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2010 Florida Polls
Primary Polls
Last Updated on November 12, 2010
Race Republican Democrat Others Pollster Dates MoE
Governor Scott 46% Sink 49% other 5% Susquehanna (R) 10/29-31/10 2.5%
Scott 43% Sink 44% other 4% Quinnipiac Univ. 10/25-31/10 3.2%
Scott 47% Sink 48% Public Policy Polling (D) 10/30-31/10 3.5%
Scott 42.7% Sink 42.3% other 3.5% YouGov 10/28-31/10 4.9% RV
Scott 45.2% Sink 44.6% other 2.9% 5.5% LV
Scott 43% Sink 46% other 4% Mason-Dixon 10/25-27/10 4%
Scott 44% Sink 39% other 6% Univ. of South Florida 10/23-27/10 4%
Scott 48% Sink 45% other 3% Rasmussen Reports 10/27/10 4%
Scott 41% Sink 45% other 2% Quinnipiac Univ. 10/18-24/10 3.5%
Scott 47% Sink 45% other 7% Susquehanna (R) 10/24-25/10 2.5%
Scott 38.5% Sink 43.1% other 7.6% Zogby International 10/18-21/10 3.5%
Scott 43% Sink 40% other 3% Ipsos Public Affairs 10/15-19/10 3.5% RV
Scott 44% Sink 41% other 3% 4.1% LV
Scott 45% Sink 45% other 8% Susquehanna (R) 10/20/10 2.5%
Scott 44% Sink 49% other <1% Opinion Research Corp. 10/15-19/10 2.5% RV
Scott 49% Sink 46% other 1% 3.5% LV
Scott 50% Sink 44% other 6% Rasmussen Reports 10/18/10 4%
Scott 38% Sink 45% Allen (Ind) 2% Suffolk Univ. 10/14-17/10 4.4%
Imperato (I) 1%
Reed (I) 1%
Khavari (I) <1%
Arth (I) 0%
Scott 45% Sink 48% Susquehanna (R) 10/12-13/10 2.2%
Scott 41% Sink 47% Schroth Eldon & Assoc. (D) 10/9-12/10 3.7%
Scott 41% Sink 46% Public Policy Polling (D) 10/9-10/10 4.6%
Scott 45% Sink 44% other 2% Quinnipiac Univ. 10/6-10/10 3%
Scott 50% Sink 47% other 3% Rasmussen Reports 10/7/10 4%
Scott 40% Sink 44% Allen (Ind) 2% Mason-Dixon 10/4-6/10 4%
Arth (I) 1%
Imperato (I) <1%
Khavari (I) <1%
Reed (I) <1%
Scott 44% Sink 42% Susquehanna (R) 9/28-10/3/10 3.1%
Scott 46% Sink 42% Public Opinion Strategies 9/27-30/10 3.5%
Scott 46% Sink 41% other 5% Rasmussen Reports 9/30/10 4%
Scott 52% Sink 46% Miami-Dade College 9/23-30/10 4.4%
Scott 38.5% Sink 41.1% other 5% Zogby International 9/27-29/10 4%
Scott 44% Sink 45% other 2% Hamilton Campaigns (D) 9/23-29/10 3.1%
Scott 49% Sink 43% other 1% Quinnipiac Univ. 9/23-28/10 2.9%
Scott 45% Sink 46% other <1% Opinion Research Corp. 9/24-28/10 2.5% RV
Scott 47% Sink 45% other 1% 3.5% LV
Scott 50% Sink 44% other 6% Rasmussen Reports 9/22/10 4%
Scott 40% Sink 47% Allen (Ind) 1% Mason-Dixon 9/20-22/10 4%
Arth (I) 1%
Imperato (I) <1%
Khavari (I) <1%
Reed (I) <1%
Scott 41% Sink 45% other 1% Ipsos 9/10-12/10 4% RV
Scott 47% Sink 45% other <1% 4.6% LV
Scott 41% Sink 49% other 5% Pulse Opinion Research 9/11/10 3.1%
Scott 42% Sink 44% Susquehanna (R) 9/1-7/10 3.1%
Scott 42% Sink 49% other <1% Opinion Research Corp. 9/2-7/10 3.3%
Scott 45% Sink 44% other 9% Rasmussen Reports 9/1/10 4%
Scott 47% Sink 48% other 4% w/ Lean
Scott 41% Sink 36% Chiles 8% Rasmussen Reports 8/25/10 4%
other 5%
Scott 45% Sink 42% Chiles 4% w/ Lean
other 6%
