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2010 Kentucky Polls
Primary Polls
Last Updated on November 18, 2010
Race Republican Democrat Others Pollster Dates MoE
Senate Paul 55% Conway 40% Public Policy Polling (D) 10/28-30/10 3.1%
Paul 47% Conway 44% YouGov 10/25-28/10 3.1% RV
Paul 52% Conway 44% 3.4% LV
Paul 46.5% Conway 39% Braun Research 10/25-27/10 3.5%
Paul 53% Conway 41% other 2% Rasmussen Reports 10/27/10 4%
Paul 52% Conway 43% SurveyUSA 10/24-27/10 4%
Paul 46% Conway 44% other 1% Opinion Research 10/20-26/10 2.5% RV
Paul 50% Conway 43% other <1% 3.5% LV
Paul 53% Conway 40% Public Policy Polling (D) 10/21-24/10 3.3%
Paul 50% Conway 43% other 2% Pulse Opinion Research 10/23/10 3.1%
Paul 48% Conway 43% Mason-Dixon 10/18-19/10 3.9%
Paul 47% Conway 42% other 4% Rasmussen Reports 10/18/10 4.5%
Paul 47% Conway 49% Bennett, Petts and Normington (D) 10/17-18/10 4%
Paul 43.4% Conway 39.5% Braun Research 10/4-6/10 3.5%
Paul 49% Conway 38% other 5% Rasmussen Reports 9/29/10 4.5%
Paul 49% Conway 47% SurveyUSA 9/21-23/10 4%
Paul 45% Conway 42% Benenson Strategy Group (D) 9/20-22/10 3.7%
Paul 49% Conway 42% Public Policy Polling (D) 9/11-12/10 3.2%
Paul 47% Conway 45% Benenson Strategy Group (D) 9/7-9/10 3.5%
Paul 46% Conway 46% other <1% Opinion Research Corp. 9/2-7/10 3.5%
Paul 51% Conway 38% other 3% Rasmussen Reports 9/7/10 4.5%
Paul 54% Conway 39% other 2% w/ Lean
Paul 48% Conway 45% Anzalone Liszt Research (D) 8/10 3.5%
Paul 55% Conway 40% SurveyUSA 8/30-9/1/10 4.2%
Paul 42.1% Conway 37.4% Braun Research 8/30-9/1/10 3.5%
Paul 41.2% Conway 41.7% Braun Research 8/16-18/10 3.5%
Paul 49% Conway 40% other 4% Rasmussen Reports 8/17/10 4.5%
Paul 51% Conway 41% other 3% w/ Lean
Paul 40% Conway 40% Ipsos 8/13-15/10 4% RV
Paul 45% Conway 40% 4.7% LV
Paul 40.6% Conway 31.4% Braun Research 8/2-4/10 3.5%
Paul 51% Conway 43% SurveyUSA 7/27-29/10 4.2%
Paul 41.2% Conway 37.9% Braun Research 7/19-21/10 3.5%
Paul 49% Conway 41% other 4% Rasmussen Reports 7/20/10 4%
Paul 43% Conway 43% Public Policy Polling (D) 6/28-30/10 3.9%
Paul 46% Conway 48% Benenson Strategy Group (D) 6/26-29/10 3.5%
Paul 49% Conway 42% other 3% Rasmussen Reports 6/28/10 4.5%
Paul 49% Conway 41% other 4% Rasmussen Reports 6/1/10 4.5%
Paul 51% Conway 45% SurveyUSA 5/25-27/10 4.2%
Paul 44% Conway 41% Research 2000 5/24-26/10 4%
Paul 59% Conway 34% other 4% Rasmussen Reports 5/19/10 4.5%
Paul 42% Conway 39% Research 2000 5/10-12/10 4%
Paul 41% Conway 40% Public Policy Polling (D) 5/1-2/10 3.2%
Paul 47% Conway 38% other 4% Rasmussen Reports 4/28/10 4.5%
Paul 50% Conway 36% other 3% Rasmussen Reports 3/31/10 4.5%
Paul 45% Conway 39% Research 2000 3/15-17/10 4%
Paul 49% Conway 34% other 4% Rasmussen Reports 3/2/10 4.5%
Paul 47% Conway 39% other 3% Rasmussen Reports 2/2/10 4.5%
Paul 46% Conway 38% other 4% Rasmussen Reports 1/6/10 4.5%
Paul 42% Conway 36% Public Policy Polling (D) 12/18-21/09 4%
Paul 39% Conway 44% SurveyUSA 10/30-11/2/09 2.4%
Paul 38% Conway 42% other 4% Rasmussen Reports 9/30/09 4.5%
Paul 37% Conway 41% Research 2000 8/31-9/2/09 4%
