polls
Primary Polls
Last Updated on December 4, 2010
Race Republican Democrat Others Pollster Dates MoE
Governor Baker 30% Patrick 44% Cahill (I) 11% Western New England College 10/24-28/10 4.6% RV
Stein (G) 5%
Baker 37% Patrick 42% Cahill (I) 11% 5.2% LV
Stein (G) 3%
Baker 44% Patrick 46% Cahill (I) 6% Rasmussen Reports 10/27/10 4%
other 3%
Baker 40% Patrick 40% Cahill (I) 10% Public Opinion Strategies (R) 10/26-27/10 3.5%
Stein (G) 3%
Baker 39% Patrick 46% Cahill (I) 9% Suffolk Univ. 10/25-27/10 4.4%
Stein (G) 2%
Baker 39% Patrick 43% Cahill (I) 8% Univ. of NH 10/17-22/10 4.3%
Stein (G) 2%
other 1%
Baker 32% Patrick 45% Cahill (I) 11% Western New England College 10/16-21/10 4.5% RV
Stein (G) 4%
Baker 36% Patrick 44% Cahill (I) 8% 5% LV
Stein (G) 5%
Baker 42% Patrick 47% Cahill (I) 6% Rasmussen Reports 10/16/10 4%
other 3%
Baker 42% Patrick 35% Cahill (I) 10% Public Opinion Strategies (R) 10/11-13/10 3.4%
Baker 39% Patrick 46% Cahill (I) 10% Suffolk Univ. 10/10-12/10 4.4%
Stein (G) 1%
Baker 42% Patrick 47% Cahill (I) 6% Rasmussen Reports 9/28/10 4%
other 2%
Baker 33% Patrick 39% Cahill (I) 16% Western New England College 9/19-23/10 5%
Stein (G) 3%
Baker 34% Patrick 35% Cahill (I) 11% Univ. of NH 9/17-22/10 4.5%
Stein (G) 4%
other 2%
Baker 34% Patrick 41% Cahill (I) 14% Suffolk Univ. 9/16-19/10 4.4%
Stein (G) 4%
Baker 42% Patrick 45% Cahill (I) 5% Rasmussen Reports 9/15/10 4.5%
other 5%
Baker 34% Patrick 39% Cahill (I) 18% Rasmussen Reports 9/1/10 4.5%
other 1%
Baker 42% Patrick 44% Cahill (I) 8% w/ Lean
other 3%
Baker 28% Patrick 34% Cahill (I) 18% KRC/Communications Research 8/29-31/10 5%
Stein (G) 4%
Baker 32% Patrick 39% Cahill (I) 17% Public Opinion Strategies (R) 7/25-27/10 4.4%
Baker 25% Patrick 30% Cahill (I) 16% Opinion Dynamics 7/23-26/10 4.6%
Baker 42% Patrick 37%
Baker 32% Patrick 38% Cahill (I) 17% Rasmussen Reports 7/22/10 4.5%
Baker 31% Patrick 38% Cahill (I) 9% Univ. of NH 6/17-23/10 4.4%
Stein (G) 2%
Baker 34% Patrick 41% Cahill 16% Rasmussen Reports 6/21/10 4.5%
Baker 29% Patrick 42% Cahill 14% Suffolk Univ. 5/20-23/10 4.4%
Stein 8%
Baker 31% Patrick 45% Cahill 14% Rasmussen Reports 5/10/10 4.5%
Baker 27% Patrick 34% Cahill 29% Western New England College 4/11-15/10 4.5%
Baker 27% Patrick 35% Cahill 23% Rasmussen Reports 4/5/10 4.5%
Baker 32% Patrick 35% Cahill 19% Rasmussen Reports 3/8/10 4.5%
Baker 25% Patrick 33% Cahill 23% Suffolk Univ. 2/21-24/10 4.4%
Stein 3%
Baker 27% Patrick 29% Cahill 21% Public Policy Polling 1/7-9/10 3.6%
Baker 19% Patrick 30% Cahill 23% Univ. of NH 1/2-6/10 4.2%
other 1%
Baker 28% Patrick 33% Cahill 25% Rasmussen Reports 11/23/09 3.1%
Baker 15% Patrick 38% Cahill 26% Suffolk Univ. 11/4-8/09 4%
Baker 24% Patrick 34% Cahill 23% Rasmussen Reports 10/22/09 4.5%
Baker 14% Patrick 36% Cahill 23% Suffolk Univ. 9/12-15/09 4.4%
Baker 39% Patrick 40% other 7% Rasmussen Reports 8/20/09 4.5%
Baker 19% Patrick 20% Cahill 20% MassInsight 7/09 4.5%
Baker 35% Patrick 32%
Baker 20% Patrick 30% Cahill 30% University of New Hampshire 7/15-21/09 4.2%
other 4%
Baker 41% Patrick 35% other 4%
Baker 36% Patrick 41% other 12% Rasmussen Reports 6/24/09 4.4%
Race Republican Democrat Others Pollster Dates MoE