Scott 34% Sink 41% Chiles 8% Public Policy Polling (D) 8/21-22/10 4.1%
Scott 29% Sink 33% Chiles 12% Quinnipiac Univ. 8/11-16/10 3%
other 1%
Scott 24% Sink 40% Chiles 17% Mason-Dixon 8/9-11/10 4%
Scott 30% Sink 29% Chiles 14% Ipsos 8/6-10/10 4%
other 1%
Scott 33% Sink 31% Chiles 17% w/ Lean
other 1%
Scott 35% Sink 31% Chiles 16% Rasmussen Reports 8/2/10 4%
other 6%
Scott 30% Sink 28% Chiles 11% Univ. of S. FL. Polytechnic 7/24-28/10 4%
Scott 27% Sink 29% Chiles 14% Quinnipiac Univ. 7/22-27/10 3.2%
other 2%
Scott 30% Sink 36% Chiles 13% Public Policy Polling (D) 7/16-18/10 3.3%
Scott 34% Sink 31% Chiles 12% Ipsos 7/9-11/10 4%
other 1%
Scott 30% Sink 26% Chiles 15% Cherry Communication 6/9-13/10 4%
Scott 42% Sink 32% other 2% Quinnipiac Univ. 6/1-7/10 2.9%
Scott 35% Sink 26% Chiles 13% 4.7%
Scott 45% Sink 40% other 3% Rasmussen Reports 6/7/10 4.5%
Scott 41% Sink 40% other 7% Rasmussen Reports 5/16/10 4.5%
Scott 36% Sink 38% Mason-Dixon 5/3-5/10 4%
Race Republican Democrat Others Pollster Dates MoE
Senate Rubio 48% Meek 20% Crist 31% Susquehanna (R) 10/29-31/10 2.5%
Rubio 45% Meek 18% Crist 31% Quinnipiac Univ. 10/25-31/10 3.2%
other 1%
Rubio 47% Meek 21% Crist 30% Public Policy Polling (D) 10/30-31/10 3.5%
Rubio 51% Meek 42%
Rubio 47% Crist 48%
Rubio 42.5% Meek 15.1% Crist 33.5% YouGov 10/28-31/10 4.9% RV
other 0.8%
Rubio 45.5% Meek 15.2% Crist 34.1% 5.5% LV
other 1.1%
Rubio 45% Meek 21% Crist 28% Mason-Dixon 10/25-27/10 4%
Rubio 50% Meek 16% Crist 30% Rasmussen Reports 10/27/10 4%
other 1%
Rubio 47% Meek 23% Crist 27% Susquehanna (R) 10/26-27/10 2.5%
Rubio 42% Meek 15% Crist 35% Quinnipiac Univ. 10/18-24/10 3.5%
other 1%
Rubio 39.6% Meek 18.1% Crist 33.3% Zogby International 10/18-21/10 3.5%
other 1%
Rubio 36% Meek 21% Crist 28% Ipsos Public Affairs 10/15-19/10 3.5% RV
Snitker (L) 0%
other 1%
Rubio 41% Meek 20% Crist 26% 4.1% LV
Snitker (L) 0%
other 1%
Rubio 39% Meek 23% Crist 32% Opinion Research Corp. 10/15-19/10 2.5% RV
Rubio 46% Meek 20% Crist 32% 3.5% LV
Rubio 43% Meek 20% Crist 32% Rasmussen Reports 10/18/10 4%
other 2%
Rubio 39% Meek 22% Crist 31% Suffolk Univ. 10/14-17/10 4.4%
Snitker (L) 2%
Armstrong (I) <1%
DeCastro (C) <1%
Tyler (I) <1%
Askeland (I) 0%
Riggs (I) 0%
Bean (I) 0%
Rubio 45% Meek 22% Crist 29% Susquehanna (R) 10/6-10/10 2.9%
Rubio 44% Meek 22% Crist 30% Quinnipiac Univ. 10/6-10/10 3%
Rubio 44% Meek 21% Crist 33% Public Policy Polling (D) 10/9-10/10 4.6%
Rubio 46% Crist 46%
Rubio 48% Meek 41%
Rubio 50% Meek 19% Crist 25% Rasmussen Reports 10/7/10 4%
other 3%
Rubio 42% Meek 21% Crist 27% Mason-Dixon 10/4-6/10 4%
Snitker (L) <1%
DeCastro (C) <1%
Armstrong (I) <1%
Askeland (I) <1%
Bean (I) <1%
Riggs (I) <1%
Tyler (I) <1%
Rubio 40% Meek 16% Crist 33% Public Opinion Strategies 9/27-30/10 3.5%
Rubio 46.3% Meek 25.7% Crist 26.6% Miami-Dade College 9/23-30/10 4.4%
Rubio 39.2% Meek 17.6% Crist 33% Zogby International 9/27-29/10 3.5%