Paul 38% Conway 43% SurveyUSA 8/15-17/09 2.3%
Race Republican Democrat Others Pollster Dates MoE
House 3 Lally 46% Yarmuth 50% Hansen (I) 1% SurveyUSA 10/21-25/10 4%
Martin (L) 2%
Lally 37% Yarmuth 41% Rivercity (R) 10/19-23/10 6.3%
Lally 31% Yarmuth 58% Hansen (I) 2% Braun Research 10/18-19/10 4.4%
Martin (L) 2%
Lally 30% Yarmuth 53% Hansen (I) 5% Braun Research 9/20-21/10 4.4%
Martin (L) 1%
Lally 45% Yarmuth 47% Hansen (I) 1% SurveyUSA 8/27-30/10 4.3%
Martin (L) 1%
Lally 29% Yarmuth 52% Hansen (I) 1% Braun Research 8/9-10/10 4.4%
Martin (L) 0%
Lally 32% Yarmuth 58% Cooper & Secrest Assoc. (D) 7/21-23/10 4.1%
Against Yarmuth 28% For Yarmuth 26% Depends 45% SurveyUSA 4/9-12/10 2.4%
Against Yarmuth 23% For Yarmuth 27% Depends 48% SurveyUSA 3/8-11/10 2.2%
Race Republican Democrat Others Pollster Dates MoE
House 6 Barr 42.3% Chandler 46.6% Braun Research 10/20-21/10 4.3%
Barr 44% Chandler 48% Mason-Dixon 10/15-19/10 4.5%
Barr 48% Chandler 47% Tarrance Group (R) 10/4-5/10 4.9%
Barr 40% Chandler 52% Mellman Group (D) 9/29-30/10 4.9%
Barr 36.5% Chandler 50.7% Braun Research 9/21-22/10 4.4%
Barr 42% Chandler 49% Tarrance Group (R) 9/20-21/10 4.9%
Barr 33% Chandler 53% Mellman Group (D) 9/13-14/10 4.9%
Barr 38% Chandler 52% Grove Insight (D) 9/7-9/10 4.9%
Barr 32.2% Chandler 46.1% Braun Research Inc 7/26-27/10 4.4%
Barr 38% Chandler 45% Tarrance Group (R) 5/24-25 4.9%
Race Republican Democrat Others Pollster Dates MoE
Republican 48.9% Democrat 36.8% Neither 5.8% Braun Research 10/25-27/10 3.5%
Republican 47.0% Democrat 37.4% Neither 6.1% Braun Research 10/4-6/10 3.5%
Republican 45.4% Democrat 36.5% Neither 8.7% Braun Research 8/30-9/1/10 3.5%
Race Republican Democrat Others Pollster Dates MoE
President Republican 59% Obama 34% Public Policy Polling (D) 10/28-30/10 3.1%
Huckabee 26%
Palin 19%
Gingrich 17%
Romney 13%
Pawlenty 1%
Pence 2%
Daniels 4%
Thune 0%
other 16%
Huckabee 25%
Gingrich 23%
Palin 20%
Romney 16%
Paul 8%
Public Policy Polling (D) 5/15-16/10 3%
Huckabee 24%
Palin 24%
Gingrich 18%
Romney 13%
Paul 6%
Public Policy Polling (D) 5/1-2/10 5.1%
Palin 28%
Huckabee 24%
Romney 16%
Gingrich 12%
Paul 4%
Pawlenty 2%
Magellan Data and Mapping Strategies (R) 2/18/10 4.1%
Race Republican Democrat Others Pollster Dates MoE
Governor Williams 35% Beshear 44% Public Policy Polling (D) 10/28-30/10 3.1%
Moffett 26% Beshear 45%
Williams 30% Beshear 45% Galbraith 5% Mason-Dixon 10/18-19/10 4%
Moffett 24% Beshear 43% Galbraith 6%
Williams 39% Beshear 44% Public Policy Polling (D) 9/11-12/10 3.2%
Moffett 28% Beshear 46%
Williams 37.7% Beshear 44.0% Someone else 3.1% Braun Research 8/30-9/1/10 3.5%
Moffett 28.4% Beshear 48.6% Someone else 3.0%
Grayson 38% Beshear 41% Rasmussen Reports 6/28-30/10 3.9%
Farmer 40% Beshear 39%
Republican 44% Beshear 35%
Farmer 37% Beshear 44% Research 2000 5/2-4/10 4.5%
Beshear 55%
Stumbo 28%
Republican 44% Beshear 35% Public Policy Polling (D) 5/1-2/10 3.2%


Key to State Political Parties:
(D) = Democratic Party (R) = Republican Party

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