Senate Brown 56% Capuano 36% Public Policy Polling (D) 11/29-12/1/10 4.4%
Lynch 30% Capuano 49%
Markey 39% Capuano 49%
Kennedy 41% Capuano 48%
Patrick 42% Capuano 49%
Brown 48% Coakley 48% Kennedy 3% Research 2000 1/15-17/10 4%
Brown 52% Coakley 45% Kennedy 2% American Research Group 1/15-17/10 4%
Brown 52.2% Coakley 43.1% Kennedy 1.9% Insider Advantage 1/17/10 3.5%
Brown 51.9% Coakley 42.3% CrossTarget (R) 1/17/10 4.1%
Brown 51% Coakley 46% Public Policy Polling 1/16-17/10 2.8%
Brown 50.8% Coakley 41.2% Kennedy 1.8% Merriman River Group 1/15/10 4.1%
Brown 54% Coakley 39% CrossTarget (R) 1/14/10 3.2%
Brown 48% Coakley 45% Kennedy 2% American Research Group 1/12-14/10 3%
Brown 47% Coakley 44% Kennedy ?% Mellman (D) 1/11-14/10 3.5%
Brown 41% Coakley 49% Kennedy 5% Research 2000 1/12-13/10 4%
Brown 50% Coakley 46% Kennedy 3% Suffolk University 1/11-13/10 4.4%
Brown 47% Coakley 49% Kennedy 3% Rasmussen Reports 1/11/10 3%
Brown 36% Coakley 50% Kennedy 6% Mellman (D) 1/8-10/10 3.5%
Brown 48% Coakley 47% Public Policy Polling 1/7-9/10 3.6%
Brown 35% Coakley 50% Kennedy 5% Univ. of NH 1/2-6/10 4.2%
Brown 36% Coakley 53% Kennedy 5% w/ Lean
Brown 41% Coakley 50% other 1% Rasmussen Reports 1/4/10 4.5%
Brown 27% Coakley 58% Suffolk Univ. 11/4-8/09 4%
Brown 29% Coakley 55% WNEC 10/18-22 4.5% RV
Brown 24% Coakley 54% Suffolk Univ. 9/12-15/09 4.4%
Race Republican Democrat Others Pollster Dates MoE
House 4 Bielat 33% Frank 46% other 10% Univ. of NH 10/17-22/10 5%
Bielat 37.3% Frank 49% Fleming & Assoc. 10/14-17/10 4.9%
Bielat 37% Frank 56% Kiley & Co. (D) 10/13-14/10 4.4%
Bielat 38% Frank 48% OnMessage Inc (R) 9/15-16/10 4.9%
Race Republican Democrat Others Pollster Dates MoE
House 10 Perry 45% Keating 43% NMB Research (R) 10/20-21/10 4.9%
Perry 33% Keating 37% Lewis (I) 3% Univ. of NH 10/17-22/10 5.2%
Sheets (I) 2%
Perry 43% Keating 46% other 5% MassInc. 10/13-15/10 4.9%
Perry 44% Keating 42% NMB Research (R) 10/6-7/10 4.9%
Republican 45% Democrat 40%
Race Republican Democrat Others Pollster Dates MoE
Generic House Republican 35% Democratic 47% other 1% Univ. of NH 10/17-22/10 4.3%
Republican 34% Democratic 45% other 3% UNH Survey Center 9/17-22/10 4.5%
Republican 27% Democratic 42% other 6% Univ. of NH 6/17-23/10 4.4%
Republican 33% Democratic 42% Suffolk Univ. 2/21-24/10 4.4%
Republican 21% Democratic 45% Tea Party 13%
Race Republican Democrat Others Pollster Dates MoE
Coakley 56% McKenna 35% other 2% Univ. of NH 10/17-22/10 4.3%
Race Republican Democrat Others Pollster Dates MoE
Auditor Connaughton 32% Bump 33% other 2% Univ. of NH 10/17-22/10 4.3%
Race Republican Democrat Others Pollster Dates MoE
Treasurer Polito 28% Grossman 32% other 1% Univ. of NH 10/17-22/10 4.3%
Polito 28% Grossman 32% Suffolk Univ. 2/21-24/10 4.4%
Race Republican Democrat Others Pollster Dates MoE
President Gingrich 33% Obama 57% Public Policy Polling (D) 11/29-12/1/10 4.4%
Huckabee 33% Obama 57%
Palin 32% Obama 61%
Romney 43% Obama 52%


Key to State Political Parties:
(D) = Democratic Party
(G) = Green Party
(L) = Libertarian Party
(R) = Republican Party
(WF) = Working Families Party

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