other 1.5%
Rubio 46% Meek 18% Crist 33% Quinnipiac Univ. 9/23-28/10 2.9%
Rubio 38% Meek 25% Crist 31% Opinion Research Corp. 9/24-28/10 2.5% RV
other 1%
Rubio 42% Meek 23% Crist 31% 3.5% LV
other 1%
Rubio 41% Meek 21% Crist 30% Rasmussen Reports 9/28/10 4%
other 3%
Rubio 40% Meek 23% Crist 28% Mason-Dixon 9/20-22/10 4%
Snitker (L) <1%
DeCastro (C) <1%
Armstrong (I) <1%
Askeland (I) <1%
Bean (I) <1%
Riggs (I) <1%
Tyler (I) <1%
Rubio 41% Meek 23% Crist 30% Rasmussen Reports 9/14/10 4%
other 2%
Rubio 32% Meek 22% Crist 29% Ipsos 9/10-12/10 4% RV
Rubio 39% Crist 50%
Rubio 40% Meek 21% Crist 26% 4.6% LV
Rubio 46% Crist 45%
Rubio 43% Meek 21% Crist 27% Pulse Opinion Research 9/11/10 3.1%
other 4%
Rubio 43% Meek 23% Crist 29% Susquehanna (R) 9/1-5, 7/10 3.1%
Rubio 36% Meek 24% Crist 34% Opinion Research Corp. 9/2-7/10 3.3%
Rubio 34% Meek 17% Crist 35% FrederickPolls 8/28-31/10 4.4%
Rubio 40% Meek 21% Crist 30% Rasmussen Reports 8/25/10 4%
other 4%
Rubio 40% Meek 17% Crist 32% Public Policy Polling (D) 8/21-22/10 4.1%
Snitker (L) 3%
Rubio 32% Meek 16% Crist 39% Quinnipiac Univ. 8/11-16/10 3%
other 1%
Rubio 38% Meek 18% Crist 33% Mason-Dixon 8/9-11/10 4%
Rubio 29% Meek 17% Crist 33% Ipsos 8/6-10/10 4%
Snitker (L) 0%
other 1%
Rubio 33% Meek 19% Crist 38% w/ Lean
Snitker (L) 0%
other 1%
Rubio 38% Meek 21% Crist 33% Rasmussen Reports 8/9/10 4%
other 1%
Rubio 36% Meek 16% Crist 38% McLaughlin & Associates 7/31-8/1/10 4%
Rubio 30% Meek 12% Crist 41% Univ. of S. FL. Polytechnic 7/24-28/10 4%
Rubio 33% Meek 13% Crist 39% Quinnipiac Univ. 7/22-27/10 3.2%
other 1%
Rubio 35% Meek 20% Crist 33% Rasmussen Reports 7/21/10 4%
other 3%
Rubio 29% Meek 17% Crist 35% Public Policy Polling (D) 7/16-18/10 3.3%
Snitker (L) 4%
Rubio 28% Meek 17% Crist 35% Ipsos 7/7-11/10 4%
other 1%
Rubio 36% Meek 15% Crist 34% Rasmussen Reports 7/6/10 4.5%
Rubio 31% Meek 14% Crist 42% Cherry Communication 6/9-13/10 4%
Rubio 33% Meek 17% Crist 37% Quinnipiac Univ. 6/1-7/10 2.9%
Rubio 37% Meek 15% Crist 37% Rasmussen Reports 6/7/10 4.5%
Rubio 32% Meek 9% Crist 40% Telsel Inc. 5/14-18/10 4.4%
Snitker 2.5%
Rubio 33.5% Meek 9.5% Crist 40% 4.6% LV
Snitker 2.5%
Rubio 27% Meek 15% Crist 30% Ipsos Public Affairs 5/14-18/10 4%
other 2%
Rubio 39% Meek 18% Crist 31% Rasmussen Reports 5/16/10 4.5%
Rubio 32% Meek 19% Crist 38% Mason-Dixon 5/3-5/10 3.9%
Rubio 34% Meek 17% Crist 38% Rasmussen Reports 5/3/10 4.5%
Rubio 28% Meek 23% Crist 36% Public Opinion Strategies (R), 4/26-27/10 3.4%
Rubio 29% Meek 15% Crist 33% McLaughlin & Associates 4/24-25/10 4%
Rubio 37% Meek 22% Crist 30% Rasmussen Reports 4/21/10 4.5%
Crist 48% Meek 34% other 2% Quinnipiac Univ. 4/8-13/10 2.8%
Rubio 42% Meek 38% other 1%
Rubio 30% Meek 24% Crist (I) 32%
Crist 50% Meek 26% Mason Dixon 3/23-25/10 4%
Rubio 44% Meek 29%
Rubio 41% Meek 25% Crist (I) 22% Rasmussen Reports 3/18/10 3%
Rubio 48% Meek 34% other 6%
Crist 45% Meek 34% other 11%
Rubio 32% Meek 27% Crist 29% Research 2000 3/15-17/10 4%
Crist 45% Meek 36%
Rubio 41% Meek 40%
Rubio 40% Crist 38%
Rubio 34% Meek 25% Crist 27% Public Policy Polling (D) 3/5-8/10 3.4%
Rubio 44% Meek 39%
Crist 46% Meek 33%
Rubio 43% Crist 34%
Crist 48% Meek 32% other 11% Rasmussen Reports 2/18/10 3%
Rubio 51% Meek 31% other 7%
Crist 48% Meek 33% other 10% Rasmussen Reports 1/27/10 3%
Rubio 49% Meek 32% other 6%
Rubio 32% Meek 24% Crist (I) 26% Fabrizio, McLaughlin & Assoc. (R) 1/27-28/10 3.5%
Crist 47% Meek 29%
Rubio 42% Meek 30%
Crist 48% Meek 36% other 1% Quinnipiac Univ. 1/20-24/10 2.4%
Rubio 35% Meek 44% other 1%
Crist 36% Meek 34% YouGov 1/6-11/10 4.5%
Rubio 33% Meek 40%
Crist 42% Meek 36% other 11% Rasmussen Reports 12/14/09 3%
Rubio 49% Meek 35% other 4%
Rubio 27% Meek 31% Crist (I) 32% Research 2000 11/16-18/09 4%
Rubio 30% Meek 38%
Crist 50% Meek 33%
Rubio 34% Crist (D) 45%
Crist 46% Meek 34% other 9% Rasmussen Reports 10/20/09 3%
Rubio 46% Meek 31% other 8%
Crist 51% Meek 31% other 1% Quinnipiac Univ. 10/12-18/09 3%
Rubio 32% Meek 34% other 1%
Crist 47% Meek 31% Feldman Group (D) 9/23-28/09 3.5%
Crist 48% Meek 29% other 10% Rasmussen Reports 8/17/09 3%
Rubio 43% Meek 30% other 8%
Crist 48% Meek 26% Mason-Dixon 6/24-26/09 4%
Crist 56% Meek 28% Rasmussen Reports 6/22/09 4.4%
Crist 59% Meek 29% Strategic Vision (R) 5/29-31/09 2.8%
Rubio 31% Meek 30%
Crist 55% Meek 24% Mason-Dixon 5/14-18/09 3.9%
Crist 60% Meek 26% Strategic Vision (R) 2/6-8/09 3%
Rubio 26% Meek 24%
Crist 49% Meek 28% Research 2000 1/26-28/09 4%
Race Republican Democrat Others Pollster Dates MoE
House 2 Southerland 50% Boyd 38% other 2% Penn Schoen Berland (D) 10/16-19/10 4.9%
Southerland 50% Boyd 38% Berryhill (I) 3% Voter Survey Service (R) 10/14-17/10 3.4%
McKain (Whig) 2%
Southerland 52% Boyd 37% Tarrance Group (R) 4/12-13/10 5.7%
New Person 61% Boyd 26%
Republican 48% Democrat 35%
Race Republican Democrat Others Pollster Dates MoE
House 8 Webster 48% Grasyon 41% Dunmire (Tea) 4% Voter Survey Service (R) 10/22-25/10 3.5%
Metcalfe (I) 1%
Webster 46% Grasyon 30% OnMessage (R) 10/??/10 4.9%
Webster 43% Grasyon 36% Dunmire (Tea) 6% Voter Survey Service 9/25-27/10 4.1%
Metcalfe (I) 3%
others 2%
Webster 27% Grasyon 40% others 23% Public Policy Polling (D) 8/23-25/10 2.4%
Race Republican Democrat Others Pollster Dates MoE
House 10 Young 49% Justice 34% Anzalone Liszt Research (D) 4/5-8/10 4.9%
Young 47% someone new 41%
Race Republican Democrat Others Pollster Dates MoE
House 12 Ross 32% Edwards 35% Wilkinson (Tea) 20% Greenberg Quinlan Rosner Research (D) 7/26-28/10 4.9%
Ross 42% Edwards 46% Greenberg Quinlan Rosner Research (D) 11/17-19/09 4.9%
Race Republican Democrat Others Pollster Dates MoE
House 22 West 47% Klein 44% Voter Survey Service (R) 10/17-19/10 3.5%
West 43% Klein 48% Harstad Strategic Research (D) 9/20-22/10 4.4%
West 48% Klein 42% Wilson Research Strategies (R) 9/20-22/10 5.7%
Republican 47% Democrat 34%
Replace 27% re-elect 23% consider
another 35%
West 40% Klein 48% Anzalone Liszt Research (D) 9/14-16/10 4.4%
West 44% Klein 42% Wilson Research Strategies (R) 4/18-19/10 4.9%
Race Republican Democrat Others Pollster Dates MoE
House 24 Adams 43% Kosmas 45% Hamilton Campaigns (D) 9/22-23/10 4.9%
Adams 49% Kosmas 39% Fabrizio Mclaughlin & Associates (R) 9/22-23/10 4.9%
Adams 49% Kosmas 37% Public Opinion Strategies (R) 8/31-9/1/10 4.9%
Republican 51% Democrat 33%
Adams 49% Kosmas 43% Hamilton Campaigns (D) 8/10 4.9%
Race Republican Democrat Others Pollster Dates MoE
House 25 Rivera 44% Garcia 43% Arrojo (TEA) 6% Susquehanna (R) 10/25-26/10 3.7%
Porter (Whig) 2%
Rivera 33% Garcia 40% Arrojo (TEA) 7% Greenberg Quinlan Rosner (D) 9/12-19/10 4.9%
Porter (Whig) 2%
Rivera 35% Garcia 38% Benenson Strategy Group (D) 3/24-27/10 4.8%
Race Republican Democrat Others Pollster Dates MoE
Generic House Republican 51.2% Democrat 30.5% other 2.7% YouGov 10/28-31/10 4.9% RV
Republican 54.9% Democrat 32.5% other 3.0% 5.5% LV
Republican 47% Democrat 41% Public Policy Polling (D) 10/9-10/10 4.6%
Republican 46% Democrat 46% YouGov 1/6-11/10 4.5%
Republican 35% Democrat 33% other 9% Zogby International 12/7-11/09 3.5%
Race Republican Democrat Others Pollster Dates MoE
Bondi 44% Gelber 36% Ipsos Public Affairs 10/15-19/10 4.1%
Bondi 38% Gelber 30% Lewis (I) 7% Suffolk Univ. 10/16-17/10 4.4%
Bondi 50% Gelber 42% Susquehanna (R) 10/6-12/10 2.2%
Bondi 38% Gelber 26% Public Opinion Strategies 9/27-30/10 3.5%
Race Republican Democrat Others Pollster Dates MoE
Chief Financial Officer Atwater 45% Ausley 32% Ipsos Public Affairs 10/15-19/10 4.1%
Atwater 38% Ausley 24% Public Opinion Strategies 9/27-30/10 3.5%
Race Republican Democrat Others Pollster Dates MoE
Putnam 44% Maddox 33% Ipsos Public Affairs 10/15-19/10 4.1%
Putnam 36% Maddox 28% Public Opinion Strategies 9/27-30/10 3.5%
Race Republican Democrat Others Pollster Dates MoE
President Republican 54% Obama 40% Public Policy Polling (D) 10/30-31/10 3.5%
Romney 28%
Palin 22%
Gingrich 15%
Huckabee 15%
Pawlenty 4%
Pence 2%
Daniels 1%
Thune 1%
other 12%
Romney 31%
Gingrich 23%
Palin 23%
Huckabee 15%
Paul 6%
Public Policy Polling 7/16-18/10 4.4%
Romney 52%
Huckabee 21%
Palin 18%
Public Policy Polling 3/5-8/10 4.4%
Race Republican Democrat Others Pollster Dates MoE
Limbaugh 36% Nelson 50% Public Policy Polling (D), 10/9-10/10 4.6%
Mack 33% Nelson 42%
Bush 44% Nelson 46% Public Policy Polling (D), 7/16-18/10 3.3%
LeMieux 28% Nelson 49%
Bush 50% Nelson 35% Mason-Dixon 3/23-25/10 4%
Crist 47% Nelson 37%
Rubio 42% Nelson 38%


Key to State Political Parties:
(D) = Democratic Party
(I) = independent candidate
(R) = Republican Party

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